Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Your souls eternally bound in love- This witchy Halloween wedding script includes a love spell, simple ring exchange, handfasting, casting circle, and natural elements honoring the Pagan Samhain and autumn season. Customize with campy vamp vibes, vintage movie quotes, blessing, or traditional Wiccan wedding altar.
Add a Pagan blessing to this ceremony:
Learn how to plan and officiate a Samhain / Halloween wedding:
Officiant to Reception
Friends, we gather on this hallowed night, at the edge of this world and next, to witness the union of two loving souls.
Tonight the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. We stand where flesh and magic meet, in the company of friends and spirits.
______ and ______ have chosen tonight for this reason, to cast a bond for all eternity. A bond that even death won’t break.
As autumn burns brightly with every color of the flame, it’s bounty slips quietly into the serenity of winter, and then, like a sweet, slow breath, exhales, into what waits beyond.
We are part of the natural world. Our seasons are brief. But where the physical plane gives way to spirit -- love moves like breath.
Love is woven in the wind. Unending. Eternal.
Officiant to Couple
______ and ______, are you ready to marry?
And have you come of your own will, compelled by love only?
Officiant to Couple
Then let us cast the spell. Repeat after me.
Heart bound to heart,
and soul bound to soul -
I am my own but also yours.
Our union grows of kindness and caring,
Of trust well-deserved
and love unerring.
Heart bound to heart,
and soul to soul bound -
This love is a home of our own.
Officiant to couple
You may place the rings and clasp your hands.
Officiant to reception
To honor this unbreakable bond on this and all planes, material and ethereal, ______ and ______ will now bind their hands as part of a traditional handfasting.
This cord represents ______ and ______’s commitment to respect and cherish one another, and to build a life of joy and gratitude, from each season to the next, from this life to the next.
+ How to tie a handfasting knot:
3 Easy Ways to Tie a Handfasting Cord - Choosing a Simple Knot
Officiant to couple
______ and ______, as you have been, and as you will be, in this world and in every world to follow, together, may you be bound in love!
I now pronounce you married! You may kiss.
This ritual is done. To all, blessed be!
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