Over 131 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!

Simple Commitment Ceremony Script

Close up photo of a bride and groom holding hands during a wedding ceremony.

This simple commitment ceremony script was written by American Marriage Ministries to serve as a starting point for your own wedding ceremony. We encourage you to use this script as is or build on this script for a more personalized ceremony for the couple.

Watch an AMM Minister perform this sample wedding ceremony:








Processionals are a part of traditional marriage ceremonies. They are optional and can be adapted to suit the formality (or lack of) and feel of the day.

  1. The officiant stands at the front of the ceremony space as everyone enters.
  2. Elders are seated first, followed by other guests.
  3. After the guests have found their places, the ceremony party (equivalent of the wedding party) enter the space in whatever order has been decided in advance with the help of the officiant:
  4. the first partner and their party,
  5. followed by the second partner’s party,
  6. any best men or women,
  7. and then finally, the second partner.

If both partners choose to enter at the same time, they usually enter last after all of the party has taken their place up front with the officiant.

Note: As the officiant you can facilitate the procession by making pleasant eye contact as guests settle in and helping to guide the wedding party and the couple to their spots up front if needed.


Officiant to the Reception

"Welcome to our beloved and honored guests. We’re gathered here today to celebrate [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], as they make a promise of love and commitment to one another.

What a gift and joy to find someone with whom to spend our life! Committing to share our brightest days and weather our darkest nights with someone is no small thing and cannot be done lightly.

Commitment is about trust. It’s about patience, forgiveness, devotion, and hope. It’s what happens when a relationship becomes a home — a place of safety and love — to which each partner can return, again and again."


These are optional additions that can come before or after the Declaration of Intent and Vows to help personalize the ceremony. If the couple is spiritual, they may wish to have the blessing of a beloved cleric, priestess, or community leader. Loved ones may have prepared readings or music, in celebration of what the couple’s union symbolizes to them, or how their story together has touched their lives.

Officiant to the Reception

"As we reflect on the profound power of trust and commitment to create strong and lasting families, we look to those who have been most touched by the love between [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B]."

  • The officiant introduces the guest who will be sharing, such as “Their daughter has written a letter that she’d like to share with us now.”


Officiant to Partner A

"Do you, [PARTNER A], promise to spend your life with [PARTNER B], meeting each new joy and sorrow together, continuing to deepen your understanding of them, treating them with kindness and compassion, and welcoming each new chapter of life together with a spirit of curiosity and patience?"

Partner A to Partner B

"I do."

Officiant to Partner B

"Do you, [PARTNER B], promise to spend your life with [PARTNER A], meeting each new joy and sorrow together, continuing to deepen your understanding of them, treating them with kindness and compassion, and welcoming each new chapter of life together with a spirit of curiosity and patience?"

Partner B to Partner A

"I do."


Couples can write their own vows and prepare their own personal readings or music, or simple traditional vows can be adapted for the occasion. Vows can be combined with the exchange of rings or as part of a unity ceremony, or they can come before a unity ritual (such as handfasting, thread tying, candle lighting, or a sand ceremony).

Officiant to the Reception

"[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] will now exchange rings as a symbol of their love and commitment."

  • The couple say their vows and place the ring on their partner’s finger.
  • Optional handfasting:

Officiant to the Reception

"To symbolize a spiritual bond as well as a physical one, [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] will also bind their hands together in a traditional handfasting ritual. This cord symbolizes a deepening of their connection, and a union strengthened by their words of faithfulness, but stronger than words alone."

After the couple has said their vows to one another, the officiant will wrap the cord around the couples’ wrists, hands, or forearms.


Partner A to Partner B

"With this ring/binding, I promise to care for you, to laugh with you, to carry your burdens with you, and to understand and love you as perfectly imperfect, each day forward."

Partner B to Partner A

"With this ring/binding, I promise to take care of you every day, to tackle every challenge and sadness with you as a team, to find laughter and lightness in every day we spend together, and to love and accept you just as you are."


Officiant to the Couple and Reception

"By the authority vested in me by American Marriage Ministries, and with the trust of you all here today, I now declare you joined in love. You may now kiss!"


Merriment follows, as decided by the couple.


See all Articles about Commitment Ceremonies


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