Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
A short, simple Buddhist wedding ceremony script for modern couples that’s easy to personalize. With shared ‘we do’ wedding vows inspired by Buddhist readings, and the principles of community, compassion, harmony, loving kindness, and patience, for the promise of a lasting and happy marriage.
A simple buddhist wedding ceremony script to use as-is, or personalize with details from your love story, special readings, unity ritual, or write your own vows for a custom ceremony.
More ways to personalize your wedding ceremony: Choose a second wedding ceremony script from our free script library and mix-and-match your favorite sections to create a custom script.
Officiant to the reception
Friends and loved ones, we’ve come here today to celebrate the shared love between __________ and __________, and to witness their commitment to one another in marriage.
This is one of life’s most joyful occasions!
Two people, choosing to walk together through life in loving harmony, growing and learning with each new day.
The great gift of marriage is what you see around you here today -- the beauty of living fully and peacefully in the world as partners, surrounded and supported by two communities and families united as one. These are the teachings of the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha, woven into each moment with boundless love!
Officiant to the couple
As we begin, __________ and __________, are you ready to marry each other?
Couple (together)
We are!
Officiant to the couple
Then let’s start!
Officiant to the couple
__________ and __________, do you promise, as the Sigalovada Sutta asks, to honor each other as your equal, to meet each other with kindness and compassion, and to be attentive and courteous to each other?
Couple (together)
We do.
Officiant to the couple
Do you promise to nurture harmony within your relationship through each word and action, taking good care of your home, your responsibilities, and each other?
Couple (together)
We do.
Officiant to the couple
Do you promise to be welcoming and loving to each other's friends and family, to continue to grow your spiritual community, and to create moments of shared joy in these deep bonds with each other?
Couple (together)
We do.
Officiant to the couple
And do you promise to give the gifts of forgiveness, patience, and love generously, always remaining faithful to the unique promises of marriage?
Couple (together)
We do!
Officiant to the couple
__________ and __________, please exchange the rings you’ve chosen for each other. These bands will remind you of the promises you’ve made to each other today, and of the love and support that encircles you.
Officiant to the couple
As you leave here today, keep the warmth and joy that you feel now in your hearts. It will be reflected back to you in each step of your journey together.
And now, with the help of all those here today, and by the power vested in me by the State of __________ and American Marriage Ministries, I pronounce you married!
You may kiss!
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