Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
An entertaining Medieval themed wedding ceremony script with a heartwarming and humorous welcome, a moving speech from the officiant on the nature of love, a unique vow and ring exchange, remembrance of loved ones, humor, and more. This script also contains a verse from Corinthians and a closing prayer. This original wedding script was written by ordained AMM Minister Kris Bowen.
This is an original wedding script written by AMM Minister Kris Bowen, and inspired by the spirit of the Medieval period (or Middle Ages).
This lighthearted script contains a moving speech from the officiant on the nature of love and responsibilities of marriage, heartwarming vows, a sweet ring exchange, humorous language, and more.
In keeping with the time, this script also contains some religious Christian language, a Bible verse (Corinthians 13:4-8), and a closing prayer / blessing from the officiant.
Use this script as is, or modify it to meet your couple's needs.
To add a unique Renaissance twist to this ceremony:
Give Your Love Letter Ceremony a Centuries-Old Twist with Letterlocking
The banns* have been read, and we have been blessed by all those who have assembled here. It is truly a beautiful day as we gather for a wedding celebration to join (Partner A) of the House of (Surname) to (Partner B) of the House of (Surname).
As we begin, it is the request of the betrothed couple that you place your magical devices away once you have captured their essences in your device. In other words, please place your phones aside, and be with us fully on this special day. Relax! Enjoy!
It is with great gratitude that the Lady/ Lord (Partner A) and Lady/ Lord (Partner B) welcome you to their nuptials today. All of you assembled here are the most important people in their lives, and they know that making the journey took considerable effort for a good many of you. For this they are deeply grateful.
They would like to also honor those who were unable to travel here today. Perhaps they were held up by bandits, poor weather, or even an unruly mule...
And we also recognize those loved ones watching us from the heavens above, whom we miss still deeply. We feel their loving gaze upon us, knowing that even though they are unable to grace us with their presence, we carry them always in our hearts.
Officiant to guests
Ladies, Lords, and Gentlefolk, dearly beloved family, and friends, life brings us many reasons to gather in celebration, but one of the most important is the celebration of love.
As we are here to celebrate love, let us take a moment to talk about it. There are many different types of love, such as the love between parents and children, love between friends, and the love we see between the Lady/ Lord (Partner A) and Lady/ Lord (Partner B).
Many words and ballads that have been written about love, but perhaps a few of the best are these --
"Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." (Corinthians 13:3-8)
Although love is a natural state of being, lasting love does not happen naturally. For love to grow and deepen between two people, they must open themselves to the vulnerability of being truly known. This is a choice that both people must make willingly, because at any time they might instead withhold that truth, or even refuse the love and care that is offered. Love grows when we choose it.
Officiant to the couple
When you marry, you make a vow of permanence. Marriage is a symbol of unity and loyalty which will be honored through all times to come, be it times of great harvest and celebration, or times of hardship, when you must stand together to defend your castle walls.
There is no such thing as a perfect love. Life may cause you pain, and you may choose words or actions that hurt one another. You may raise your voices, or perhaps throw daggers or hot oil at one another... or perhaps only looks that cut like daggers. But it is within these heated discourses that you have the opportunity to grow stronger as a couple, for what you have is worth fighting for.
Officiant to the couple
It's the strength of your love that will carry you though the coming years of celebration and challenge. In a moment, you will speak the words that live in your heart. May you always remember to give love freely and unconditionally from your heart. And may you find not only affection in each other's company, but true companionship and the blessing of deep trust.
Each person is unique, bringing unique gifts to a marriage. We take comfort in our companion knowing our strengths and weaknesses, seeing us exactly as we are, for those things we lack are supplemented by the other -- the one who loves us most.
The promises and vows you make on this day will guide you into your common future. My Lord and Lady (or "My Lords / My Ladies), are you ready to cross the threshold and join your lives together?
Partner A and Partner B
We are.
Officiant to Partner A
Lady/ Lord (Partner A), will you take to be your (wife/ husband / spouse), the (lovely/ handsome/ comely) Lady/ Lord (Partner B) and pledge to her/ him before all gathered here to be her/ his love, her/ his defender in unrest? Will you stand by her/ him in all things fair and foul? Will you cherish her/ him for the gift that she/ he is, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her/ him, so long as you both shall live?
Partner A
I shall.
Officiant to Partner A
Then please repeat after me:
(Partner B), I plight thee my troth,
and promise my love,
to be by your side in times of gladness and times of challenge.
I will honor you,
and listen to your words,
and respond with respect.
I love you today, tomorrow, and forever.
Officiant to Partner B
Lady/ Lord (Partner B), will you take to be your (wife/ husband / spouse), the (lovely/ handsome/ comely) Lady/ Lord (Partner A) and pledge to her/ him before all gathered here to be her/ his love, her/ his defender in unrest? Will you stand by her/ him in all things fair and foul? Will you cherish her/ him for the gift that she/ he is, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her/ him, so long as you both shall live?
Partner B
I shall.
Officiant to Partner B
Then please repeat after me:
(Partner A), I plight thee my troth,
and promise my love,
to be by your side in times of gladness and times of challenge.
I will honor you,
and listen to your words,
and respond with respect.
I love you today, tomorrow, and forever.
Officiant to the couple
We've now come to the gifting of the rings. As each ring is an unbroken circle, with no end or beginning, always returning to itself, so may you always return to your love. As words are hard to hold onto, let these rings be a physical reminder of those promises spoken aloud, encircling your fingers, settling into your bones, to live in your souls.
It's commonly known that the third finger of the left hand holds the blood that holds the heart, and so I ask you to place your rings there.
Officiant to Partner A
Lady/ Lord (Partner A), place your ring on Lady/ Lord (Partner B’s) finger and repeat after me:
Lady/ Lord (Partner B), this ring I give to you
as a token of my love and devotion to you.
I pledge to you all that I am, and all that I will ever be,
as your wife/ husband/ spouse.
With this ring, I gladly marry you
and join my life to yours.
Wear it, think of me, and know that I love you.
Officiant to Partner B
Lady/ Lord (Partner B), place your ring on Lady/ Lord (Partner A’s) finger and repeat after me:
Lady/ Lord (Partner A), this ring I give to you
as a token of my love and devotion to you.
I pledge to you all that I am, and all that I will ever be,
as your wife/ husband/ spouse.
With this ring, I gladly marry you
and join my life to yours.
Wear it, think of me, and know that I love you.
+ Add a handfasting to this ceremony:
How to Tie a Handfasting Cord -- The Infinity Knot
Officiant to the couple
Today you have become married. You will never walk the paths of life alone. It is on wedding days that many give to your blessings and words of advice. I will also gift not only this couple standing before us, but for all that has gathered here with a few words of blessings.
Be kind to yourselves and to others, for you may not know if the person standing beside you is a lowly serf or the King Himself in disguise.
Delight in the small things that bring you pleasure, such as the smells of baking bread, or the rising of the sun. And do not let the trials of life overwhelm you.
Create a home that is warm and welcoming. Learn from failure, and grow with your achievements, be they on the jousting field or wherever life finds you.
May life’s challenges be met together with courage and optimism, and may your days be filled with laughter, imagination, trust, friendship, and love.
You once walked a path alone, now you walk together, hand in hand. You have been blessed with an amazing, unique partner, someone to listen to your heart and to help you realize all your dreams. You are each other’s refuge of sheltering love at the end of every day, two halves of one whole soul.
officiant to the couple
Before we go on to feasting and festivities let us bow our heads, to be blessed.
May your marriage always bring glory to God, joy to one another and blessings to your family for many generations to come. May love and laughter fill your hearts and your home for all at the days of your lives. May you face every challenge hand-in-hand and side-by-side knowing that with God's grace, you will conquer all obstacles together. May the world be forever a better place because the two of you fell in love. In His name, Amen.
Officiant to the couple
It is now my honor and delight to declare you married.
You may now seal your vows with a kiss!
Officiant to guests
Ladies, Lords, and Gentlefolk, let's celebrate the newlyweds!
This script has been lightly edited from the original.
Kris Bowen is an experienced inclusive wedding professional located in the beautiful state of Colorado, where she co-owns and operates We Do I Do For You with her husband Ken. She has been involved in almost every aspect of the wedding industry for more than 20 years, working as a photographer, venue salesperson, events manager, and wedding officiant.
Kris specializes in ‘out of the box’ weddings as well as elopements, micro weddings, and immersive themed wedding experiences. She was ordained by AMM in 2020.
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