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Simple Wedding Script with Fisherman’s Knot Tying Ceremony

Stylized image shows a wedding rope or wedding cord, curled against a green background next to pink peony flowers.

A sweet & simple wedding ceremony script for couples who want to "tie the knot" with the timeless fisherman's knot wedding tradition. This wedding script contains a warm greeting to guests, words on the nature of lasting marriage, exchange of vows and rings, tying of the fisherman's knot and the symbolism of the unity knot ritual, and a short pronouncement.

This simple original wedding script is perfect for couples who want to express their love with a timeless unity ritual and compelling visual symbolism, and to have a keepsake to take home with them after the wedding ceremony.


The symbolic tradition of 'tying the knot' began in ancient days and enjoys much variation in modern wedding ceremonies, from handfasting rituals to unity knots tied with decorative rope or cord, such as this traditional fisherman's knot. After the ceremony, the couple can take the knot home and display it as a reminder of the promises of the wedding day. 


This script can also be modified by substituting an Infinity Knot tying ceremony or handfasting. 



  • Ceremony begins. 

Invocation & GREETING

Officiant to guests

Welcome family and friends. Today (Partner One) and (Partner Two) are officially "tying the knot" of marriage.   

Officiant to the couple

(Partner One) and (Partner Two), I encourage you to remember that marriage is a physical and spiritual bond of unconditional love. It is a strong bond that now and forevermore will be a symbol of unity between you. A union of mutual concern and shared respect, and of holding tightly to each other as you form a lifetime of memories. 


Officiant to the couple

The vows you make today are your verbal commitment to each other to marry, and they come from your heart with love. 

Officiant to Partner One

Do you, (Partner One) take (Partner Two) to be your wedded ( wife/ husband/ partner), to love and honor from this day forward, to be bound in your heart forever?   

Partner One

I do. 

Officiant to Partner Two

Do you, (Partner Two), take (Partner One) to be your wedded ( wife/ husband/ partner), to love and honor from this day forward, to be bound in your heart forever?

Partner Two

I do. 


Officiant to the couple 

Wedding rings are an unbroken circle of love, telling the world that you are forever unitied in marriage. They are a physical symbol of your promises, unbroken and unending, as your commitment grows stronger in love every day.

(Partner One), please place the ring on (Partner Two's) hand. 

  • Partner One places the ring. 

(Partner Two) Please place the ring on (Partner One) hand. 

  • Partner Two places the ring. 



And now, (Partner One) and (Partner Two) have chosen to do something special to symbolize their love for each other, by literally tying a knot, a fisherman’s knot.

This special knot is one that cannot be broken. It has unimaginable strength, and becomes even stronger when it's tested by life's trials, just as this marriage will grow stronger as the years pass. 

Each rope represents your individual pasts, and the lives you lived up to today. Once tied, they symbolize your future together, which shall be forever weaved together just like the threads in the cord. From today forward, your lives will be forever intertwined, and your bond unbreakable.

When the knot is pulled tight, it becomes so strong that the ropes will break before it comes undone. It is meant to stand any test of time. Just as marriage is not to be undone, so let this fisherman’s knot be a reminder of your love, and the binding together of your hearts and your lives today and forevermore. 

  • working together, The couple pulls the ends of the ropes, tighting the knot to form the decorative "fisherman's knot." These ropes can be prepared before the ceremony to make the unity ritual easy to complete. 


Officiant to the couple

I proudly pronounce you (husband and wife / partners for life / married). 

You may seal it with a kiss!


  • Ceremony ends. 


This script has been lightly edited from the original. 



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