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Princess Bride Wedding Ceremony Script

A bride in a long white wedding gown rides a brown horse through a forest. She has blonde hair, similar in appearance to the character in The Princess Bride

A charming wedding ceremony script inspired by the iconic wedding scene from The Princess Bride. Familiar quotes, a romantic wedding vow and ring exchange, and that accent create a truly memorable mawage experience that celebrates wuv, twoo wuv!




The script is based on a scene from The Princess Bride: The wedding ceremony between Prince Humperdinck and Buttercup. 


  • Guests are seated. The officiant waits at the front of the room. 
  • Officiant is dressed in attire similar to the priest in the film (aka The Impressive Clergyman) — traditional Catholic priest attire, white tunic, and zucchetto. Add long white sideburns for a more authentic, cinematic look, and be sure to pronounce all ‘r’ sounds as ‘w’s. 
  • The couple make their entrance and walk down the aisle in a traditional fashion or choose a fun alternative. 

See articles on how to personalize the Procession


  • Couple kneels in front of the officiant as the ceremony begins. After a short pause for dramatic effect, the officiant motions with both hands in a ceremonial way for the couple to rise to their feet, which they do. The officiant clasps his/her hands, and looks from one partner to the next. 

Officiant to reception
Mawage. Mawage is what bwings us togethah today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam wifin a dream!

__________ and __________ have come here to make this tweasured agweement in front of their family and fwiends, pwomising their commitment in this holy and magnificent pwace, today and each day fowawd.

We would not be here today without wuv. Wuv, twoo wuv between these two. Twoo wuv will follow you forevah, so tweasure your wuv, __________ and __________, always. 

A guest, interrupting

Skip to the end! 

  • This joke is optional. If the couple wants to include it as a funny element, it should be arranged beforehand with a guest or member of the wedding party. 
  • The officiant smiles, and keeps going, beginning the declaration of intent and vows. 

Declaration of Intent

Officiant to Partner A

Do you __________, take __________ to be your lawfuwy wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in hewlf, in good timev and bad, committing yoursewlf to vem av long av you bof shall wivv? 

Partner A

 I do.

Officiant to Partner b

Do you __________, take __________ to be your lawfuwy wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in hewlf, in good timev and bad, committing yoursewlf to vem av long av you bof shall wivv?   

Partner B 

I do.

  • If the couple has personal written vows, these should be read aloud at this time.

Exchange of Rings

Officiant to couple

Have you the wings? 

  • A member of the wedding party passes the ring to each partner.


Officiant to Partner A

__________, please place this wing on __________’s finger and wepeat after me:  

  • Partner A slips the ring onto Partner B’s finger, then repeats each line in order.

I give you this wing as a symbol of my wuv. 

I promise to wuv you twooly, now and forevah.

Officiant to Partner B

__________, please place this wing on __________’s finger and wepeat after me:  

  • Partner B slips the ring onto Partner A’s finger, then repeats each line in order.

I give you this wing as a symbol of my wuv. 

I promise to wuv you twooly, now and forevah.


Officiant to couple

Wondweful! With these pwomises and wings, you make your wuv cleaw. By the powah invested in me by the state of __________ and Amewican Mawage Ministwees, I now pwonounce you mawwied! 

You may kiss! 

  • the Couple kisses


  • Music from The Princess Bride plays as the couple joyfully make their exit back down the aisle and out of the venue. 
  • We especially recommend “Storybook Love,” written and performed by Willy DeVille and arranged by Mark Knopfler, from the film's soundtrack.
  • If a horse is available (and the couple is comfortable to ride), they can mount the horse and ride off ‘into the sunset’ together… or at least toward the reception!

Use this video clip of the wedding scene from The Princess Bride as inspiration for your own ceremony, with special attention to the wedding clothing, tone, and the priest’s accent.




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