Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
A festive summer solstice wedding ceremony script with a handfasting & mead honey wine toast! Celebrate new beginnings, passion, abundance, and family on the luckiest & longest day of the year.
This original summer solstice wedding script is infused with warmth, light, and love, and is the perfect starting place for a joyful celebration of marriage on the longest day of the year!
Sweetly spiritual, earthy, and etheral, this wedding officiant script includes a traditional handfasting ceremony, a unique unity ceremony with wine toast, simple ring exchange, and a quiet moment to exchange written vows. You'll also find all the legal wording you need to make this ceremony official: the Declaration of Intent and the Pronouncement of Marriage.
Use this wedding script for a spiritual-but-not-religious summer solstice wedding, a traditional Pagan wedding ceremony, or a nature-themed nonreligious wedding ceremony. Add a special wedding reading or extra unity ceremony to make it your own!
More ways to personalize your ceremony: Choose a second wedding ceremony script from our free script library and mix-and-match your favorite sections to create a custom script.
Arrange guests in a half circle or circle around the marriage altar, where you’ll place the honey wine and two glasses. Decorate with colorful fabrics, candles, wildflowers, mistletoe, basil, and other traditional herbs. Use local plant varieties for a personalized look.
♦ Learn: How to Cast a Circle for Wedding Ceremonies
The couple enters together or one at a time, and meets the officiant at the altar. If a parent, relative, or friend is walking one of the partners down the aisle, this happens now.
"Friends and family, we’re here today to celebrate ________ and ________ as they take this next step into marriage. We’re here to celebrate their joy, their friendship, the incredible growth they’ve experienced together, and the love they share!
It’s no coincidence that they’ve chosen this day. As most of you know, the Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year, a triumph of light and love over darkness. This day has been honored for thousands of years as a time for new beginnings, to revel in vibrancy and abundance, warmth and potential. It’s a time to celebrate family and the fullness of life.
When ________ and ________ met [last year], they didn’t know they’d be saying their vows in front of all you today. But it wasn’t long -- only a couple of dates -- before they knew they’d found their person in each other.
They say they knew they were meant to be, when spending time together made their days feel like those endless summer days of childhood -- full and happy.
So today, with the sun at its fullest, we gather to celebrate love at its fullest!"
"Without further delay, are you two ready to marry?"
Partner A AND B, together
"We are!"
♦ Learn: A Simple Guide to Handfasting Cord Color (Meaning & Magic)
♦ Learn: How to Write Wedding Vows Using the Three Question Template
"Wonderful! It looks like we’re all in the right place then.
________ and ________, you’ve written personal vows to each other, which you’ll share as part of a traditional handfasting ceremony.
For those guests who don’t know, a handfasting cord is a physical symbol of a spiritual bond. With each promise the couple makes, the cord is knotted, representing the unbreakable love these two share, and their commitment to honor and support one another always.
________ and ________, clasp hands as your first promise."
Officiant TO PARTNER A
"________, would you like to say your vows first?"
Partner A
Officiant TO PARTNER B
"And ________, would you like to share your vows?"
Partner B
"Keep this cord with you for the years ahead, and let each knot remind you of the promises you made here today."
"Of course, it would be hard to go through life physically tied together wouldn’t it? As a lasting symbol of these promises, ________ and ________ have also chosen to exchange rings."
"________, will you present the rings?"
Officiant to the Reception
"Before we head out to feast and frolic, there’s one more thing to do -- share in a toast with this happy couple as they enter the world as married partners!"
"________ and ________, lift your glasses!"
"Everyone you see here today loves and cares about you, as individuals and as a couple. We’re so happy that you two found each other and that you’ve decided to share your life together. As you leave this sacred space today, take our love with you. And remember, you can do anything together!
May the warmth of the sun remind you of the earth’s bounty, and its light, the bounty of your love. And may today be the start of a wonderfully full life that grows fuller, brighter, and happier with each turn of the season!
Now toast to love, drink, kiss, and be merry!"
Officiant to THE RECEPTION
"Friends and family, I present to you ________ and ________, partners in life!
(Or wife and husband, husband and husband, etc., as the couple chooses.)"
"This ceremony is officially over! Let’s give ________ and ________ some applause and then let’s go celebrate the Solstice!"
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