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Sequel Wedding Ceremony Script

 Bride and groom hold up their fists to the camera in a playful way to show off their new wedding rings. In the background, the groom kisses the smiling bride on the cheek.

This script is intended for a couple’s second ceremony or ‘sequel wedding.’ Sequel weddings are large second ceremonies that take place after a small first ceremony (such as an elopement, minimony, or micro wedding). This script can be modified for any couple with multiple ceremonies or a vow renewal.


(Optional) The couple enters together, holding hands as they walk down the aisle. As an alternative, the couple can be standing or seated at the front of the room at the start of the ceremony. 



Officiant to the reception
Welcome friends and family! We’re here today to celebrate this very special occasion with _____________ and _____________. Today, we honor their love and marriage publicly. 

(A year ago), these two sweethearts joined in marriage in a beautiful private ceremony. And although most of us weren’t able to be with them that day, we held them in our hearts and rejoiced at the news.

Marriage is about commitment. It’s about loving someone every day, even when they’re driving you crazy, and about being loved, even when you don’t show up perfectly. It’s about wanting what’s best for your partner, learning from each other, finding humor and joy in everyday moments, and supporting each other through good days and bad. 

 _____________ and _____________, the two of you embody this spirit of love, acceptance, and adventure completely. 

Of course, marriage is bigger than just two individuals. It’s also a blending of two communities and families into one big family. And so we are absolutely overjoyed to be here today, supporting this incredible, beautiful thing you’ve done! 

_____________ and _____________, over the past (year), you’ve continued to grow together, learn new things about each other, and have made each other laugh constantly. You’ve learned more about what it means to love and be loved, and the promises you made to each other on that special day have deepened each day since. 

Today, we honor your commitment, and share in this tremendous joy with you.

Vows Exchange

  • (Note: If the couple didn’t write personalized vows for their first ceremony, this section can be modified with new vows, or substituted with another type of special reading by each partner.)

Officiant to the reception

To start, _____________ and _____________ have asked to share those first promises, those first wedding vows.

Officiant to Partner A

_____________, when you’re ready you may begin.

Partner A

  • Reads their vows. 


Officiant to Partner B
_____________, when you’re ready you may begin.

Partner B

  • Reads their vows. 


Gratitude and Blessings From the Couple to the Guests

Officiant to the couple
And now, you’ve both asked to share a few words with your friends and family today, on what it means to both of you to be able to have them here, joining in this special ceremony. Please, share when you’re ready.

  • The Partners speak directly to their guests, briefly thanking their friends and family for joining them on this meaningful day and describing what community means to them.


Ring Exchange

Officiant to the Reception
This is the part of the ceremony when we’d usually do a ring exchange, but _____________ and _____________ beat us to it…

  • Flash those rings! The couple hold up their hands to show the guests their wedding bands.


Pronouncement & (Second) Kiss

Officiant to the Reception
So instead, we’ll move on to the really wonderful part… Friends and family, let me officially introduce you to this beautiful couple, _____________ and _____________, Partners in Love!

  • The couple kiss as the guests cheer. 


Officiant to the reception 
Now, I think we all have a party to get to. Let’s celebrate!

  • The couple head up the aisle and out of the room. 
  • Because this is a second ceremony, there’s no marriage license to sign and the party can begin right away. 

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