Over 132 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 132 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
A modern twist on a traditional Filipino Wedding Ceremony Script, this ceremony includes a blessing from the couple's parents or elders, a Unity Veil and Cord ritual (sometimes called a lasso ceremony), an exchange of Unity Coins, and a Unity Candle Lighting ceremony, and lots of guest participation. This non-religious wedding script is written by ordained AMM Minister Dyanna Volek.
This original wedding script was written by AMM Minister Dyanna Volek. Inspired by traditional Filipino wedding ceremonies, this ceremony blends old and new together for a modern, non-religious approach.
Note from the author: "Filipino weddings have elements of Catholic and Spanish ceremonies due to its colonial history. The rituals include Unity Wedding Coins, Unity Veil and Cord, and the Unity Candle Lighting. I’ve removed the religious elements, but references to God are also very common in Filipino ceremonies."
The symbolism and importance of each ritual is described below. This ceremony script can be modified to include details from the couple's love story, or with Bible quotes, psalms, and other religious readings.
Officiant to guests
We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding union of (Partner A) and (Partner B) in a ceremony that brings together two people, two families and two traditions. Today we celebrate this unity, built on and energized by the love between this couple and the love that has always been so precious to all in their families.
May we join in support of (Partner A) and (Partner B)’s commitment to each other to build a marriage, a home and a family that is characterized by love and respect.
Officiant to guests
Weddings are a celebration of love and commitment. Weddings are also a recognition of the importance of family. Today, we will witness the coming together of not only the bride and groom, but also their families. To honor the impact their families have had on their lives and to offer their gratitude, the couple-to-be would like to begin by asking for their parents’ blessing and vow to support them as they enter marriage.
Officiant to Partner A's Parents
(Names of Partner A's Parents), do you take (Partner B) into your family and into your hearts?
Officiant to Partner B's parents
(Names of Partner B's Parents), do you take (Partner A) into your family and into your hearts?
Officiant to the Veil Sponsors
I ask (Veil Sponsor A) and (Veil Sponsor B) to join us and to lay a veil over this couple to signify their union and oneness. The Veil covers this couple to remind them of the love that covers the both of them. Let this be a symbol of the faithful love you have for each other. Let no distance or barrier separate your hearts and minds.
Officiant to the cord sponsors
I now invite (Cord Sponsor A) and (Cord Sponsor B) to place a cord over you.
Officiant to the couple
This cord, looped and crossed in the middle,symbolizes the infinite bond of love which brings your hearts and souls together. This bond will keep you strong in the face of adversity. You are no longer two, but one in marriage. May this cord remind you to face your life together courageously and support each other in carrying out your duties and responsibilities as a couple. And, may your love grow stronger and bind you closer together through the years.
I would like to now call on the Sponsors to remove the cord and veil.
For more inspiration:
+ How to Include the Wedding Lasso Tradition in Your Ceremony
Now let us do an exchange of the coins.
These coins represent not only material possessions but abundant spiritual strength so that they may bless others. They are a reminder that they will mutually support each other, their community, and the world around them. As you hold the coins in your hands, remember that your blessings will no longer be separate but together.
PARTNER A to partner B
(Partner B), I give you these coins as a pledge of our commitment to share our blessings with each other and to our community.
PARTNER B to partner A
I accept them and in the same way pledge my dedication to you, the care of our home, and the welfare of our community.
PARTNER B to partner A
(Partner A), I give you these coins as a pledge of our commitment to share our blessings with each other and to our community
PARTNER A to partner B
I accept them and in the same way pledge my dedication to you, the care of our home, and the welfare of our community.
Officiant to guests and the couple
Now that we have signified the unity of this marriage with the veil, cord and coin rituals, (Partner A and Partner B) will now declare their intent to enter this union of their own free will.
Officiant to Partner A
Do you (Partner A) take (Partner B) to be your lawful wedded spouse? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as you shall live?
Officiant to Partner B
Do you (Partner B) take (Partner A) to be your lawful wedded spouse? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as you shall live?
Officiant to the couple
When you wear these rings, it tells the world you are united with each other in marriage. Since your rings have no beginning and no end, may they show that your love for each other also has no end.
As you place the ring on each other's hands, please repeat this vow of love and devotion.
Officiant to Partner A / partner A to Partner B
I give you this ring,
as a symbol of my eternal love,
as a reminder of my vows to you,
as a blessing for our future,
and as a support for when your faith may be low.
Officiant to Partner A / partner A to partner b
I give you this ring,
as a symbol of my eternal love,
as a reminder of my vows to you,
as a blessing for our future,
and as a support for when your faith may be low.
Officiant to the couple
Today you have decided to share the rest of your lives with each other. This beautiful union is now symbolized by the lighting of the Unity Candle. The individual candles represent all that you are and all that you have been until this moment. Now the candles must come together to create a new light, a light of two people in love.
This candle is also a candle of Commitment because it takes two people working together to keep it ablaze. Love is like a flame; it has the heat of passion, it is constantly changing, its radiance is there for all to see, and it provides light and warmth to each of you. Together you must protect it from being extinguished.
(Partner A) and (Partner B), please light the center candle. As you can see, the center candle is larger because it is a blend of the love, traditions, and experiences you bring.
Today, as you have lit this candle, may the brightness of the flame shine and guide you throughout your lives together. May this candle burn brightly as a symbol of the strength of your love and commitment to each other. The life that each of you experienced now, individually, will hereafter be united, for the two have become one.
For more inspiration:
+ How to Perform a Unity Candle Ceremony (for Wedding Officiants)
Officiant to the couple
May you enjoy a measure of faith that will enable your relationship to grow as you share in the joys, the successes, and the failures of your marriage.
May you establish a happy home that will allow you to see the humorous side of life, yet find contentment and peace in its serious realities.
As you walk down life’s path together, may your union bind you together in a love that is true and a faithfulness that is lasting.
Having promised your faith in and love to each other, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the State of (Name of Wedding State) and American Marriage Ministries, I now pronounce you husband and wife (or "spouses for life," or whatever descriptors the couple prefers).
Dyanna lives in California where she operates W.E.D. by Dyanna. She became a Deputy Marriage Commissioner in 2016. She was ordained by American Marriage Ministries in 2020. She has officiated hundreds of weddings of all types and is passionate about uniting couples the way they want to be married.
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