Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
The Force is strong with this original Star Wars themed wedding ceremony script. It includes an exchange of themed wedding vows and rings, words on love and life with quotes from a few of your favorite galactic rebels like Leia and Yoda, references to the original trilogy and other films in the Skywalker Saga, and much more, for a nerdy, fun, and fandom filled celebration of marriage -- the ultimate alliance!
Image: Dressed in a flowing Jedi robe, Officiant Dan Henkel marries Lea and Darla in a Star Wars themed ceremony.
The Force is strong with this original Star Wars themed wedding ceremony script, written by AMM Minister Dan Henkel.
This unique wedding script follows a traditional ceremony outline with a warm opening welcome, sweet speech by the officiant on the nature of love and life, declaration of intent, and an exchange of themed wedding vows and rings.
You'll find quotes from a few of your favorite galactic rebels like Leia and Yoda, references to the original trilogy and other films in the Skywalker Saga, and much more, for a nerdy, fun, and fandom filled celebration of marriage -- the ultimate alliance!
Need help planning the ceremony, including what to wear?
Officiant to guests
Hello, there!
Welcome, fellow travelers, to this cosmic occasion. Whatever your origin or station – or species, you are dear to (Partner A) and (Partner B), and your presence ennobles these proceedings. Thank you for voyaging to be with us today. May you linger long among us and return soon at warp speed.
The purpose of this gathering is to consecrate the marriage of (Partner B) and (Partner A). Of all the beings in every known world, they have found each other and are committed to travel together.
Theirs is a lifelong voyage. Like any epic journey, they will encounter challenges, hardships and hostilities along the way. May their passion sustain them, and may their fierce love help them triumph and flourish.
The Force is strong with these two. It has formed their selves and souls. May the Force ennoble this celebration, and may the wisdom of its many followers ennoble us when we disperse.
Many of my words today reflect not my humble insights, but rather the learnings of generations of beings who have lived, laughed, loved, and embraced the Force. Let the words of these wise ones inspire us as we hold (Partner B) and (Partner A) in a great circle of love and send them forth into the universe.
My revered Grand Master, Yoda, taught me that "My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings we are, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you: here, between you, me, the rock, everywhere, yes." 1
(Partner B) and (Partner A), "This holiday is yours, where we all share with you the hope that this day brings us closer to freedom and to harmony and to peace. No matter how different we appear, we’re all the same in our struggle against the powers of evil and darkness.” 2 “Luminous beings, we are.” 3
In your lives before this moment, you have each followed separate paths through life.
Those unique voyages have led you to each other, and to the love that you have come to share. You have chosen today, in the presence of your loving family and friends, to embark on a new journey, one in which you will follow a shared trajectory, from this day forward. Like the twin suns that once circled Tatooine, the separate lives you’ve lived illuminate your life together.
The world you share will continue to evolve. As Shmi Skywalker observed, “You can’t stop the change, any more than you can stop the suns from setting.” 4
My young friends, you both – and your love – will evolve with each revolution of the sun. You may wonder, what is in store?
Grand Master Yoda tells us, “Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future…When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not.” 5 But he also said “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” 6
(Partner B) and (Partner A), are you now prepared to commit yourselves to a life together,
traveling side by side, together amid an uncertain universe?
Partner A and Partner B
We are.
Officiant to the couple
Will you honor the Force in one another, always, knowing that when "in a dark place we find ourselves… a little more knowledge lights our way”? 7
Partner A and Partner B
We will.
May I have the rings, please?
Officiant to the couple
(Partner A) and (Partner B) have chosen to exchange rings as a sign of their commitment. The circle represents the earth, the sun, and the universe. It symbolizes wholeness, perfection and unity. Like circles, these rings have no beginning and no end. They are a fitting symbol, then, to link these two souls forever.
May these rings adorn you like the ring of the planet Lah’mu. May their precious metal remind you daily of the treasure that is your love. May they forever be infused with your best intentions for one another, and may they sparkle with the power of the Force.
Officiant to Partner B
(Partner B), please place (Partner A)’s ring on (her / their/ his) finger and make your vow to (her / them/ him).
Officiant to Partner A
(Partner A), please place (Partner B)’s ring on (her / their/ his) finger and make your vow to (her / them/ him).
Officiant to the couple
(Partner B) and (Partner A), “This is a new day, a new beginning.” 8 Remember that “Your focus determines your reality.” 9 “The Force will be with you…always." 10 You will “fear nothing," for "all is as the Force wills it.” 11
+ For alternative Star Wars theme wedding vows:
May the Force be with You (in Matrimony): Star Wars Wedding Vows
Officiant to guests and the couple
And now, by the cosmic power of the Force, and through the witness of all here present,
I declare this union joined.
You may exchange a sign of your affection.
Officiant to guests
It is my pleasure to present to this council, for the first time as a married couple,
Ceremony ends.
Dan Henkel is a professional wedding officiant who believes guests should come away saying “That was so cool… and so THEM!” Since 1995, Dan has united loving, diverse couples in one-of-a-kind weddings. His upbeat, inclusive style reflects his background as an award-winning communicator, entertainer and advocate. Couples describe Dan as "the perfect fit for us" ... "an amazing officiant" ... "kind, genuine...a delightful presence” … “warm, welcoming, and responsive.”
Dan's wedding business is based in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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