Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
This wedding script celebrates a new blended family on the wedding day. Written for religious Christian couples who wish to include their children in the ceremony, it includes a Bible verse, blessing, family vows and joint vows, consent of children, a unity sand ceremony with colored sand blending, and a special wedding reading by a child.
This is original wedding ceremony script is written by AMM Minister Chanelle Carlin to celebrate the blending of two families. It works well for small or large gatherings, or for an elopement ceremony with older adult children serving as witnesses or wedding attendants.
Make this wedding script your own: This officiant script includes a Bible verse (1 John 4:16) and two blessings for a religious Christian wedding ceremony, but these sections can be removed or substituted with secular wedding readings to suit the needs of any couple and their family.
Note: This ceremony includes the participation of children throughout the ceremony, however not all children will want to be included in this way, or they might not want to speak in front of a group of guests. Feel free to change it to include your children in any way that's comfortable to them.
Officiant addresses Couple, Children, and guests
Good afternoon, friends. We are here to celebrate the marriage of (Partner A) and (Partner B), and to share in one of the greatest celebrations known to humanity. (Partner A) and (Partner B), thank you for the honor of allowing us to share in your marriage celebrations.
Officiant addresses the Couple
As we being your ceremony today, we begin by stating your intention to marry and that you freely and without reservation choose to join together.
Officiant to Partner A
(Partner A), do you freely and without reservation choose to marry (Partner B) today?
Partner A
I do.
Officiant to Partner B
Partner B, do you freely and without reservation choose to marry Partner A today?
Partner B
I do.
Officiant addresses the couple
Thank you both.
Officiant addresses the couple and children
You’ve known pretty much since the beginning that you would marry, but you had to make sure it was “right.” Part of that ‘making sure’ includes your children. And so it's (Partner A) and (Partner B's) wish that you, (Child 1), (Child 2) and (Child 3, etc), have the opportunity to officially consent to their marriage today.
Officiant to Child 1
In that spirit, I ask you, (Child 1), do you consent to your (father/ mother/ parent), (Partner A) marrying (Partner B)?
Child 1
I do, yes.
Officiant to children
Great! Thank you all.
Officiant addresses the couple and children.
Now, I ask that you all join me in prayer as we ask God’s blessings on what we do here today.
Lord, we thank you for this amazing day, for the gift of (Partner A) and (Partner B) and for the gift of their love in our lives. We ask your blessings on this celebration and on what we do here today.
May we become clearer reflections of your compassion and graciousness in our world. Lord, we also ask your blessings of love and health and prosperity on this beautiful family. We ask this with our hearts full of faith, hope and love. Amen.
Officiant addresses the couple
(Partner A) and (Partner B), while some would say you met and fell in love by chance, that’s how some view internet algorithms. But that's not it at all. You’ve shared that you feel you were brought to each other through Divine guidance. What you have is rare.
You've (___)
You're both here today because you've committed to each other and have made a choice. You are choosing each other. You've chosen to be with someone who enhances you, who makes you think, makes you smile and laugh, even sometimes makes you cry, but always makes every day brighter.
Today, you make promises to each other that you will strive to honor every day forward, for the rest of your lives together. The vows you make today represent who you are, what you value in life and in love, how you want to love each other, and how you promise to show up in good days and bad. These are your promises to meet life as a team, and to share each moment, each struggle and triumph, with each other.
And so it is, (Partner A) and (Partner B) that your family now bears witness as you give your word, and pledge your love and life to each other.
Option One - Exchange of Written Vows
Partner A, will you please share your vows with Partner B?
Partner B, will you please share your vows with Partner A?
Option Two - Exchange of Traditional Vows
Officiant to Partner A
(Partner A), do you promise to continue to love, respect, and protect (Partner B) every day, and to recognize within your heart, (his/ her/ their) strength, (his/ her/ their) pride, (his/ her/ their) light, even as you see (his/ her/ their) vulnerability and fragility, and appreciate that (he/ she/ they) (is/ are) the only person you wish to spend this life with as partners?
Partner A
I do.
Officiant to Partner B
Partner B, do you promise to continue to love, respect and appreciate (Partner A) every day, and to recognize (his/ her/ their) honesty, (his/ her/ their) humility, (his/ her/ their) light, even as you see (his/ her/ their) desire to protect and cherish you and your children?
Partner B
I do.
Officiant addresses the couple
Do you both promise to continue to recognize one another as equals and support one another in your goals and wishes for the future?
Partner A and Partner B
We do.
Officiant addresses the couple
Do you promise to have fun, laugh, and continue to be silly together at least once each day, even during the stormy times?
Partner A and Partner B
We do.
Officiant addresses the couple
Thank you both.
Officiant addresses THE Couple
(Partner A) and (Partner B), you have chosen to symbolize your vows to one another with an exchange of rings. Wedding rings therefore are an outward and visible sign of an inward, spiritual grace signifying to all your commitment to each other.
Please hold and look at each other’s hands.
These are the hands of your best friend, strong and full of love for you. These hands will work and play alongside yours as you build your future together. These are the hands that will passionately cherish you through the years and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. They will tenderly hold your family as one. And these are the hands that even when aged, will still reach out to you with the same touch that comforts you today.
Whenever you glance at these rings, (Partner A) and (Partner B), know that you are loved beyond all imagining.
(Partner A), please take (Partner B’s) left hand in yours.
Please place this ring on (his/ her/ their) fourth finger and resume holding both of (his/ her/ their) hands.
Please repeat after me:
(Partner B), I give you this ring with the promise
that I will love and honor you,
in all ways, for all our days.
It is a symbol of my deepest love,
my unending and devoted friendship,
and a pledge to stand with you in every tomorrow.
(Partner B), please take (Partner A’s) left hand in yours.
Please place this ring on (his/ her/ their) fourth finger and resume holding both of (his/ her/ their) hands.
Please repeat after me:
(Partner A), I give you this ring with the promise
that I will love and honor you,
in all ways, for all our days.
It is a symbol of my deepest love,
my unending and devoted friendship,
and a pledge to stand with you in every tomorrow.
Officiant addresses THE Couple AND Children
We realize that in order for the home to be a happy one, it is essential that there be love and understanding between the children and the adults being married.
(Partner A) and (Partner B), please join hands with all of your children to create a circle of family love.
Officiant to the children
Today we celebrate your bond as siblings -- one of the most important and lasting bonds that children can share. As you grow older together, explore the world and become adults, this bond will always remain between you. You are united, with your parents, as a family, today and always.
I'm going to ask you three questions. If you're ready, answer "I promise" to each one.
Do you promise to treat each other with love and patience, as equals and siblings, from today on?
Do you promise to laugh with each other, learn with each other, and have fun with each other?
Do you promise to share in the responsibilities and joys of being a family, today and always?
(Partner A) and (Partner B), do you promise to continue to love, nurture and support (Children's names), to become all that they are meant to be?
If so, please say "We do!"
Officiant addresses the couple and children
The blessing is that you don’t have to do this on your own. According to 1 John 4:16: "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."
May your home be a place of happiness and comfort for everyone who finds it, and where each new generation, across all ages, is given a place for love and growing, a place for music and celebration, a place for laughter and fun as well as a place for rest and healing, acceptance and unconditional love.
Officiant addresses THE couple
(Partner A) and (Partner B), today you are making a life-long commitment to share the rest of your lives with each other and to honor your children as well. Your family relationship is symbolized through the pouring of these (number of participants) individual containers of sand -- each one representing all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will ever be, as individuals and as a family.
Officiant addresses the couple and children
As you each hold your sand, the separate containers of sand represent your lives up to this moment, individual and unique. As you now combine your sand together, your lives also join together as one family.
Officiant addresses the couple and children
Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers, so will your marriage and your family be inseparable and whole.
Officiant to the guests
In celebration of the joining together of this new family, I invite (Child's Name) to share a poem at this moment that describes family life to a “t”.
Child addresses the family and guests
“We’re all a little weird. And life’s a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness and call it love.” (Robert Fulghum)
Officiant addresses the child
Thank you, (Child's Name).
Officiant addresses the couple and children
As we conclude our ceremony today, I invite you to once again join me as we ask God’s blessings on your marriage.
Dear Father, as (Partner A) and (Partner B) go forth from this moment to live out their lives, we pray that your abundant blessings, their family and friends may keep them together always in true understanding, honest tenderness and courageous love all the days of their lives. We also ask these blessings on each of their family, friends and all of your children no matter where they may be. Amen!
Officiant addresses THE couple
Now as you, (Partner B) and you (Partner A) have consented together in marriage on this (Day of Month, Year) and have pledged your faith to each other by sharing your vows and giving and receiving of these rings before your family, according to the power vested in me by the State of (Name of State) and American Marriage Ministries, I pronounce you married.
I invite you to share your first kiss as a married couple.
Officiant to the guests
Now, friends, it is my genuine pleasure to introduce for the very first time (Mr. and Mrs. / The Newlyweds), and the (Last Name) Family!
This script has been lightly edited by AMM Staff for clarity and flow.
Chanelle Carlin is a celebrant of life and wedding officiant based in Washington State. She "specializes in outdoor elopements and bespoke intimate wedding ceremonies in the naturally beautiful Pacific Northwest, including Oregon and North Idaho." Chanelle owns and operates Chanelle Carlin Weddings, LLC.
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