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Romantic Spanish Language Wedding Ceremony Script (with English Translation)

Rosas rosadas en un ramo de novia.

A romantic Spanish language wedding ceremony script with English translation. The perfect starting place for a bilingual wedding, or a ceremony with two officiants or translator. This script includes wording on the nature of true love, lyrics from Eres Tú (Reik, Matisse), a sweet ring exchange, declaration of intent, and pronouncement. Guion de ceremonia de boda romantica.

This is an original wedding ceremony script written by AMM Minister and notary Michelle Rojas.


The script is published in its original Spanish, with English translations provided by the author for each section of the ceremony. This makes it the perfect starting point when planning a bilingual or multilingual ceremony, a ceremony with two officiants, or when officiating a wedding with an English or Spanish translator. 


It includes a warm welcome to guests, lyrics from Reik & Matisse's song Eres Tú, passionate words on the nature of true love and marriage, a sweet ring exchange, and a traditional declaration of intent and pronouncement. 


Procession / processional 

  • Empieza la ceremonia. Los invitados entran en la forma como la pareja ha escogido y se sientan. 

The ceremony starts. The guests enter the venue in the way the bride and her team have decided. 

Invocation & Welcome 


 Bienvenidos a todos. Un día escuché un verso de una canción (Reik - Eres Tú) que decía “Si te falta vida, yo te la daría. Si un dia tu me faltas, yo no sé qué haría, Porque eres el principio y el final.” 

Welcome honored guests! One day I heard a verse from a song called Eres Tú by Reik, that said “If you need more from life (in other words if you were dying and needed to live) I would give it to you. If one day you are no longer here, I don’t know what I would do, because you are my beginning and my end. (You are my everything)” 

Tal como dice esa canción estamos aquí para celebrar un amor como ese. Ese amor en el que uno no puede imaginarse la vida sin el otro. El amor que se tienen uno al otro se siente como un principio y a la vez un final. Estamos aquí para apoyar y honrar este gran amor entre (Partner A) y (Partner B).

Today we are here to celebrate this kind of love. The kind that feels like you cannot imagine life without the other. The kind of love that you feel as though they truly are your beginning and your end. We are here to support and honor this amazing one-of-a-kind love between (Partner A) and (Partner B). 

Los dos han llegado aquí a comprometerse de ahora en adelante. A quererse, amarse, valorarse y respetarse en sagrado matrimonio. El matrimonio ha sido y siempre será una de las formas más bellas en las que uno dice ‘Te Amo’. Porque lo dice al mundo entero.

Both have come here to make a bond that will last a lifetime. They have come to express their love, and their commitment in holy matrimony. Marriage has always been and will always be one of the most beautiful ways one says “I Love You” to the world. Because it is as if you are saying it to the whole world. 

Tan bello que es enamorarse, el tener un matrimonio largo y duradero es difícil. Todos aquí podemos ser testigos de que lo más importante es amarse, respetarse, y escoger seguir ahí. En la lucha. Seguir luchando por ese amor que los unió ahora. Este gran paso es algo hermoso que vamos a celebrar! 

It is so beautiful to fall in love, but staying in love is difficult. All of us here can attest to the fact that the most important thing one can do in a marriage is love each other, respect each other, communicate, and choose to be there. To stay in the fight. To stay fighting for the amazing love that today unites you. This amazing first step is beautiful and it is worth celebrating! 

Vows Exchange

  • En este momento si tienen algunas palabras que decirse el uno al otro pueden empezar.
  • Partner A primero, Partner B después

At this time if you have prepared vows for each other we will begin those now.

Partner A first, Partner B next


Se dice que el amor es ciego pero también se dice que el amor es único y sin él no se vive de verdad. Que lindo es estar enamorado. Estas hermosas promesas, y palabras que se han dicho el uno al otro son prueba de todo lo que han vivido y todo lo bello que ha de venir después. 

It is said that love is blind, but it is also said that love is really all you need and without it one has not really lived. How beautiful it is to be in love. These beautiful promises and words you have spoken to one another is the proof of everything you have lived. Of everything that is still yet to come. 

Declaration of Intent & Ring Exchange 

  • The officiant SIGNALS TO MAID OF HONOR, BEST MAN, OR RING BEARER to bring the rings


Los anillos que una pareja escoge siempre serán muy especiales. Ese anillo que se ponen en el dedo de ahora en adelante será un recuerdo de todo lo que se aman, de todo lo que se han prometido el día de hoy, de cada adversidad que han pasado y de siempre luchar el uno por el otro.

The rings that a couple chooses will always be very special. These rings that you place on your fingers today will be a symbol from now on, to remember how much you love each other. It is a reminder of everything you have promised, of every obstacle you have faced and to always fight for one another. 

El amor siempre nos ha hecho vivir momentos inolvidables. Es ese impulso que se dan el uno con el otro en momentos difíciles, y esa sonrisa que acompaña una mirada en momentos de plena alegría. Es un símbolo de amistad, una profunda amistad y respeto hacia otra persona para siempre. Ahora mientras ponen el anillo a su pareja les haré una pregunta a cada uno.... 

Love has always made us live incredible moments in our lives. Love can be seen in the support you give each other in hard times, in that smile you give one another across the room in moments of pure joy. It is a symbol of not just a beautiful friendship but also a deep respect towards another person forever. Now while you each place a ring on one another I will ask you each a question… 


(Partner A), toma usted a (Partner B) como su legítimo esposo (a) para amar y respetar, querer y adorar, en la pobreza y la adversidad, de ahora en adelante y hasta el fin de sus días? 

  • Partner A - Responde “Si," o "Acepto” 

(Partner A) Do you take (Partner B) as your legitimate husband (wife) to love and respect, cherish and adore, for richer or for poorer, from now on and until the end of days? 

  • Partner A - Answers “Yes," or "I do"

Officiant to Partner B

(Partner B), toma usted a (Partner A) como su legítima esposa (o) para amar y respetar, querer y adorar, en la pobreza y la adversidad, de ahora en adelante y hasta el fin de sus días? 

  • Partner B - Responde “Si," o "Acepto” 

(Partner B) Do you take (Partner B) as your legitimate wife (husband) to love and respect, cherish and adore, for richer or for poorer, from now on and until the end of days? 

  • Partner B - Answers “Yes," or "I do” 


Officiant to reception 

Hoy (Partner A) y (Partner B) han aceptado unir sus vidas por amor. Y entonces es por eso y por el poder que me otorga la iglesia American Marriage Ministries en el estado de (nombre del Estado). Yo los declaro Marido y Mujer (Gender neutral - Los declaro casados).

Puede besar a la novia! (Gender neutral - Se pueden ahora besar!)

Today (Partner A) and (Partner B) have accepted to unite their lives for love. That is why by the power vested in me by the church American Marriage Ministries and the state of (State name), I now pronounce you husband and wife. (Gender neutral - I now pronouce you married.)

You may now kiss the bride (Gender neutral - You may now kiss!)

Recession/ Recessional

End of the wedding ceremony.


Original wedding script by Michelle Rojas. 


Michelle Rojas is a wedding officiant and mobile notary / signing agent (NSA) based in New Jersey, where she owns and operates MD Signings.


Michelle is known not only for being a hopeless romantic, but for her incredible humor. When she's not working as an officiant, you can find her advocating for Autism Acceptance. Being a mother to her Autistic son is near and dear to her heart.



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