Over 132 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!

Simple Wedding Ceremony Script for Older Couples

An older groom and older bride kiss while sitting on a park bench outdoors on their wedding day. They have gray hair and look to be in their 70s or so, wearing wedding clothes and the bride holds a bouquet of flowers. The photo is in black and white for a romantic and classic look.

A short, simple wedding ceremony script for older couples, or those who are getting married for the second time around (or the third, fourth, etc.). Perfect for a small wedding celebrating a marriage later in life, for those who are non traditional, mid-life, elderly, or remarrying.


  • The audience is seated before the ceremony begins. processional music plays. The couple enters from the side, near the front of the room. If the couple chooses, older children can stand up front beside them to participate as part of the wedding party. 


Officiant to reception

Welcome everyone, and thank you all for joining us. 

We’re here today to celebrate the marriage of  __________ and __________, two wonderful people who have touched hundreds of hearts over the years, and have made the lives of everyone in this room infinitely more interesting, with their humor, wisdom, and take-no-shit spirits. 

Today, they promise to spend the rest of their lives laughing, learning, and making life better for each other every day. 

As Edward Bulwer-Lytton famously wrote, “It is not by the gray of the hair that one knows the age of the heart.” This fact is very evident today. Although __________ and __________ have a few gray hairs between them, they’re both wonderfully young at heart. 

Look at you two beaming at each other! Let’s get you two married. 

Declaration of Intent

Officiant to Partner A

Do you, __________, take __________ as your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, providing comfort, companionship, and laughter, for as long as you both shall live? 

Partner A 

I do.

Officiant to Partner B

Do you, __________, take __________ as your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, providing comfort, companionship, and laughter, for as long as you both shall live? 

Partner B 

I do.

Written Vows 

  • If the couple has personal written vows, these should be read at this time. If not, this section can be omitted.

Officiant to couple

You both have written something special for each other, that you’d like to share now.

__________, if you’re ready, go ahead.

  • Partner A reads their personal vows from a card

__________, if you’re ready, you can read now.

  • Partner B reads their personal vows from a card

Ring Exchange

Officiant to couple

These rings are a symbol of your continued love and commitment. When you look at your ring, let it be a reminder that this bountiful love is a choice you make each day, to nurture and grow together. Let them remind you that your partner is always with you, in body and spirit. 

Officiant to Partner A

Please place this ring on __________’s finger and repeat after me.  

  • Partner A repeats each line.

I give you this ring,

As a symbol of my deep and unconditional love. 

I promise to devote myself to you, 

To honor, and cherish you 

From now until the end of life. 

Officiant to Partner B

Please place this ring on __________’s finger and repeat after me.  

  • Partner B repeats each line.

I give you this ring,

As a symbol of my deep and unconditional love. 

I promise to devote myself to you, 

To honor, and cherish you 

From now until the end of life. 


With these vows and rings, you two have promised to love and cherish each other each day forward. As you know, life always has a way of surprising us, and often those surprises are more beautiful than anything we could have dreamed up ourselves, as long as we hang in for the ride.

Here’s to the two of you – sharing the rest of this wild ride together! 

I now pronounce you officially married. (man and wife, wives, husbands, partners, etc.) 

It’s my honor and joy to introduce to you for the first time,  __________! 

  • Use whatever introduction the couple would like. For example, Mr and Mrs Smith, Partners in Crime, etc.

You two may now kiss!


  • The ceremony is now over. recessional music plays. Guests are invited to come up and congratulate the newlyweds, and they shake hands and hug their friends and family. 

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