Over 131 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 131 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
This Pagan Handfasting ceremony scripts is a great alternative to a traditional wedding. This ceremony includes detailed instructions on how to include the couple's families in the handfasting ceremony. We encourage you to use this script as is or build on this script for a more personalized ceremony for the couple.
Significant preparation is needed for this ritual, but it is beautiful and simple to do.
The procession should include multiple generations. This includes:
First Parent or Elder to second parent or elder
"Hello! Who are you and why have you come?"
The Second Parent or Elder responds from the Procession
Second Parent or Elder
"We've brought [PARTNER B], our greatest joy and love, to offer in union to yours, [PARTNER A]".
Note: To avoid "giving" one partner away, this language can be changed to say something like, "We've come with [PARTNER B], a great joy and light in our lives, to support them as they join in union with [PARTNER A]."
Note: This may be a lot of candles! Be aware of fire hazards and wind, by using jars with high walls, or setting candles up on tables or benches.
Parent or elder
"We ask you to bless this union with prosperity, and resourcefulness in times of scarcity."first Parent or elder
"We ask you to bless this union with happiness, laughter, lightness, and a good sense of humor towards each other, and also towards themselves."second Parent or elder
"We ask you to bless this union with courage and optimism, that when one finds themselves in short supply, the other will help provide."first Parent or elder
"We ask you to bless this union with flexibility and honesty, that their love will continue to grow stronger each day, steady and pure in its foundation."
partner a
"Bless our union and the home we will build within this bond, the home we now carry with us, that my beloved will always know my love."
Making any offerings they've chosen: (Naming the spirits or gods/goddesses they seek blessing from).
Partner b
"Bless our union and the home we will build within this bond, the home we now carry with us, that my beloved will always know my love."
Making any offerings they've chosen: (Naming the spirits or gods/goddesses they seek blessing from).
"[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], do you wish to be handfasted?"BOTH Partners, in unison
"We do."Officiant
"And do you agree to do no harm to one another?"BOTH Partners, in unison
"We agree to do no harm."Officiant
"[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], and do you agree to be bound together in love, to commit to one another, to support each other as you both continue growing, meeting both challenges and joys, together?BOTH Partners, in unison
"We do."
Note: If they have prepared something to say or read to one another, they can do this now, but it is not necessary.
For example, simply say, "You may now exchange the rings you have brought for each other." Or, "You may now share the words you've written with each other. [PARTNER A], please go first."
Officiant, as they wrap the cord or ribbon
"In the warmth of this fire and the warmth of this group, with the blessings of spirits and gods, and of all those you call family and friends, I wrap this cord. Let it be a tangible symbol of your choice, and of your binding love and devotion. May your union be blessed again and again, with each new day."
officiant to the couple
"You are now handfasted, united for as long as love and life shall last! Kiss!"
officiant to the gathering
"Before we part, we thank the spirits and gods (names can be said here) for joining us here, for filling this space with joy, for blessing this union. We thank you! And we bid you farewell. Friends and family, thank you for your love and support. This ceremony is complete! Let's celebrate!"
The guests may now enjoy the desserts and beverages!
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