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Pirate Themed Wedding Ceremony Script with Reading & Rum Toast

Photo shows a large pirate ship sailing at sunset, pink and red hearts have been super-imposed over the photo giving it a dreamy, romantic feel.

Ahoy, mateys! This pirate wedding script is fun from bow to stern, from the officiant’s welcome speech to the pronouncement of the newlyweds. Filled with seafaring slang, nautical imagery, and meaningful rituals, including a reading of Ben Harper's 'Gold to Me', a hand blessing ceremony, and a rum unity toast. Written by professional officiant and ordained AMM Minister Sherri Crawford.

This is an original wedding ceremony script written by professional officiant AMM Minister Sherri Crawford.


This fun pirate themed officiant script includes a festive welcome and invocation, a declaration of support from the couple's shipmates (guests), a inspired reading of Ben Harper's 'Gold to Me', a Declaration of Intent, a unique exchange of themed wedding vows and plundered gold (wedding rings), a traditional hand blessing ceremony, rum unity toast, and so much more. 


It's equal parts funny, heartwarming, lighthearted, and sincere, and perfect for a non-religious and non-traditional wedding. 



  • Guests are handed bubble guns/blasters before they’re seated. Followed by the entrance of the bridal party.

Unplugged Statement / announcement

  • During the ceremony planning process ask the couple if they would like for you to make one. The officiant can also make the announcement prior to the start of the Processional, instead] 

Officiant to guests 

Fellow Buccaneers, at the couple’s request, please put away your phones and cameras during the ceremony. They invite you to be fully present, without the distraction of technology, as they share these moments with you. Otherwise, you may be forced to walk the plank!


Officiant to guests

Ahoy, Mateys! Welcome rogues, mermaids, scallywags, and pirates - today is a celebration. We gather on these plundered shores to witness the marriage of [Partner A] and [Partner B]… and to raise the Jolly Roger on their union before the setting of the sun!

[Partner A] and [Partner B], your marriage today is the ceremonial joining of your souls that have already been united as one in your hearts. This means you must enter into commitment with no lien on your ships, and be willing to sail together until one or both of you sink with the ship. 

To go the distance, you will need strength, courage, patience, a good sense of humor, and sometimes, lots of RUM! 

Declaration of Support by family & friends

Officiant to guests

Shipmates, each of you here has given something of yourself to [Partner A] and [Partner B]’s lives. You have been with them through rough seas, as well as the calm waters; and your support today is greater than any buried treasure. 

As part of the crew that surrounds them, do you offer your love and support to strengthen their marriage? If yes, please say a hearty, “Aye!” 


(All together) “Aye!”

Wedding Reading : 'Gold to me' by ben harper

  • During this unique wedding reading, the officiant recites the lyrics to 'Gold to Me', a song written by Ben Harper. 
  • Another poem or reading can be substituted here, if the couple prefers. The officiant can read it or the couple may ask a friend or family member to read it, instead.


“You look like gold to me
And I'm not too blind to see
You look like gold

You make me wanna sing
With all the joy you bring
You look like gold

Like the rays down from the sun
When a new day has just begun
You look like gold

I've been fooled before
But now I know
I've made the mistake in the past
But now I know the difference
From gold and brass

Not the kind of gold you wear
But the kind that can feel my care
You look like gold

Some shine when the day is new
But fade when the day is through
But you look like gold

I've been wrong before
But now I know
I've made mistakes in the past
But now I know the difference
From gold and brass

You look like gold to me
And I'm down on bending knees
You look like gold
And I just want you to know
To me you mean so much more
Than all the gold
You look like gold”

Declaration of Intent

Officiant to the couple

With the understanding that your hearts are each other’s true treasure, I now ask you: [Partner A] and [Partner B], are you here freely, before the captain and your crewmates, to join in wedded bliss? If so, please say, “We arrrrr!”

Couple to the officiant
(together) “We Arrrrr!”

Officiant to the couple

Do you promise to always be there for each other in scurvy and in health, to share your life and dreams, and to build a home of love, happiness, and support? If so, please say, “Aye, Captain!”

Couple to the officiant

(together) “Aye, Captain!”

Exchange of Wedding Vows

  • If a couple prefers to not write their own vows, the officiant can provide pre-written standard vows instead. The couple can repeat those vows line by line, after the officiant reads them]


As you look into your first mates’ eyes, you’ll share the vows that you pledge for a lifetime. We’ll begin with [Partner A]. 

  • Partner A reads their vows, followed by Partner B

Ring Exchange

Officiant to special guest

May I have the gold, er, the rings, plundered from a sunken chest?

  • The wedding rings are given to the officiant by a member of the wedding party.

Your wedding rings are a circle. They represent your love which, just like the shape, is never-ending.

Officiant to [Partner A]

[Partner A], as you place the ring on [Partner B]’s finger, please repeat after me:

With this ring, I choose you:
With my loving heart.
With my willing body.
And with my eternal soul.
I pledge this commitment to you, today, tomorrow, and forever. 


Officiant to [Partner B]

[Partner B], as you place the ring on [Partner A]’s finger, please repeat after me:

With this ring, I choose you:
With my loving heart.
With my willing body.
And with my eternal soul.
I pledge this commitment to you, today, tomorrow, and forever. 


Blessing of the Hands

  • The original author of this hand blessing ceremony is unknown.

Officiant to the couple

As you’re holding hands, remember that throughout you marriage:

 “These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you.
These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future.
These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other.
These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind.
These are the hands that will applaud your greatest achievements
 These are the hands that will wipe the tears from your eyes in joy and sorrow.
These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it.
And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.”

Actually, one more thing: These are the hands that will sneak in a booty grab every now and then... I mean the treasure of course!

Unity Rum Shot

Officiant to all

Now that [Partner A] and [Partner B] have made their life long promises to each other, they’ve chosen to symbolize the joining of their two lives with a ceremony ritual. 

Officiant to Special guest

May we have the rum?

  • The couple can designate a family member, friend, or even the wedding coordinator to present the selected bottle of rum. It can be placed on a table that’s positioned off to the side of the officiant.
  • Each partner pours the other a drink into a glass.

Officiant to the couple 

Now, you may not have thought about this before, but a good Dark rum is like a good marriage – it improves with age. Plus, rum is made from sugar cane – a reminder to keep sweetness in your marriage. Work with me here…..

For those who harvest sugar cane, it symbolizes prosperity, growth, and improvement. May that remind you to grow and thrive together, never losing sight of the richness of your relationship. What’s more, the demanding work involved to reap sugar cane reminds us that a good marriage doesn’t just happen, it takes effort to be created. 

Each of your glasses of rum symbolize the strengths that you bring to your marriage. 

  • Here, the Officiant can go a step further and add a strength that each partner says they bring.

Officiant to all

Family and friends I now ask for your assistance – when I say “go,” you’ll count to three with me and yell, “Salud,” as they seal their vows with a sip. 

Officiant to the couple

[Partner A] and [Partner B], raise your glasses high. Ready, go: “one, two, three, Salud!” 

  • The guests count along, and couple then drinks their shots


Officiant to the couple

[Partner A] and [Partner B], you joined your hands, declared your love for each other, spoken your promises before your loved ones, and toasted to your lifelong commitment to each other.

May your Jolly Roger fly high, your ships never sink, and your rum flow freely. I now pronounce you Married! You may celebrate with a kiss!


  • Officiant: Before the ceremony, ask the soon-to-be newlyweds how they want to be introduced at the end of their ceremony. 

Officiant to the guests

Alright folks, raise your bubble blasters… It is my true honor, to introduce to you for the first time [Name/s of Newlyweds]. 


  • Guests blows bubbles as the couple walks back down the aisle.
  • Ceremony ends




Sherri Crawford is a professional wedding officiant (, event emcee, and entertainment/ lifestyle writer, based along the North Carolina coast. Sherri began officiating weddings in 2018 and is an ordained member of the Universal Brotherhood Movement, and American Marriage Ministries. 


A former rock radio personality and news radio announcer, her personable and professional style has made her a favorite choice among regional and destination wedding couples. Sherri specializes in creating custom wedding ceremonies and encourages couples to, “celebrate your love your way.” She officiates weddings of all sizes and styles, as well as vow renewals, commitment ceremonies, and celebrations of life, for all. She owns and operates Officiant Sherri, serving NC, SC, and beyond.




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