Over 131 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 131 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
An original themed wedding script based on Game of Thrones, with references to many of your favorite GoT storylines, episodes, and characters. Honor your commitment in the company of friends and family, Old Gods and New Gods, the Seven aspects, and watch your love triumph over White Walkers, Stone Men, and any other challenges that lie ahead on the path of life. The Three-Eyed Raven has seen your future, and happiness awaits! Written by ordained AMM Minister Kris Bowen.
This is an original wedding script written by AMM Minister Kris Bowen, and inspired by the epic television fantasy series Game of Thrones (GoT) and House of the Dragon, based on the novels and series by George R. R. Martin.
+ Add a wedding welcome or opening speech:
Offbeat Wedding Welcome & Opening Remarks: Examples for a Non-traditional Ceremony!
Officiant/ High Septon/ High Sparrow to the crowd
Who comes before the Old Gods and the New, to join together under the sight of the Seven on this (day/ night)?
Partner A to the officiant
I, (Partner A), of the House (Partner A's last name or a House from GoT), comes here to be wed.
Officiant/ High Septon/ High Sparrow to the couple
A (woman/ man) has grown, trueborn and noble. (She/ He/ They) comes to beg the blessing of the Gods, the Old and the New, and always the Seven.
Officiant/ High Septon/ High Sparrow to the crowd
Who comes to claim (her/ him/ them)?
Partner B to the officiant
(Partner B), of the House of (your last name or a House from GoT).
Officiant/ High Septon/ High Sparrow to the crowd
Who gives (her/ him/ them)?
person of honor to the officiant
(Person of Honor), of the House (your last name or a House from GoT), who am (her/ his) (mother/ father/ friend).
Officiant/ High Septon/ High Sparrow to the couple
Lady/ Lord (Partner A), Lady/ Lord (Partner B), do you take the other to your heart, hearth, and home?
Partner A and Partner B to the officiant
We do.
Officiant/High Septon/High Sparrow to the crowd
We know winter is long, and the Long Night is coming. We have chosen to stop the wheel of time for just a few moments as we celebrate these gifts of love, and its presence among us.
May the Crows and Free Folk stand strong to protect us from the White Walkers, so that we can rejoice that these two people have chosen to live as one as they travel the roads, rivers, and seas of life together.
We offer praise to all the Gods, Old and New, because you (Partner A) and (Partner B) have touched our lives with the love you share. You renew our lives with these gracious gifts of love so that we may embrace others with love. As we celebrate this joining of love and commitment, we also give thanks to the new joy and responsiveness in all the relationships that surround us.
Officiant/ High Septon/ High Sparrow to the couple and the crowd
Let us now place the cloak on (Partner A / B), and bring (him/ her/ them) under the eyes and protection of not only the one who loves you most, but also of the Seven - the Father, the Mother, the Maiden, the Crone, the Warrior, the Smith, and the Stranger.
It is in our natures to celebrate a marriage as it is a joyous occasion. It connects our thoughts with the gentle breezes of summer, the warmth of home, and with all that is pleasant, and allows us to face our fears with courage.
What you are creating here in the presence of all that have gathered seen and unseen is a bond of sacredness and unity, that is the most significant and binding covenants known in human relations. Under the sight of the Three-Eyed Raven who carries the visions and memories of the past, present and future, I charge you both to remember that your future happiness is to be in mutual consideration, patience, kindness, confidence and affection.
It is your duty to remember that your love pledged today must remain undivided for a lifetime. You are today vowing to be a considerate, tender, faithful, and loving (wife and husband / wives/ etc.): to support, guide and cherish each other in all prosperity and challenge; to thoughtfully and carefully enlarge the place the other holds in your life; to give freely of your affection, to shelter each other from all hardship and attack -- be it White Walkers, Stone Men, or any trial that come with the passing of time; and to love each other with the passionate fire of a Dragon.
Officiant/High Septon/High Sparrow to the couple
Today, as you feast, it may not seem like you have done anything at all, but in truth, this day you have become (his/ her/ their) Moon, and you, (his/ her/ their) Sun. Your love shall be as ever-present as those two celestial bodies… even though they are sometimes hidden from one another’s sight.
Your love will be the guiding force that charts the course of your tomorrows, holds your world together in difficult times, and will make life itself shine bolder and brighter than we human beings have a right to dream of.
(Partner A) and (Partner B), now we come to your vows. I remind you that speaking your vows might seem a simple thing, but nothing is more challenging than living them day by day. What you promise today must be renewed tomorrow, and each day stretching out before you.
As we stand here in the sight of the Gods, Old and New, along with your honored guests, to witness this union as one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever; I charge you under they eyes of all the Gods and the Seven to keep these vows you take here today. Not out of fear of the Greyjoys or even the Boltons, but out of a true desire to love and be loved by this person standing before you, without limitations, so you may create a life that even a Lannister will envy.
Officiant/ high septon/ high sparrow to partner A
With this in mind, I ask you, (Partner A), will you take (Partner B) as your (husband/ wife/ spouse) and equal, to live together under one House, sharing all that you have, and treasuring (Name) for all the gifts of love she/he bestows upon you? To respect (him/ her) as an equal, to share in the bounties of summer as well as your fire in the winter, in sorrow, challenges, joys and triumphs as well as defeat?
(Partner A) to the officiant
I will.
Officiant/ high septon/ high sparrow to partner B
(Partner B), will you take (Partner A) as your (husband/ wife/ spouse) and equal, to live together under one House, sharing all that you have, and treasuring (Name) for all the gifts of love she/he bestows upon you? To respect (him/ her) as an equal, to share in the bounties of summer as well as your fire in the winter, in sorrow, challenges, joys and triumphs as well as defeat?
(Partner B) to the officiant
I will.
Officiant/ High Septon/ High Sparrow to the crowd
Let it be known that (Partner A) and (Partner B) are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Old Gods, the New Gods, and the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity.
Officiant to the couple
Turn and look upon one another.
Officiant to Partner A
(Partner A), say these words after me:
I will be your cool breeze during the long Summers, and you will be my fire during the long Winters. I will stand by your side no matter what challenges life may bring. You are my (Sun / Moon) and my stars. I choose to walk the path of life with you.
Officiant to Partner B
Now you, (Partner B), say these words:
I will be your cool breeze during the long Summers, and you will be my fire during the long Winters. I will stand by your side no matter what challenges life may bring. You are my (Sun / Moon) and my stars. I choose to walk the path of life with you.
Officiant/ High Septon/ High Sparrow to the couple
(Partner A) and (Partner B), you've made promises of love and devotion to each other before the Gods. We know that words are just sounds, sounds that once spoken into the world have the power to bind you, be it to your king, or to your love. These rings you are about to give each other are symbols of the the promises you've spoken.
Officiant to (Guest 1) and (Guest 2)
(Guest 1) and (Guest 2), step forward with the rings for your (Lady/ Lord) and (Lady/ Lord).
Officiant to the couple
Place the ring on your love's hand, and repeat after me:
I am yours and you are mine. From this day, until the end of my days.
Officiant to the couple
Remember, the weight of your ring may feel unnatural at times, heavy with the weight of your vows. You will hear it clank against your goblet, or the hilt of your sword. But this ring will remind you each day to embody your vows in word and deed.
The hand that wears this ring will not stay the same as years past. Wrinkles will form, calluses will come and go, and scars may appear. Yet these vows to love, cherish, and respect one another, no matter what life brings or what paths you take, remain unchanging. Let your love be a constant as you walk together into the long winter.
Officiant/High Septon/High Sparrow to the couple
We know that the nights are long, dark, and full of terrors, the Dragons fly in the skies, and the White Walkers are coming. The Gods, the Old, and the New, the Seven aspects, the Father, the Mother, the Maiden, the Crone, the Warrior, the Smith, and the Stranger, have graced us with their blessings today. The Three-Eyed Raven has taken note, and has seen your future together. It is full of love, good fortune, and a few challenges that will leave you stronger in yourselves and your love.
As you leave this sacred place today, know that above, you are the stars, and below, you are the stones. Time passes, so like a stone should your love be firm, and like the stars may your love be constant.
Let your minds and hearts guide you in your marriage and in your lives. May the power of love and desire make you happy. Have patience with one another, for even if the Dragons come in smoke and fire, and other challenges arrive for you, they will pass quickly.
Be free in giving affection and warmth. Honor the Gods, no matter if it’s the Old Ones or the New, if you have faith Faith in the Seven. Walk as fearlessly as a Dothraki Blood Rider, and let not the ways of the unenlightened give you unease, for love is with you always.
May you be blessed in all things, for you are now married.
You may kiss!
Officiant to the crowd
Kris Bowen is an experienced inclusive wedding professional located in the beautiful state of Colorado, where she co-owns and operates We Do I Do For You with her husband Ken. She has been involved in almost every aspect of the wedding industry for more than 20 years, working as a photographer, venue salesperson, events manager, and wedding officiant.
Kris specializes in ‘out of the box’ weddings as well as elopements, micro weddings, and immersive themed wedding experiences. She was ordained by AMM in 2020.
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