Over 131 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 131 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
This wedding ceremony script leaves the couples vows section empty. This script was written by American Marriage Ministries to serve as a starting point for couples that want to have a Christian wedding ceremony. The couple will provide their vows at the ceremony. This script leaves the vows as a surprise for the couple and officiant. We encourage you to use this script as is or build on this script for a more personalized ceremony for the couple.
officiant to the reception
"We are gathered here on this beautiful day to witness the union of [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] in holy matrimony. This is a day of great celebration, for a married life - a shared life - is a great blessing.
As [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] embark on this journey together they will be able to nurture a love that makes them better versions of themselves. Marriage is a garden we sow with love, and harvest in personal growth.
[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], on your journey together, keep your spouse in the space of highest priority in your heart. The love that you share must be guarded and cherished forever, for it is your most valuable treasure.
Always remember these words; Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."
"You have chosen to write your vows, and it is with these words you express your binding promises to love, honor, and cherish one another. If you are ready to make these promises to each other I invite you now to face each other and declare your intentions.
When you're ready you may begin.
"Thank you for sharing your vows with all of us. The rings you are about to place on each other's fingers are symbols of the love you expressed. They will remind you of the vows you have just spoken, and of the eternal love that you have for one another."OFFICIANT TO PARTNER A
"[PARTNER A], place the ring on [PARTNER B]'s finger and repeat after me.
As this ring encircles your finger…From this moment forward...So will my love forever encircle you...You will never walk alone...My heart will be your shelter...My arms will be your home...We will walk thru life as partners & best friends...I promise to do my best to love, cherish and accept you...Just the way you are...I give you my heart until the end of time...I have no greater gift to give."
"Now,[PARTNER B] , place the ring on [PARTNER A]'s finger and repeat after me.
As this ring encircles your finger...from this moment will my love forever encircle you...You will never walk alone...My heart will be your shelter...My arms will be your home...We will walk thru life as partners & best friends...I promise to do my best to love, cherish and accept you...just the way you are...I give you my heart until the end of time...I have no greater gift to give."
"By the power given to me by the American Marriage Ministries and by the State of [WEDDING STATE], I now pronounce you Husband and Wife (or legally married partners). You may kiss each other."OFFICIANT TO THE RECEPTION
"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to present for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. [COUPLE'S MARRIED NAME]!"
End of the Wedding Ceremony.
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