Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
A sweet officiant script for when a couple asks a parent to officiate the wedding ceremony! Is an elder, beloved mentor, or parent officiating your wedding? Asking Mom or Dad to get ordained online to marry you? Use this sample script and outline as an example of what to say and do, then personalize with details from the couple's love story. Written by ordained AMM Minister and professional officiant Dan Henkel.
This is an original wedding ceremony script written by professional officiant (and proud father), AMM Minister Dan Henkel.
This unique officiant script is perfect for a ceremony where a Dad, Mom, Proud Parent, or any other beloved Elder or Mentor is asked to officiate. It includes a friendly welcome and invocation speech, a moment of remembrance for lost or absent loved ones, the required declaration of intent and pronouncement, and a traditional exchange of wedding vows and rings.
Officiant / parent to guests
Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. We are gathered here to celebrate the union of (Partner A) and (Partner B). Each of us has had a role in helping them along the path that has led to this joyful occasion. Whether as a family member, friend or mentor—or whatever role we have played in their lives—our influence has touched their individual journeys, and we celebrate with them as they now join their lives together, forever.
I ask you to pledge your continued love and support as (Partner B) and (Partner A) enter this new adventure. Let us—together—nurture, advise and console them, celebrating each achievement and standing with them during challenging times. Though our relationships will continue to evolve, the bonds we have forged endure.
Officiant / Parent TO THE COUPLE
(Partner A) and (Partner B), we welcome you to this moment in your lives and to the place you have earned in each other’s hearts. We join with you on this day, as you commit before everyone present that from this point forward you shall live as one.
In childhood, each new discovery was a miracle to you:
A butterfly emerging from its cocoon
The first snowfall of winter and the first buds of spring
The revelation that letters form words, and words are the portal to a universe of knowledge
The soothing reassurance after a tearful disappointment that all will be well
Officiant / parent to guests and couple
Let us take a moment to remember those who can’t be with us today, either because of distance or because they have gone before us. In particular, we lift up [Name any family members or others whom the couple chooses to memorialize.]
Though they may not be physically present here, today, they remain with us in spirit—for they are linked forever with our lives and our shared memories.
For more inspiration:
+ Honoring the Memory of Loved Ones in Your Wedding Ceremony
Officiant / Parent TO THE COUPLE
(Partner B) and (Partner A), do you now commit to forging a life together—to the difficult yet endlessly rewarding adventure of creating a new family from your intersecting lives?
(Partner B) and (Partner A)
(Together) We do!
When you were little, your families were your whole world. Everyone you knew and loved, everything you experienced, was part of a cozy circle centered around your home.
Then you went to school, and your universe widened to include other children and adults. They learned and played with you; instructed and counseled you; helped you find the tools that would allow you to find your own way in a world of growing complexity. As your activities and interests expanded, so did the circle of those who would continue to influence and protect you. What began as your parents’ role was now the collective duty of your burgeoning community.
You grew more independent and ranged farther from home. You developed new friends and involvements. Eventually, you found each other! We marvel at the loving connection you two have made, and we are grateful for having had a role in preparing you for that ongoing miracle.
As you move together through an intricately beautiful world—one that can be inspiring and daunting by turns—please remember the journeys that led you to become the unique individuals that you each are, and that now have led you to each other.
May I have the rings, please?
(Partner A) and (Partner B) have chosen to exchange rings as a sign of their commitment.
Let these perfect circles symbolize the path you set upon together: endless and open, gleaming and priceless.
May you wear them always as a reminder of the unbreakable bond you share. Let the timeless beauty of their precious metal recall the love of the families, friends and mentors who helped forge in you a core of confidence and compassion.
(Partner A), please place (Partner B)’s ring on [HER/ THEIR/ HIS] finger and make your vow to [HER/ THEM/ HIM].
(Partner B), please place (Partner A)’s rings on [HER/ THEIR/ HIS] finger and make your vow to [HER/ THEM/ HIM].
By the power vested in me by the State of [WEDDING STATE] and American Marriage Ministries, and through the witness of all here present, I now [PRONOUNCE YOU HUSBAND AND WIFE / PARTNERS FOR LIFE / DECLARE THIS UNION JOINED].
You may exchange a sign of your affection.
It is my pleasure to present, for the first time as a married couple, [ANNOUNCE COUPLE IN THEIR PREFERRED MANNER.]
Want to ask two parents to co-officiate your wedding ceremony?
Use this sample script as an example:
Two Officiants Wedding Ceremony Script
Dan Henkel is a professional wedding officiant who believes guests should come away saying “That was so cool… and so THEM!”
Since 1995, Dan has united loving, diverse couples in one-of-a-kind weddings. His upbeat, inclusive style reflects his background as an award-winning communicator, entertainer and advocate. Couples describe Dan as "the perfect fit for us" ... "an amazing officiant" ... "kind, genuine...a delightful presence” … “warm, welcoming, and responsive.”
Dan's wedding business is based in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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