Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 128 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
This unique wedding ceremony script celebrates independence in marriage, true partnership, and the coming together of two free spirits in love. This simple officiant script includes nontraditional wording with an emphasis on equality and mutual respect, sweet ‘repeat after me’ style wedding vows and ring exchange, and a simple pronouncement. Written by ordained AMM Minister, officiant, & songwriter Karen E. Reynolds.
Photo: Bethany Ferr (Pexels)
This is an original wedding ceremony script written by ordained AMM Minister, professional wedding officiant, and renowned songwriter Karen E. Reynolds.
This simple officiant script celebrates the joining of two independent and free-spirited people in marriage, with an opening speech that reflects on the unique lives, strengths, and personalities of the couple.
Perfect for nontraditional couples, older couples, and any couple that values freedom, mutual respect, true partnership, and loving independence in their relationship.
Welcome to those here today serving as witness to the joining of [Partner A] and [Partner B] in marriage. Your presence at this ceremony is important to them, and they thank you for standing with them today, and always.
Officiant to the guests
At this time, we welcome you to enjoy the moment, and request that you turn off your phones and put them away. Thank you.
Officiant to the guests
To be 'married' is the joining of two people in matrimony. Tradition may indicate that marriage requires taking someone else's name, or to leave previous, separate lives behind, in order to become as one.
But while marriage is, indeed, the joining of two hearts and two souls, it is also the joining of two individuals. Two people with their own thoughts, beliefs, and their own identities; identities which are not lost simply by the commitment made to love and support one another.
On the contrary, marriage allows two separate individuals to collectively become greater than the sum of their parts, while also allowing such a supportive relationship as for the complete freedom to be themselves.
These two hearts beat on their own, but the shared love allows them to also beat FOR one another. [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] recognize that marriage is the culmination of their two loves, which are simply shared as one, and is the ultimate journey of togetherness.
[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], Please face one another, and join hands.
Do you, [PARTNER A], welcome this joining freely, and without question take [PARTNER B] as your lifelong partner and equal in all that you may face, encounter, celebrate or rejoice?
I do.
Do you, [PARTNER B], welcome this joining freely, and without question take [PARTNER A] as your lifelong partner and equal in all that you may face, encounter, celebrate or rejoice?
I do.
OFFICIANT TO guest who holds rings
May we have the rings, please?
These rings, each individual in their design, are a unified symbol of your marriage to the world. May they also be a daily reminder of your own individual promises, as well as your vow to stand together.
[PARTNER A], as you place this ring on [PARTNER B's] finger, please repeat after me:
I [PARTNER A], take you, [PARTNER B], to share our love in marriage.
I remain my own person, but give myself to you of my own free will.
I promise to always see you as whole,
while knowing that together, we have a collective strength.
I promise you room to breathe and to encourage your dreams,
allowing you to grow, while appreciating you just as you are.
I vow to freely give you my trust and to be worthy of your trust in return.
This is a marriage of equals, and with this ring, I thee wed.
[PARTNER B], as you place this ring on [PARTNER A's] finger, please repeat after me:
I [PARTNER B], take you, [PARTNER A], to share our love in marriage.
I remain my own person, but give myself to you of my own free will.
I promise to always see you as whole,
while knowing that together, we have a collective strength.
I promise you room to breathe and to encourage your dreams,
allowing you to grow, while appreciating you just as you are.
I vow to freely give you my trust and to be worthy of your trust in return.
This is a marriage of equals, and with this ring, I thee wed.
+Add personal written vows to this ceremony :
Tips & Inspiration on Writing Personal Wedding Vow
[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], you have pledged your commitment in matrimony, vowing to stand beside and support one another through all things.
According to the powers vested in me by American Marriage Ministries and the State of [Wedding State], I pronounce you Partners in Life, For Life.
Please share a kiss.
It is my pleasure and privilege to introduce [INDIVIDUAL NAME OF PARTNER A] and [INDIVIDUAL NAME OF PARTNER B], partners in the truest sense.
Karen E. Reynolds is a wedding officiant and award winning recording artist and Hall of Fame inducted songwriter based in East Tennessee, where she lives with her wife of over 41 years. Karen is passionate about writing and believes all couples deserve a wedding ceremony which best reflects their individual beliefs, non-beliefs, and personalities.
Karen was ordained by AMM in 2019 and has since carved out a niche of customizing wedding ceremonies and helping couples pen unique, personal vows which speak their hearts. Karen officiates weddings, commitment ceremonies, vow renewals, celebrations of life, is a TN commissioned notary, and offers her services without prejudice to race, religion, ethnicity, or orientation.
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