Over 131 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
Over 131 free sample ceremony scripts to use for your ceremony. We have wedding ceremony scripts, handfasting scripts, non-religious ceremonies, and more!
An inclusive wedding ceremony script for same-sex and other LGBTQ+ couples, or anyone who wants to celebrate Marriage Equality on their wedding day! This sample wedding script includes a heartfelt speech from the officiant with an uplifting quote from the Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS), a romantic exchange of rings, a blessing, and simple wording for the pronouncement and introduction. Written by ordained AMM Minister & songwriter Karen E. Reynolds.
This original wedding ceremony script is written by AMM Minister and professional songwriter Karen E. Reynolds, and is inspired by true love, and the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in favor of Marriage Equality for same-sex couples (Obergefell v. Hodges).
This wedding script opens with a heartfelt speech on the evolving nature of love and the power of marriage, including a moving quote from Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, and continues with romantic vows, a sweet blessing from the wedding officiant, and simple wording for a gender-neutral pronouncement and introduction.
A perfect script for same-sex weddings and other LGBTQ+ inclusive wedding ceremonies, or for any couple who wants to celebrate our constitutional right to marriage.
Celebrate Obergefell v. Hodges & Marriage Equality:
Welcome to those here today serving as witness to the joining of [Partner A] and [Partner B] in marriage. To be present during this exchange of vows signifies your importance to them. Thank you for supporting them on this most important occasion.
Today we gather in celebration of love in its truest sense. Love is not defined as a commodity afforded only to a select few. Love is a universal and immeasurable gift given between and enjoyed by two people who have deepened their relationship far beyond that of casual friendship. Love is special, and deserves to be celebrated.
To make the ultimate commitment of matrimony is the highest public affirmation of love in our society. To quote the Supreme Court of The United States, "No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were."*
Today, [Partner A] and [Partner B] will promise to become that something greater, together, and will be joined with equal dignity in the eyes of the law.
Officiant to the couple
[Partner A] and [Partner B], understand that marriage is never to be entered into lightly, but thoughtfully, and with deep respect to this commitment. This is the moment when your hearts and souls are joined as one, to face together all you encounter from this day forward. As this part of your journey begins, I would ask that you both remind yourselves often of the love that brought you here today.
[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], I ask that you turn to face one another, and join hands as you make these promises.
Do you, [PARTNER A], enter into this union of your own free will, completely of heart, mind, body and soul, vowing to take [PARTNER B] as your spouse, love, and partner, in all that life brings?
I do.
Do you, [PARTNER B], enter into this union of your own free will, completely of heart, mind, body and soul, vowing to take [PARTNER A] as your spouse, love, and partner, in all that life brings?
I do.
May we have the rings, please?
In reality, a ring is no more than a circle of metal on its own. But similar to the joining of two people in matrimony, with the addition of vows, a ring extends far beyond the sum of its part and represents an endless promise, never to be broken. These rings are to be an outward symbol of the love and commitment between you both, and a daily reminder of your vows.
[PARTNER A], as you place this ring on [PARTNER B's] finger, please repeat after me:
[PARTNER B], this ring symbolizes my promise
to stand beside you and with you,
celebrating any joy and facing any and all challenges together,
loving you til the end of our days.
With this ring, I thee wed."
[PARTNER B], as you place this ring on [PARTNER B's] finger, please repeat after me:
[PARTNER A], this ring symbolizes my promise
to stand beside you and with you,
celebrating any joy and facing any and all challenges together,
loving you til the end of our days.
With this ring, I thee wed."
We ask for blessings on this union, that the universe contributes to your strength, trust, and brings joy beyond your wildest imaginations. May you be an example of love to the world, and that you live in Grace, Peace, and be provided every dignity of having been joined in matrimony.
[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], you have consented to this joining and have pledged your commitment to one another through sacred vows, thus allowing you every privilege of marriage.
According to the powers vested in me by American Marriage Ministries, I pronounce you Partners in Life, For Life. You may seal this covenant with a kiss.
It is my pleasure and privilege to introduce [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], as being duly married under the eyes of the law, in their hearts, and in their souls. Let this celebration of love continue!
*The above quote is from Justice Anthony Kennedy, Supreme Court of the United States, Obergefell v. Hodges Decision, 2015
Karen E. Reynolds is a wedding officiant and award winning recording artist and Hall of Fame inducted songwriter based in East Tennessee, where she lives with her wife of over 41 years. Karen is passionate about writing and believes all couples deserve a wedding ceremony which best reflects their individual beliefs, non-beliefs, and personalities.
Karen was ordained by AMM in 2019 and has since carved out a niche of customizing wedding ceremonies and helping couples pen unique, personal vows which speak their hearts. Karen officiates weddings, commitment ceremonies, vow renewals, celebrations of life, is a TN commissioned notary, and offers her services without prejudice to race, religion, ethnicity, or orientation.
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