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Most Recent AMM Articles

Tennessee Ordination Tour Updates: Clarksville TN

2057 DAYS AGO | 6.22.2019

Tennessee Ordination Tour Updates: Clarksville TN

American Marriage Ministries visited Clarksville Tennessee to provide in-person ordinations for ministers affected by the new marriage law.

Tennessee State Seal

2065 DAYS AGO | 6.14.2019

American Marriage Ministries Incorporated in Tennessee as a Non-Profit Corp.

American Marriage Ministries is now incorporated in Tennessee as a non-profit corporation to ensure recognition of our ministers.

AMM to Provide In-Person Ordination in Tennessee for All Ministers affected by New Marriage Law

2068 DAYS AGO | 6.11.2019

AMM to Provide In-Person Ordination in Tennessee for All Ministers affected b...

American Marriage Ministries will be providing FREE on-site minister ordination so that you can officiate weddings in Tennessee, in compliance with the state...

Stock image shows the Tennessee state flag, with a red background, blue circle, and three white stars

2074 DAYS AGO | 6.5.2019

An Open Letter to Members of the Tennessee Legislature

An open letter from American Marriage Ministries to the Tennessee legislature protesting a restrictive new marriage law.

Are you affected by the new Tennessee Marriage Law?

2075 DAYS AGO | 6.4.2019

Are you affected by the new Tennessee Marriage Law?


Growing Outrage: A Minister Responds to Tennessee’s Restrictive Marriage Law

2079 DAYS AGO | 5.31.2019

Growing Outrage: A Minister Responds to Tennessee’s Restrictive Marriage Law

An American Marriage Ministries Minister writes her representative protesting a restrictive new marriage law passed in the State of Tennessee.

New Tennessee Marriage Law is an Attack On Religious Freedom, and Rights Of Non-Traditional Ministers

2080 DAYS AGO | 5.30.2019

New Tennessee Marriage Law is an Attack On Religious Freedom, and Rights Of N...

Tennessee’s legislature has...

The 5 Biggest Wedding RSVP Headaches

2082 DAYS AGO | 5.28.2019

The 5 Biggest Wedding RSVP Headaches

Watch out for these kinds of guests when you are creating your wedding RSVP guest list.

4 Incredible Ceremonies Officiated By Friends and Family

2086 DAYS AGO | 5.24.2019

4 Incredible Ceremonies Officiated By Friends and Family

Every year, more Americans choose friends and family members to officiate weddings, here are there stories.

Asked to Officiate a Wedding?

Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.

More Recent Articles

Queer Eye’s Jonathan Van Ness and Elysian Brewery announce Lucky Couple Winner

2087 DAYS AGO | 5.23.2019

Queer Eye’s Jonathan Van Ness and Elysian Brewery announce Lucky Couple Winner

American Marriage Ministries congratulates lucky couple Megan and Haden who won a wedding officiated by Queer Eye's Jonathan Van Ness.

How I Unexpectedly Became a Wedding Officiant... and Loved Every Moment of It

2095 DAYS AGO | 5.15.2019

How I Unexpectedly Became a Wedding Officiant... and Loved Every Moment of It

Professional wedding officiant Matt McMurphy shares how he first was asked to perform a wedding for friends, and how that turned into a meaningful career.

Have You Considered a Micro Wedding?

2102 DAYS AGO | 5.8.2019

Have You Considered a Micro Wedding?

Having a micro wedding is a great way to reduce the costs, and make wedding planning less stressful.

5 Ways You Can Create Better Wedding Pictures

2103 DAYS AGO | 5.7.2019

5 Ways You Can Create Better Wedding Pictures

Learn how to plan your wedding ceremony to ensure great photos of the couple. Wedding officiants need to plan ahead and know what to wear, where to stand, an...

Why Are More Couples Getting Married by a Friend?

2103 DAYS AGO | 5.7.2019

Why Are More Couples Getting Married by a Friend?

A change in the way that Americans think about weddings and marriage is driving the trend of asking a friend to perform a wedding.

How I Fell in Love with Weddings by Planning My Own

2108 DAYS AGO | 5.2.2019

How I Fell in Love with Weddings by Planning My Own

Guest contributor Matt McMurphy writes about how his own wedding inspired him to become a professional officiant.

Who Should You Invite to your Wedding?

2117 DAYS AGO | 4.23.2019

Who Should You Invite to your Wedding?

Our definitive guide to who you should invite to your wedding, and tips to decide who you want to attend.

New Hawaii Marriage Law lets Couples Declared Middle and Last Names

2118 DAYS AGO | 4.22.2019

New Hawaii Marriage Law lets Couples Declared Middle and Last Names

Hawaii's new marriage laws allows couples to choose any middle or last name

Funny image of a man on a beach holding his hand up to block the sun, as if 'searching' for something -- a wedding officiant, perhaps?

2130 DAYS AGO | 4.10.2019

How to Find the Perfect Wedding Officiant

Follow these tips in order to choose a wedding officiant that reflects your values and beliefs.


Become a Wedding Officiant with Our Free Online Ordination!