Check out these 77 articles tagged with Lgbtq. The American Weddings Blog is your source for officiant tips, ceremony planning, and more.
40 DAYS AGO | 12.13.2024
Will Obergefell v. Hodges be overturned? Here’s what could happen in states that banned same sex marriage before the 2015 Supreme Court decision.
42 DAYS AGO | 12.11.2024
Read about legislation that would allow elected officials in South Carolina to recuse themselves from performing same-sex marriages or issuing marriage licen...
48 DAYS AGO | 12.5.2024
Syracuse City Court judge refused to marry a same-sex couple in a courthouse wedding. Click to read more & learn how to support marriage equality in your com...
75 DAYS AGO | 11.8.2024
Voters pass amendments to protect marriage equality for LGBTQ+ couples in Hawaii, California, and Colorado. Good news for marriage rights this 2024 election ...
90 DAYS AGO | 10.24.2024
Will modern women bring back Boston Marriages as Gen Z’s embrace of platonic marriage grows? Plus a look at women’s same-sex relationships in the 1800s!
91 DAYS AGO | 10.23.2024
Lavender Marriage is being redefined as young people discover the benefits of legally marrying a platonic life partner.
Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.
125 DAYS AGO | 9.19.2024
Quotes from Kamala Harris & Donald Trump on same-sex marriage & marriage equality: We gathered statements from the presidential candidates to compare them!
126 DAYS AGO | 9.18.2024
Statewide ballots in California and Hawaii would remove same-sex marriage bans from their state constitutions. (Prop 3 / marriage equality)
205 DAYS AGO | 7.1.2024
New Virginia marriage law protects same-sex, LGBTQ+, and interracial couples. See how the change impacts AMM Ministers and wedding officiants in Virginia.
208 DAYS AGO | 6.28.2024
Virginia marriage laws effective July 1, 2024 protect constitutional right to marry and ban child marriage by raising legal marriage age in Virginia
236 DAYS AGO | 5.31.2024
Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade and Festival will host its first ever public wedding this Saturday on the Main Stage, and the historic ceremony is sponsored by A...
257 DAYS AGO | 5.10.2024
Meet AMM Minister & first-time Officiant Tonette Lawson, aka Chef Toni of Tesserts, and read about the epic queer wedding in a cave she officiated for daught...
343 DAYS AGO | 2.14.2024
Reaffirm your marriage vows after you or your spouse’s gender transition with a sweet vow renewal ceremony. Advice for transgender & nonbinary spouses planni...
418 DAYS AGO | 12.1.2023
Learn about efforts in Ohio to repeal an outdated same-sex marriage ban and codify protections for interracial marriage at the state level, ensuring continui...
475 DAYS AGO | 10.5.2023
Six of our favorite colorful children’s books about same-sex marriage and LGBTQ+ families. These kids books introduce the concepts of same-gender relationshi...
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