Check out our most recent articles from the AMM Blog. Over 1362 articles and counting!
Check out our most recent articles from the AMM Blog. Over 1362 articles and counting!
2061 DAYS AGO | 1.28.2019
The best way to decide who will write your wedding ceremony is to meet early and talk about what kind of feeling and vibe you want to create.
2067 DAYS AGO | 1.22.2019
Here are some tips to get friends and family members involved in the wedding ceremony, from delivering a special wedding reading, joining in a ring warming, ...
2068 DAYS AGO | 1.21.2019
One couple decided to have an alcohol-free wedding due to health and religious reasons, here's how they did it.
2072 DAYS AGO | 1.17.2019
Couples in Washington DC are once again able to get married thanks to an emergency act passed by Mayor Muriel Bowser that will allow her to grant marriage li...
2075 DAYS AGO | 1.14.2019
These simple steps will help you perform a wedding ceremony with confidence, try this three minute practice to overcome your fear of public speaking.
2078 DAYS AGO | 1.11.2019
Before getting married, couples and their officiant need to follow these steps in order to get their marriage license.
2079 DAYS AGO | 1.10.2019
More couples are choosing unconventional gender roles for their wedding parties, this article explains the history behind this trend, and gives planning tips.
2085 DAYS AGO | 1.4.2019
In order to celebrate their love of the Harry Potter series, this couple planned a unique wedding ceremony with awesome pictures.
2087 DAYS AGO | 1.2.2019
Before choosing the a friend of family member to perform your wedding ceremony, you should consider whether he or she is the right fit
Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.
2094 DAYS AGO | 12.26.2018
There are a million ways that things can go wrong during a wedding ceremony, but effective communication and planning will ensure that the couple and their o...
2102 DAYS AGO | 12.18.2018
Will you be able to file for your marriage license or get married if there is a government shutdown? We checked with local government offices to find out.
2103 DAYS AGO | 12.17.2018
A couple in England incorporated their love of the TV show The Walking Dead into their wedding ceremony with surprising results.
2106 DAYS AGO | 12.14.2018
Is your wedding ceremony modern, or traditional? Making and understanding that distinction will allow you to choose the right words for your wedding ceremony.
2107 DAYS AGO | 12.13.2018
The New York Times featured American Marriage Ministries in a story about becoming an ordained minister online to officiate a wedding.
2108 DAYS AGO | 12.12.2018
The best way to make your wedding ceremony personalized is to ask the couple the right questions about their relationship, and to avoid making it feel like a...
2110 DAYS AGO | 12.10.2018
Including pets in your wedding ceremony is fun and makes for great pictures and memories, but it's important to be prepared for unexpected developments!
2111 DAYS AGO | 12.9.2018
Some couples want no religion, no matter what the expectation of their families, and that’s fine since the ceremony should represent the couple. However, the...
2113 DAYS AGO | 12.7.2018
Most couples start looking for a wedding officiant too late in the process to give them time to create the perfect ceremony. Don't make that mistake.
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