Check out over 734 Wedding And Ceremony Planning related articles in the AMM Weddings Blog. Get inspired with creative wedding ideas, script writing tips, and wedding advice.
327 DAYS AGO | 3.27.2024
5 ways for new and first-time wedding officiants to work best with the wedding planner, including tips on communication, collaboration and who runs the rehea...
329 DAYS AGO | 3.25.2024
A few surprising items you’ll find in a wedding officiant emergency kit, for officiants who perform ceremonies in unique and unusual locations.
332 DAYS AGO | 3.22.2024
Ejemplos de votos matrimoniales y votos de compromiso para celebraciones poliamorosas de matrimonio, renovación de votos y ceremonias de compromiso. Estos ej...
341 DAYS AGO | 3.13.2024
¡5 razones por las que pedirle a un amigo o familiar que oficie su boda es la mejor elección que pueda hacer! Los amigos y familiares son excelentes oficiant...
343 DAYS AGO | 3.11.2024
Fun wedding officiant script for a surprise wedding ceremony, officiated by a friend or relative! This nonreligious ceremony begins with a sweet toast, follo...
349 DAYS AGO | 3.5.2024
An atheist wedding ceremony script that celebrates trust, joy, and love as the features of a happy marriage. This officiant script includes a warm welcome to...
Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.
355 DAYS AGO | 2.28.2024
Are you a nonreligious, atheist, or interfaith couple looking for slightly-religious Bible quotes and verses to include in your mostly secular wedding ceremo...
356 DAYS AGO | 2.27.2024
Examples of wedding vows & commitment vows for polyamorous celebrations of marriage, vow renewals, and commitment ceremonies. These examples will work for sp...
360 DAYS AGO | 2.23.2024
Sweet ways to include a father, grandfather, step-dad or father-figure in your wedding ceremony, including suggestions to honor the memory of a deceased fath...
361 DAYS AGO | 2.22.2024
Plan an offbeat Easter wedding with a fun egg blessing ceremony! It’s a great way to include friends and relatives in your wedding, with an epic egg hunt aft...
362 DAYS AGO | 2.21.2024
Plan a unique Easter wedding ceremony with inspiration from traditional Polish Kashubian ‘Jastre’ Ceremonies! 5 ideas that are perfect for multicultural or P...
369 DAYS AGO | 2.14.2024
Reaffirm your marriage vows after you or your spouse’s gender transition with a sweet vow renewal ceremony. Advice for transgender & nonbinary spouses planni...
377 DAYS AGO | 2.6.2024
Todo lo que necesita saber para incluir la firma de la licencia matrimonial en una ceremonia de boda poco estresante y como un ritual de unidad única. ¡Pídal...
382 DAYS AGO | 2.1.2024
Learn about 5 Jewish wedding traditions that are commonly included in traditional, modern, and interfaith Jewish weddings – from ketubah signing, to the mean...
384 DAYS AGO | 1.30.2024
Unless you’re a rock ‘n’ roll legend who’s mastered the impromptu red carpet interview like Lenny Kravitz, it’s best to prepare and practice your wedding toa...
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