734 "Wedding And Ceremony Planning" Category Articles Page 5

Young wedding officiant leads the ceremony for two brides during an alternative outdoor wedding ceremony.

327 DAYS AGO | 3.27.2024

What Wedding Planners Wish Wedding Officiants Knew…

5 ways for new and first-time wedding officiants to work best with the wedding planner, including tips on communication, collaboration and who runs the rehea...

A brown leather briefcase sits outside in flowers, a wedding officiant's emergency kit

329 DAYS AGO | 3.25.2024

You’ll NEVER Guess What’s in These Officiants’ Emergency Kits

A few surprising items you’ll find in a wedding officiant emergency kit, for officiants who perform ceremonies in unique and unusual locations.

La ilustración estilizada muestra tres cabezas con corazones en la mente, como si estuvieran pensando en el amor, sobre un fondo rosa. Para simbolizar el poliamor

332 DAYS AGO | 3.22.2024

Ejemplos de Votos para Bodas Poliamorosas y Ceremonias de Compromiso

Ejemplos de votos matrimoniales y votos de compromiso para celebraciones poliamorosas de matrimonio, renovación de votos y ceremonias de compromiso. Estos ej...

Una novia y su amigo oficiante sonríen y se abrazan el día de la boda.

341 DAYS AGO | 3.13.2024

5 Grandes Razones para Pedirle a su Amigo o Amiga que Oficie su Boda

¡5 razones por las que pedirle a un amigo o familiar que oficie su boda es la mejor elección que pueda hacer! Los amigos y familiares son excelentes oficiant...

Newlyweds embrace following a surprise wedding ceremony on the beach, surrounded by friends and relatives. Everyone looks very happy, excited, and surprised.

343 DAYS AGO | 3.11.2024

New Officiant Script for a Surprise Wedding Ceremony!

Fun wedding officiant script for a surprise wedding ceremony, officiated by a friend or relative! This nonreligious ceremony begins with a sweet toast, follo...

A young nontraditional couple, newlyweds, on their wedding day, standing outside of the ceremony in leather coats and sunglasses, smiling and looking happy

349 DAYS AGO | 3.5.2024

New script! Atheist Wedding Ceremony with Funny Unity Toast

An atheist wedding ceremony script that celebrates trust, joy, and love as the features of a happy marriage. This officiant script includes a warm welcome to...

Asked to Officiate a Wedding?

Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.

More Wedding And Ceremony Planning Articles

Officiant reads to the couple during their wedding ceremony outdoors

355 DAYS AGO | 2.28.2024

10 Low-Key Bible Verses for Weddings (For Non-Religious & Interfaith Couples)

Are you a nonreligious, atheist, or interfaith couple looking for slightly-religious Bible quotes and verses to include in your mostly secular wedding ceremo...

Illustration of three heads with hearts in them, against a pink background

356 DAYS AGO | 2.27.2024

Sample Vows for Polyamorous Wedding & Commitment Ceremonies

Examples of wedding vows & commitment vows for polyamorous celebrations of marriage, vow renewals, and commitment ceremonies. These examples will work for sp...

Bride links arms with her father as he walks her down the aisle on her wedding day. It's sunny and they are outdoors, they look very happy.

360 DAYS AGO | 2.23.2024

Include Dads & Father-Figures in a Wedding Ceremony With These Sweet Ideas

Sweet ways to include a father, grandfather, step-dad or father-figure in your wedding ceremony, including suggestions to honor the memory of a deceased fath...

Easter eggs decorated with pink and red flowers and romantic designs, sitting on a pink table

361 DAYS AGO | 2.22.2024

Add a Quirky Egg Blessing to Your Easter Wedding & Give Kids Something Fun to...

Plan an offbeat Easter wedding with a fun egg blessing ceremony! It’s a great way to include friends and relatives in your wedding, with an epic egg hunt aft...

Two Easter eggs in a pastel carton, decorated blue and pink with smiling faces and small flower wreaths, with foliage in the foreground

362 DAYS AGO | 2.21.2024

Easter Wedding Ideas Inspired by Traditional Polish Kashubian ‘Jastrë’ Ceremo...

Plan a unique Easter wedding ceremony with inspiration from traditional Polish Kashubian ‘Jastre’ Ceremonies! 5 ideas that are perfect for multicultural or P...

Young queer couple poses outside, wearing cute outfits and one holds a bouquet of white daisies. They are holding hands and smiling happily after a vow renewal ceremony

369 DAYS AGO | 2.14.2024

Vow Renewal after Transitioning: Celebrate a New Chapter in Your Marriage

Reaffirm your marriage vows after you or your spouse’s gender transition with a sweet vow renewal ceremony. Advice for transgender & nonbinary spouses planni...

Un novio se inclina sobre una mesa durante la ceremonia nupcial para firmar la licencia de matrimonio. Al fondo, la novia observa, junto con amigos y familiares.

377 DAYS AGO | 2.6.2024

Firmando una Licencia de Matrimonio Durante la Ceremonia de Boda- Consejos pa...

Todo lo que necesita saber para incluir la firma de la licencia matrimonial en una ceremonia de boda poco estresante y como un ritual de unidad única. ¡Pídal...

Two brides exchange rings while a rabbi reads a blessing from the ceremony script during a happy outdoor Jewish wedding

382 DAYS AGO | 2.1.2024

5 Jewish Wedding Traditions & What to Expect, for Couples, Officiants, & Guests

Learn about 5 Jewish wedding traditions that are commonly included in traditional, modern, and interfaith Jewish weddings – from ketubah signing, to the mean...

Zoe Kravitz and Lenny Kravitz pose for a photo

384 DAYS AGO | 1.30.2024

Lenny Kravitz Might ‘Wing’ His Wedding Toast, But You’d Better Not

Unless you’re a rock ‘n’ roll legend who’s mastered the impromptu red carpet interview like Lenny Kravitz, it’s best to prepare and practice your wedding toa...


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