Check out these 84 articles tagged with Religion And Rituals. The American Weddings Blog is your source for officiant tips, ceremony planning, and more.
1333 DAYS AGO | 8.6.2021
Learn what to wear to a baptism -- as a guest, to perform a baptism, or when being baptized -- and what not to wear!
1340 DAYS AGO | 7.30.2021
Learn about baptism, including how to baptize someone in water, its meaning in Christianity, answers to common questions, who can perform baptism, and exampl...
1347 DAYS AGO | 7.23.2021
Spiritual baths and ritual bathing have been used by cultures and faiths throughout history, including Hindus, Christians, and Pagans. Learn to prepare and p...
1357 DAYS AGO | 7.13.2021
LGBTQ+ activist group Love Prevails departs the United Methodist Church in an open letter to the UMC, followed by the retirement of influential pastor Rev. A...
1363 DAYS AGO | 7.7.2021
Learn about the similarities and differences between Interfaith and Interspiritual beliefs, and how these concepts apply to wedding ceremonies.
1442 DAYS AGO | 4.19.2021
How designations like ‘online church’ and ‘online ordination’ have changed after a year of connecting with loved ones and communities online, Zoom, and Skype...
Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.
1449 DAYS AGO | 4.12.2021
Sacred circles, handfasting unity candles, and feasting -- learn what to expect at a modern Pagan or Neopagan wedding ceremony, including marriage rites of W...
1453 DAYS AGO | 4.8.2021
Magic, love, & symbolism come together on a Pagan wedding altar. Learn some of the most common items you can expect, using a Wiccan Year and a Day ritual as ...
1454 DAYS AGO | 4.7.2021
Mormon priests perform marriages and baptisms for dead ancestors to give their souls a place in the afterlife. Learn more about these rites, including proxy ...
1456 DAYS AGO | 4.5.2021
A new Gallup poll shows US church membership is lower than ever, below 50 percent in 2020. The largest contributor cited was a lack of religious preference o...
1461 DAYS AGO | 3.31.2021
Take a look inside the very private Mormon wedding ceremony, including temple sealings, recommends, civil ceremonies, magic underwear (garments), and even Mo...
1462 DAYS AGO | 3.30.2021
Covenant marriage is a legally distinct type of marriage that wedding officiants should know about. Read our advice on performing a covenant marriage ceremon...
1463 DAYS AGO | 3.29.2021
AMM welcomes people of all faiths: If you’re wondering how to become an ordained minister with a nondenominational, interfaith church, whether you’re Neopaga...
1487 DAYS AGO | 3.5.2021
Love is in the air! Celebrate with a Spring Equinox wedding that’s brimming with colorful flowers and loving friends.
1507 DAYS AGO | 2.13.2021
How to tie an infinity handfasting knot during your wedding ceremony! Follow these ten easy illustrated steps. Simple diagram with handfasting cord for a uni...
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