703 "Wedding And Ceremony Planning" Category Articles Page 33

Are These 4 Wedding Ceremony Trends Here to Stay, Or Will They Fade Away Post-Pandemic?

1226 DAYS AGO | 5.10.2021

Are These 4 Wedding Ceremony Trends Here to Stay, Or Will They Fade Away Post...

Wedding pro Bethel Nathan predicts what will happen to these wedding ceremony trends in 2021 and 2022 as we head into a post - pandemic future: micro-wedding...

Illustration of a diverse group of moms and matriarchs for wedding ceremonies

1227 DAYS AGO | 5.9.2021

Our Favorite Ways to Include Moms and Matriarchs in a Wedding Ceremony

Learn meaningful ways to include a mother or matriarch in your wedding ceremony, including unity rituals, a walk down the aisle, how to plan with your weddin...

Even Wedding Officiants Get Ghosted Sometimes… What To Do When Couples Go MIA

1229 DAYS AGO | 5.7.2021

Even Wedding Officiants Get Ghosted Sometimes… What To Do When Couples Go MIA

Sometimes couples ask a wedding officiant to perform their ceremony but then suddenly disappear, not returning texts or emails. What to do if you get ghosted...

How to plan an accessible and disability-friendly wedding ceremony

1230 DAYS AGO | 5.6.2021

How to plan an accessible and disability-friendly wedding ceremony

Learn how to plan a disability friendly and accessible wedding ceremony for you and your guests, including tips related to wheelchairs and mobility, deaf, ha...

La foto de cerca muestra a un novio con un traje azul oscuro colocando un anillo de bodas en el dedo de la novia durante la ceremonia de boda. Lleva un vestido de novia blanco.

1231 DAYS AGO | 5.5.2021

Co-oficiando Una Boda, ¿Cuánta Más Gente, Mejor?

¿Es posible que dos o más oficiantes oficien una ceremonia de boda? Sí adelante!

A man and woman dressed up in Pagan holiday wear, a Green Man costume, dance around a large bonfire in celebration of Beltane, or May Day

1232 DAYS AGO | 5.4.2021

Plan & Officiate a Beltane Inspired Wedding

How to plan or officiate a Beltane wedding ceremony or handfasting, with a bonfire ritual and words inspired by ancient Celtic Pagan practices and the spirit...

Asked to Officiate a Wedding?

Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.

More Wedding And Ceremony Planning Articles

A girl stands next to a colorful Maypole, with ribbons. She is wearing a white dress and a flower wreath

1233 DAYS AGO | 5.3.2021

How to add a Maypole Dance to Your Wedding Celebration

Learn about the history of the Maypole dance and how to add one to your wedding celebration, for May Day, Beltane, Wiccan, Pagan, and nonreligious celebrations.

Illustration of ingredients for a Beltane Pagan wedding incense

1235 DAYS AGO | 5.1.2021

A Simple Beltane Incense Recipe for Your Wedding

A magical Beltane incense recipe for your wedding ceremony. A unique addition to any wedding, marriage rite, engagement, betrothal, or Wiccan handfasting rit...

Trees, a magical forest view to inspire a wedding

1236 DAYS AGO | 4.30.2021

How to Add a Tree Planting Ceremony to Your Wedding

Celebrate your bond with a tree planting ceremony! This unique unity ritual can be adapted to any theme or location, even indoor ceremonies, by using housepl...

Illustration of a bride, groom, and wedding officiant, friends on the wedding day

1238 DAYS AGO | 4.28.2021

Can you legally perform a wedding ceremony for your friends and family? Yes!

Curious who can legally marry a couple in your state, and if you’re on that list? Wondering how to become a wedding officiant or ordained minister to marry p...

Vaccines and Weddings -- What officiants and couples can expect this summer

1240 DAYS AGO | 4.26.2021

Vaccines and Weddings -- What officiants and couples can expect this summer

From guest lists to contracts and travel, what wedding officiants and couples can expect as more Americans get vaccinated against COVID-19 and wedding ceremo...

Summer Survival: 10 Items to Add to Your Officiant Wedding Emergency Kit This Season

1242 DAYS AGO | 4.24.2021

Summer Survival: 10 Items to Add to Your Officiant Wedding Emergency Kit This...

From sunscreen to bug spray -- prepare for spring and summer weddings by adding these smart seasonal items to your Officiant Wedding Emergency Kit and avoid ...

Illustration of a wedding officiant performing a wedding ceremony, reading from an open book with the officiant script inside. Behind her is an illustrated design of flowers on a green background representing nature

1244 DAYS AGO | 4.22.2021

Eco-Friendly Wedding Officiants -- How to Keep Weddings Green From Behind the...

Eco-friendly weddings aren’t just for Earth Day! Wedding officiants can help keep ceremonies green every day, with these behind the scenes business and cerem...

Illustration of a sample marriage license with an 'x' marking the spot where a wedding officiant minister would sign or write their denomination

1246 DAYS AGO | 4.20.2021

Filling out a Marriage License: What religious denomination do I write down i...

What to write down when you're an atheist wedding officiant and the marriage license asks for the minister's religious denomination, including options for no...

La foto de cerca muestra a un joven ministro completando el papeleo para registrarse como ministro de bodas y prepararse para oficiar una ceremonia de boda.

1247 DAYS AGO | 4.19.2021

Cómo Obtener una Certificación para Casar a Alguien: Licencia Ministerial, Ce...

Para ejecutar una boda legal como ministro de bodas, necesitas asegurarte de que cuentas con los requisitos estatales. El primer paso antes de oficiar una c...


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