705 "Wedding And Ceremony Planning" Category Articles Page 22

Write a Personal Wedding Pronouncement Using This Outline

937 DAYS AGO | 2.25.2022

Write a Personal Wedding Pronouncement Using This Outline

How to write creative wedding pronouncement alternatives using a simple outline: Personalize your wedding ceremony script with this helpful 3 part template, ...

Must-Watch Video For Anyone Planning a Sequel Wedding Ceremony

938 DAYS AGO | 2.24.2022

Must-Watch Video For Anyone Planning a Sequel Wedding Ceremony

A short video on how to officiate and plan a sequel wedding or a wedding ceremony in two parts, with tips for wedding officiants and newlyweds on what to say...

Newlyweds pose for a photo on the Brooklyn Bridge on a sunny date, surrounded by friends and tourists

943 DAYS AGO | 2.19.2022

3 Secrets to Get a Wedding Published (for Wedding Officiants)

Attention Officiants: Use these 3 tips to get your real wedding published in the best print magazines and online wedding blogs. Suggestions on planning a cer...

The Wrong Officiant for Your Wedding – Warning Signs of a Bad Fit

944 DAYS AGO | 2.18.2022

The Wrong Officiant for Your Wedding – Warning Signs of a Bad Fit

Trying to find the best wedding officiant for your ceremony? Not sure what to look for, or look out for? These 5 'red flags' are warning signs of a bad fit b...

A solider lifts a young woman up to embrace her, outdoors on a neighborhood street in the sunshine. The photo only shows the couple's legs, hers are lifted up off the ground as they hug.

946 DAYS AGO | 2.16.2022

Everything You Need to Know About Montana’s Double Proxy Marriages

Learn about Montana’s proxy and double proxy marriage laws, including the requirements for military partners and residents, the pros and cons of proxy weddin...

Close up, lighting an orange candle during a sweet Taoist wedding ceremony

946 DAYS AGO | 2.16.2022

New Script Alert! A Taoist Wedding Ceremony

Taoist wedding ceremony script with readings from Chuang Tzu, love poem by Kuan Tao-Sheng, elemental unity ceremony, Taoist wedding vows, and ring exchange

Asked to Officiate a Wedding?

Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.

More Wedding And Ceremony Planning Articles

Bride and groom embrace on a beach during the wedding ceremony, smiling happily at the camera

948 DAYS AGO | 2.14.2022

12 Creative Pronouncement Ideas for Your Wedding Ceremony

Want to write a creative wedding pronouncement, but aren’t sure what wording to use? Let these 10 alternatives inspire you, from funny to formal examples, ge...

Una novia y un novio se arrodillan junto a sus dos perros, afuera en un campo de hierba el día de la boda. La pareja lleva un vestido de novia blanco y una camisa de vestir con chaleco, y los perros tienen lindas pajaritas.

951 DAYS AGO | 2.11.2022

Qué decir en una boda continuada o ceremonia en dos partes con amigues y fami...

Las Bodas continuadas están de moda! Usa este sencillo guión para oficiar la segunda ceremonia de una pareja una vez que las restricciones de COVID-19 sean l...

Happy newlyweds hold up an empty wooden picture frame in front of their faces as they smile on the wedding day. The frame is decorated with red and pink flowers and ribbons for Valentine's Day.

952 DAYS AGO | 2.10.2022

Rose-colored Romance : Valentine’s Day Wedding Ideas We Love

Valentine’s Day wedding ideas to inspire an authentic ceremony, with suggestions for creative wedding readings and a romantic wedding ceremony script.

On the Death of the Beloved: Funeral Poem & Blessing by Irish Poet John O’Donohue

954 DAYS AGO | 2.8.2022

On the Death of the Beloved: Funeral Poem & Blessing by Irish Poet John O’Don...

This Celtic blessing by Irish poet and priest, John O’Donohue, is a beautiful way to honor a lost loved one during a funeral or memorial service, or on the a...

5 Questions a Great Wedding Officiant Will Always Ask

955 DAYS AGO | 2.7.2022

5 Questions a Great Wedding Officiant Will Always Ask

If you’re trying to find the best wedding officiant for your ceremony, or want to become a professional officiant yourself, take note: Here are 5 questions e...

How to Perform a Baby Blessing Ceremony (Examples & Script)

958 DAYS AGO | 2.4.2022

How to Perform a Baby Blessing Ceremony (Examples & Script)

Learn how to perform a baby blessing with this simple outline and sample script, including examples of rituals to include in your blessing ceremony – from sy...

A christian cross on a grave at sunset

960 DAYS AGO | 2.2.2022

Christian Memorial Service Script with Prayer

Asked to officiate a Christian funeral or memorial service? This simple script includes a candle lighting ceremony for family and friends, a heartfelt prayer...

6 Wedding Objection Stories – Funny Prank or Bad Idea?

961 DAYS AGO | 2.1.2022

6 Wedding Objection Stories – Funny Prank or Bad Idea?

What happens if someone objects at a wedding… as a joke? Can objections be a funny addition to the ceremony, or are interruptions always a mood killer? We re...

New script! Princess Bride Wedding Ceremony Script

961 DAYS AGO | 2.1.2022

New script! Princess Bride Wedding Ceremony Script

We added a new script to our library! This funny wedding ceremony script is based on the memorable movie The Princess Bride, celebrating twue wuv, and all th...


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