Stay up to date with the latest wedding ceremony trends, script writing inspiration, tips and advice for first-time officiants, and news that matters to couples and wedding ministers.
Stay up to date with the latest wedding ceremony trends, script writing inspiration, tips and advice for first-time officiants, and news that matters to couples and wedding ministers.
Published Tuesday, Jul. 25th, 2023
Spiritual practice is deeply individual for most Modern Pagans – connecting with spirits, gods, and community in a personal and profound way.
Some Pagans belong to local witch covens or collectives, but a lot of Pagans practice alone as ‘solo practitioners’ or Solitary Witches. Modern Paganism itself encompasses many unique faiths (such as Wicca, Druidism (Druidry), Hellenism, or Heathenry), and followers belonging to the same denomination (Wiccans, for example) might honor different gods and pantheons.
Likewise, there are only a few formal Pagan religious bodies or organizations, no restriction on membership, and no universally-agreed upon ecclesiastical laws governing how or where to practice. Pagan faiths are decentralized, and most Modern Pagans don’t belong to a conventional ‘church’ of any kind. And in many Pagan groups, all members are free to perform any ceremonial rite residing within their understanding of spiritual practice and magicks, and many rites are performed collectively. This includes handfasting and similiar marriage rites.
Some Pagan denominations do elevate members to the role of Priest, Priestess, Minister, or Elder, but many denominations don’t have an established pathway to ordination, a designated Pagan clergy, or a set hierarchy among their members. There are a few training organizations, such as Circle Sanctuary (offering endorcements to members) and Cherry Hill Seminary (offering multi-year certificates and masters-level graduate study). But most of these still don't offer ordination, including Cherry Hill.
♦ Get Ordained Online free with AMM here ♦
Many Pagans are solo practitioners or 'Solitary Witches'. Want to become an ordained Pagan priest, Pagan clergy, ordained Wiccan Priestess, or authorized Pagan wedding officiant? Get ordained online with AMM, use our free online minister training and articles to officiate your first wedding, order any necessary minister credentials, and continue your spiritual education on your own with the help of your spiritual community! Photo: Halanna Halila / Unsplash
What this all means is that without an established and accessible pathway to a traditional Pagan church ordination, it’s difficult for many Pagan wedding officiants to meet their local government’s guidelines for who can solemnize marriage. Without ordination, a Pagan wedding officiant might be spiritually qualified, but not legally qualified, to solemnize marriage. In turn, this makes it difficult for Modern Pagan couples and Interfaith couples to find a knowledgeable wedding officiant to perform their marriage rites in a respectful way.
That's why a nondenominational ordination with a church like American Marriage Ministries is so important! It offers easy access to ordination for people from all backgrounds and beliefs.
As you can see, access to free online ordination with a nondenominational church like American Marriage Ministries (AMM) is so important for Pagan Officiants and couples!
Churches like AMM make ordination accessible to Modern Pagans, and many others, so that people of every faith and background are able to celebrate the spiritual rites of their communities in whatever way their faith guides them.
AMM ordains people of all faiths and backgrounds, including Wiccans, Heathens, Druids (Neo-Druids), and other Pagans, provided that they agree to the church’s three tenets:
It’s that simple: AMM believes that what unites us isn’t if we pray, or who we pray to. What unites all of us is our shared humanity. This broad approach allows us to welcome ministers of any religious or nonreligious background, and offer our ideological and spiritual support and acceptance. This universal acceptance is essential to one of our primary functions as a church:
To ensure that all people have equal access to the benefits and protections of marriage, and the opportunity to celebrate the act of marriage with their friends, families, and communities in their own authentic way.
An ordained Pagan minister is in a unique position to serve their community! With personal insight into Pagan rites, especially the marriage rite, these ministers can honor traditions and perform rituals that mainstream ministers aren't familiar with. Every couple deserves to celebrate their marriage in a way that feels authentic and personal, with an officiant of their choosing!
Updated January 2025
Sacred circles, handfasting unity candles, and feasting -- learn what to expect at a modern Pagan or Neopagan wedding ceremony, including marriage rites of Wicca, Druidism, and Norse inspired Heathen Vikings.
A ‘wiccaning’ is the deeply joyful ritual celebration of welcoming a new Pagan into a spiritual community. Learn about the Pagan initiation ceremony and read the full article here.
Become a Wedding Officiant with Our Free Online Ordination!