Stay up to date with the latest wedding ceremony trends, script writing inspiration, tips and advice for first-time officiants, and news that matters to couples and wedding ministers.
Stay up to date with the latest wedding ceremony trends, script writing inspiration, tips and advice for first-time officiants, and news that matters to couples and wedding ministers.
Published Wednesday, Oct. 5th, 2022
Are you officiating a wedding for a friend or family member soon, but have no idea what to say (or do) during your speech? You're in the right place! The tips below will have you feeling confident and prepared in now time.
But first, congratulations on being asked to officiate! Performing a wedding or vow renewal ceremony is an incredible honor, and it shows just how much your loved ones value and trust you.
So before you get too stressed out about what you’re going to say on the big day, take a moment to appreciate being asked. And remember: They chose you because they know you’ll do a wonderful job.
What should a wedding officiant say at a wedding? You'll speak from the heart, make sure the legal requirements are met (with a declaration of intent and marriage pronouncement), and share sweet details from the couple's love story to create an authentic and one-of-a-kind ceremony! (Photo: jacoblund /iStock)
Now let's get on to conducting weddings! It might be a surprise to learn that wedding officiants don't need to deliver a wedding ‘speech’ at all, at least not in the traditional sense.
Most wedding ceremonies follow a familiar outline, and there are a couple parts that are legally required. This means that you don't need to create a wedding script completely from scratch, which should take some of the pressure off! You can personalize an officiant script that's already written, and put it in your own words. Take a look at the typical outline of a wedding ceremony included below, and you’ll see what we mean.
Instead of giving a single speech, the wedding officiant speaks at several important moments throughout the wedding ceremony, reading from a written script. You’ll instruct the couple on when to exchange wedding vows and wedding rings, guide them from each part of the ceremony to the next, and then pronounce them married.
Related: The Parts of a Wedding Ceremony
It helps to think of a wedding ceremony as a theater play, instead of as delivering a speech. Although you will need to do some talking, you can keep things conversational and collaborative.
Like a play, each person on stage has a unique role, and everyone will take turns delivering their lines from a script. (Professionals call this a wedding ceremony script.) Most importantly, the officiant will act as the stage director of a ceremony, rather than just another actor.
The officiant’s longest speaking part is usually the ‘invocation.’ This is when you’ll welcome guests, talk about the meaning of the day, and share a few details about the couple’s love story. This is often the part of the wedding ceremony people are thinking about when they refer to an ‘officiant’s speech.’
The ceremony outline below includes examples from several sample wedding ceremony scripts.
This outline can help you better understand what to say on the big day, and the officiant’s important role as a ‘director’ in guiding the wedding ceremony.
It's helpful to think of the wedding ceremony as a theater play, with the officiant serving as an on-stage director. It's all about collaboration with the real stars of the show -- the couple getting married! (Photo: Unsplash / Natasha Dale)
Part One: The wedding ceremony begins. The wedding officiant welcomes guests, introduces the couple, and talks about the meaning of the day and the couple’s relationship. This part of the ceremony is probably the most similar to a traditional speech or toast.
"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B]. In the years that they have been together, their love for each other has grown, turning them into the couple you see before you. Now, they are ready to spend the rest of their lives together as husband and wife."
"A true marriage begins well before the wedding day, and the efforts of marriage continue well beyond the ceremony. A brief moment in time and the stroke of the pen are all that is required to create the legal bond of marriage, but it takes a lifetime of love, commitment, and compromise to make marriage durable and everlasting."
Today you declare your commitment to each other before family and friends."
(Taken from the full sample wedding script: Short Non Religious Wedding Ceremony With Heartfelt Invocation)
Part Two: The couple publicly declares their intent to marry, guided by the officiant.
"With this wisdom – and your love - in mind, I now ask you:"
"(Partner A), do you welcome (Partner B) to be your (wife/ husband/ spouse), and your cherished best friend?"
(Partner A responds ‘I do.’)
"(Partner B), do you welcome (Partner A) to be your (husband/ wife/ spouse), and your cherished best friend?"
(Partner B responds ‘I do.’)
(Taken from the full sample wedding script: Lighthearted Wedding Ceremony Script with Funny Reading on Marriage)
Part Three : The couple exchange their wedding vows, either by repeating after the officiant or by reading personal vows written before the ceremony.
"Your wedding vows are an outward sign of your love and commitment. While there is a legal aspect of this wedding, a signed document does not create a marriage. What creates a marriage is the promises made and kept in your hearts.
As you look lovingly at each other, you’ll speak the promises that you’re pledging for a lifetime."
"(Partner A), please repeat after me:
Today, I give you my heart to hold and my life to keep
I take you as my partner in life and with this promise:
I will support you and encourage you, during the good times, and the trying times.
I will laugh with you, and cry with you,
And love you faithfully, for all the days and seasons ahead of us both."
(This section is repeated for Partner B)
(From the full sample wedding script: Fall Wedding Ceremony Script with Reading From "Harvest Moon")
Part Four: The couple exchanges their wedding rings, sometimes this is combined with the vows.
"The wedding ring serves as a reminder of the promises you make today to each other.
The circle is a symbol of an eternal bond -- there is no beginning and no end. That means you two are stuck with each other!"
"(Partner A), place this ring on (Partner B)’s finger and repeat after me."
"I give you this ring as a symbol of my commitment and devotion.
I choose you to share in my life’s journeys.
I give you this ring as a pledge to love you,
today, tomorrow, always, and forever.
With no take-backs.
(Partner A repeats each of these lines in turn)
(This section is repeated for Partner B)
(From the full sample wedding script: Funny Wedding Ceremony Script with Simple Unity Ritual)
Part Five: The wedding officiant says a few closing words on the importance of marriage and love, offers any final blessings, and pronounces the couple officially married.
"Now that you have joined yourselves in matrimony, may you strive all your lives to meet this commitment with the same love and devotion that you now possess.
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the State of (Name of State) and American Marriage Ministries, I now pronounce you husband and wife (or "spouses for life," or whatever descriptors the couple prefers)"
(From the full sample wedding script: Quick & Simple Civil Wedding Ceremony Script)
The couple should be the focus of the wedding day, not the officiant.
As you can see, there’s no need for you to stress out about writing a complicated speech!
The purpose of the wedding ceremony is to keep the focus on the couple, not the wedding officiant. You will need to do some talking, but you can keep things collaborative and conversational. You do not need to deliver a monologue, or a speech in the traditional sense.
Your role when conducting a wedding is to lovingly guide and direct the couple through each part of the wedding ceremony, while sharing details of their love story with their guests.
What should you do if you lose your marriage license, forget to bring it to the wedding ceremony, forget to mail it after it's signed, or never even apply for one? Click the article linked above to read the full article.
American Marriage Ministries is a nondenominational inclusive internet church that ordains and trains ministers to officiate marriage ceremonies. We are a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit church, and welcome people of all backgrounds and beliefs.
Officiating weddings is an incredible honor, and a great way to show your love and support for the people getting married. As a wedding officiant, you will help to create memorable ceremonies and memories that last a lifetime.
Our ordinations are free, accessible, and never expire. Just click here to start the online ordination application, it only takes a minute to complete.
AMM Ministers are authorized to officiate weddings in every state* (it's much harder in Virginia, where we're looking into our options). After getting ordained with AMM, you might need to register your ordination with your local county clerk’s office. Click the links below to get started!
Updated January 17, 2025
Your step-by-step guide to the perfect wedding ceremony
Asked to Officiate is the most comprehensive and easy-to-use wedding guide book ever written for wedding officiants, designed to help new and first-time officiants to write and conduct an original wedding ceremony.
This 'how to' guide contains detailed advice on how to write personalized wedding vows, a heartwarming invocation, and everything that goes into officiating a successful ceremony. Written by wedding professionals, this book is like having an experienced wedding officiant looking over your shoulder every step of the way!
Become a Wedding Officiant with Our Free Online Ordination!