Check out these 48 articles tagged with Officiant Business Tips. The American Weddings Blog is your source for officiant tips, ceremony planning, and more.
1066 DAYS AGO | 10.14.2021
The wedding boom is here! Learn how to expand your wedding officiant business this season, including 6 tips on ceremony packages, wedding ceremony length, sc...
1097 DAYS AGO | 9.13.2021
Practical tips for wedding officiants to create safe (and fun!) ceremonies during the COVID-19 pandemic as the delta variant surge continues, including a cl...
1198 DAYS AGO | 6.4.2021
Brilliant advice from pro wedding officiant and business coach Bethel Nathan on defining what it means to be successful and creating a small business you’ll ...
1216 DAYS AGO | 5.17.2021
Your local county clerk or marriage bureau official is a valuable resource, especially if you’re a newly ordained minister or first time wedding officiant. W...
1278 DAYS AGO | 3.16.2021
Venmo or PayPal? Cash, check, or credit? We compare the most popular payment methods used by new and experienced wedding officiants to help you decide what m...
1289 DAYS AGO | 3.5.2021
Let's talk wedding officiant business cards! With expert advice on what wedding officiants should include on their contact card, how to design one, and how t...
Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.
1306 DAYS AGO | 2.16.2021
As a wedding officiant traveling to a new venue, you might ask: What County Am I In? This is important info for minister registration & getting the correct m...
1401 DAYS AGO | 11.13.2020
How to determine your rates and what to charge as a professional or first time wedding officiant, including when to lower or raise the cost for custom weddin...
1404 DAYS AGO | 11.10.2020
A nationwide survey found the role of the wedding officiant is changing as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic. What does it mean for the future of officiants?
1520 DAYS AGO | 7.17.2020
Good news: your AMM ordination allows you to perform marriage anywhere in the United States, no matter where you live! Learn how to officiate in other states...
1705 DAYS AGO | 1.14.2020
American Marriage Ministries' most popular and best selling wedding officiant resources
1788 DAYS AGO | 10.23.2019
How to determine your rates and what to charge for your professional officiant services
1790 DAYS AGO | 10.21.2019
Bonnie became a wedding officiant through American Marriage Ministries and it changed her life. Learn how you can too!
1795 DAYS AGO | 10.16.2019
Are first-time wedding officiants taking jobs away from professionals? Online ordination presents both threats and opportunities for professional wedding off...
1850 DAYS AGO | 8.22.2019
How to network, give and get referrals, build relationships, and promote yourself as a wedding officiant
Become a Wedding Officiant with Our Free Online Ordination!