Check out these 6 articles tagged with Law. The American Weddings Blog is your source for officiant tips, ceremony planning, and more.
1675 DAYS AGO | 2.18.2020
Regulations and policies for performing self-uniting or self-solemnizing marriage ceremonies in select states
1702 DAYS AGO | 1.22.2020
New Jersey’s marriage by proxy laws will now authorize persons serving overseas in military to be married or enter into civil union by video conference or ot...
1708 DAYS AGO | 1.16.2020
American Marriage Ministries joins the Your I Do Crew! Podcast to discuss AMM's role in online ordination, what's going on with online ordination in Tennesse...
1708 DAYS AGO | 1.16.2020
A controversy over Catholic ordinations shows why online ordination available to all is so important in order to guarantee marriage equality.
1758 DAYS AGO | 11.27.2019
American Marriage Ministries' Minister Ordination Package includes everything you need to legally perform marriage as an AMM Minister and wedding officiant
2102 DAYS AGO | 12.18.2018
Will you be able to file for your marriage license or get married if there is a government shutdown? We checked with local government offices to find out.
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