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How to Perform a Buddhist Wedding Ceremony

Published Sunday, Dec. 20th, 2020

Stylized illustration of a Buddha statue by Jessica Levey
Illustrations by Jessica Levey

Simple advice on how to officiate a Buddhist wedding ceremony


A mix of ancient ritual and modern touches, Buddhist wedding ceremonies are cheerful events that reflect the culture of the couple and their commitment to compassion, harmony, patience, and community. 


Buddhists view marriage as spiritual but nonreligious, left to the individual to choose (or not choose) as they wish.


There are no religious rights or wrongs regarding marriage, only teachings from the Buddha on how to cultivate the happiest lasting domestic relationships, so these occasions are more about celebration than ceremony. They incorporate traditional customs and rituals of the region or country, combined with modern touches chosen by the couple. This results in beautiful variety in Buddhist weddings, all around the world. 


Related: A Simple Buddhist Wedding Ceremony Script


Many Buddhist wedding ceremonies include Buddhist readings and teachings, blessings from the couple’s community or local monks, promises made between the couple, a unity ritual such as exchanging rings, and offerings to the Buddha, followed by a large feast and celebration. 


These ceremonies usually take place at a home or wedding venue, not a temple, although couples might choose to visit a temple before or after the wedding as part of their celebration.


Buddhist Ceremony decorations include incense, flowers, candles, and (often) a statue of the Buddha. There may be chanting, bells, drums, gongs, or cymbals, too, to mark different points in the ceremony, depending on local practices. 




illustration, buddhist wedding ceremony, how to perform buddhist wedding, incense and offerings at the celebration


What happens at a Buddhist wedding is entirely up to the couple.



Buddhist Wedding Ceremony Traditions & Outline


Below is an overview of who officiates a Buddhist wedding ceremony, the wedding ceremony order and outline, including important Buddhist wedding traditions, and suggestions on what to wear to a Buddhist wedding ceremony. 


For a complete sample script: 

A Simple Buddhist Wedding Ceremony Script


The Wedding Officiant (Who Officiates a Buddhist Wedding?)


Most often, the engaged couple selects a friend or family member to officiate their wedding ceremony. Although monks may attend the event and participate in other ways, they very rarely perform the marriage.


Friends and relatives can get ordained online with a nondenominational church like AMM to obtain the credentials to perform the wedding. 


(Couples, read Asking a Friend or Family Member to Officiate Your Wedding? Read This First... )

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Where do Buddhists Perform Weddings?


A Buddhist wedding ceremony can take place in a variety of settings, including a temple, family home, or any venue the couple chooses. Sometimes the couple will set up a shrine or altar, with flowers, candles, incense, or a statue of Buddha. Below are a few suggestions for what to include in your Buddhist wedding.



The Start of the Buddhist Wedding Ceremony (Meditation, Blessing & Welcoming Words)


At the start of the celebration, many couples will choose to have guests to join them in a period of meditation or reflection, to bring everyone into a state of mindfulness and joy on the purpose of the day. 


Other couples might invite monks from a local temple to join the celebrations, and these monks may participate by blessing the couple, singing, chanting or reading from Buddhist teachings. Community members may share teachings from the Dalai Lama or Dogen, or read sections from the Sigalovada Sutta, an old Buddhist text which speaks specifically to the ways couples can best approach domestic unions. 


This period of meditation and blessing may last for a half an hour or more in some cases. 



Celebration of Love and Exchange of Wedding Vows


After a period of blessing and meditation, the wedding officiant will usually say a few words on the meaning of marriage, the purpose of the day, and share some of the couple’s love story with the guests. 


The officiant might choose to reference Buddhism’s three jewels: 


  • The Buddha, who represents the goal to live fully and naturally in the world, just as it is
  • The dharma, learning and practicing the teachings of the Buddha
  • The sangha, the importance of the couple’s spiritual community


Traditional marriage vows aren't a necessary part of a Buddhist wedding, but the promises that a couple makes to each other are essential. 


Couples will usually speak to one another about the meaning of marriage and love, drawing on the tenets of Buddhism. They might talk about wisdom, compassion, joy, harmony, the inevitable changes that occur in marriage, or the inescapable nature of suffering — and promise one another to meet these realities with love, kindness, and patience. Some couples exchange prayer beads or other small gifts.


(Officiants, read The Vows Exchange Explained for help understanding how and when to include vows and personal readings in the ceremony, and how to rehearse vows with a couple). 


Related: 30 Buddhist Quotes on Love & Happiness for Your Wedding Ceremony Script



Unity Ceremony


Buddhist weddings embrace elements of the couple’s individual cultures or backgrounds, leading to a large variety of unity rituals. Some couples take a Western approach and exchange rings, while other couples may use garlands or threads as they do in Thailand or India.


Because the celebration is open to the couple and their family to plan, any unity ceremony which is meaningful to them can be easily included. 



Blessings to the Buddha (Optional)


If there is a statue of the Buddha at the ceremony, the couple will often make offerings by lighting candles or incense, leaving packages of food, or placing flowers at the base of the statue. The offerings can come before or after the vows or personal readings, usually before the pronouncement. Couples might choose to visit a temple as part of the ceremony, and may incorporate traditional rituals in the shrine.


It’s useful to know that this isn’t a sign of worshiping the Buddha, but instead a demonstration of gratitude for the Buddha’s teaching and guidance, and an expression of joy as they move into married life together. 



The End of the Wedding Ceremony (The Wedding Pronouncement, First Kiss & Community Joy)


Many Buddhist weddings end in a way that’s familiar to a Western eye, with the officiant pronouncing the happy couple married, followed by a kiss. 


Most celebrations continue with a decadent feast and lively dancing and music lasting into the night. These are truly vibrant celebrations — noisy, large, and joyful. Community is a vital part of a Buddhist couple’s life together, both their spiritual community and their joined families. This is a time for that community to come together, celebrate the couple’s devotion, and party!  


Related: 12 Creative Pronouncement Ideas for Your Wedding Ceremony

what to wear to a buddhist wedding, how to officiate, what happens at a buddhist wedding in the US American Western

When choosing what to wear, always follow the tone set by the couple.



What to wear to a Buddhist wedding?


The wedding couple: Because Buddhists see marriage as personal choice with no strict rules, couples can wear whatever they want to their celebration. Casual or formal, western or traditional, wedding attire varies widely. If the celebration is taking place in a temple, couples will usually choose clothing that's not too revealing. (If the wedding is in a home or temple, guests should expect to take off their shoes when entering.)


Wedding guests: Guests can expect to dress inline with whatever tone the couple sets. If the couple doesn’t include a dress code on the invitations, guests can dress however they feel most comfortable while honoring the specialness of the occasion. When in doubt, it’s always best to check in with the couple in advance. 


The wedding officiant: Officiants will take their lead from the couple as usual. For some suggestions on clothing that usually hit the mark, read What to wear (and not wear) as a Wedding Officiant. These general tips can be adapted to suit (pun intended…) just about any event. 



A closer look at what the Sigalovada Sutta suggests about marriage


The marriage wisdom offered in the Sigalovada Sutta is often incorporated into a couple’s wedding vows or promises to one another, or in the opening of the ceremony, so it’s very useful for officiants to understand its suggestions. Primarily, it advises couples to be calm and compassionate with one another, and avoid harsh words or oppressive actions. 


Its advice can be further summarized by these key points: to be attentive and courteous, to avoid looking down on your partner, to be faithful to your unique commitment, to share authority, to be generous, to take good care of the home and household responsibilities, and to be welcoming to all family and community relations.

Updated January 2025


More Wedding Ideas & Inspiration: 





Jessica Levey
Jessica Levey

Lead Staff Writer & Illustrator

Jessica loves exploring the history and magic of ritual, the connections between people and places, and sharing true stories about love and commitment. She's an advocate for marriage equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and individuality, and is an ordained Minister with AMM. When she’s not writing or illustrating for AMM, she enjoys city hikes, fantasy novels, comics, and traveling.

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