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How to Have a Scottish Quaich Wedding Ceremony

Published Friday, Feb. 14th, 2025

Close up photo of best man pouring whisky into the wedding quaich next to the groom during a Scottish wedding ceremony
Slàinte Mhath! During a Scottish quaich wedding ceremony, partners toast to their new union with a traditional silver drinking cup, called a quaich. (Photo: zoerae28 / Adobe Stock)

A Closer Look at the Quaich Wedding Ceremony: A Timeless Scottish Wedding Tradition


The Scottish Quaich Wedding Ceremony is a symbolic wedding ritual where newlyweds share a drink from a small metal cup called a 'quaich' to celebrate their commitment to one another. 


During the quaich ceremony, the newlyweds take turns drinking from the cup as the wedding officiant offers a blessing or recites a traditional Scottish toast. This tradition has symbolized a couple’s love and unity for centuries and is a popular part of the Scottish wedding ceremony today.


Let's take a a closer look at the meaning of the Quaich Wedding Ceremony, along with helpful tips on how to include this timeless tradition in your own wedding.



A Scottish wedding quaich on a green and black tartan

Fill your wedding quaich with a dram of your favorite Scottish whisky, mulled wine, or nonalcholic cider and raise a toast to love, family, and the future. (Photo: versevend / iStock)



  • What is a Quaich? 


Simply put, a quaich is a traditional Scottish drinking cup that has two handles (or ‘lugs,’ Scottish slang for ears), is usually made of pewter (silver in color), and comes in a variety of small sizes. 


Quaichs have been used for centuries to share a toast of whisky or wine, though the true origin of the quaich is hidden in ancient lore and legends. Some people say these decorative cups were first used by Celtic Druids to perform ritual magic. Others say the cup’s shape is inspired by historic Highlanders, drinking drams of whisky from carved shells along the rugged Scottish coast. (via Whatever their origins, it’s fair to say that the quaich has long been a unique symbol of celebration and ceremony – especially the wedding ceremony.


Drinking from the quaich is such a common part of Scottish wedding traditions, in fact, that the word ‘Quaich’ is sometimes used on its own to describe the ritual. And when used in weddings, the Scottish quaich takes on even more meaning, which we share below. 


Related: 5 Irish Wedding Traditions for an Inspired Ceremony



  • Wedding Quaich Meaning


Despite its small size, a wedding quaich holds a great deal of symbolism: its two handles represent two halves of a whole, joined together in love and friendship as the newlyweds take a sip from the cup and toast the start of their marriage. For this reason, a wedding quaich is sometimes called a ‘Loving Cup’ or ‘Cup of Friendship.’


Interestingly, the Scottish Quaich Ceremony is similar to the Navajo Wedding Vase ritual, where couples drink from a vessel with two spouts and one handle as a symbol of their union, and a western Wine Unity Ceremony.


What makes this Scottish wedding tradition unique is the special shape of the quaich, the lyrical joy of Scottish wedding blessings and toasts, and the warmth of Scottish whisky (though modern couples can use any beverage they like, including nonalcoholic cider or teas). 



  • How do you Pronounce Quaich?


You might want to practice saying the word quaich a few times before the wedding ceremony to get the pronunciation down. Quaich is most often pronounced with a hard ‘k’ sound, like ‘quake,’ although true Scots will say this with a softer sound, something similar to ‘kw-eɪx.’


Listen on Linqua Libre:  Quaich (pronounce this way)



Close up of a bride and groom, the groom is wearing traditional Scottish wedding kilt

As one of the oldest Scottish wedding traditions, the origins of drinking from the Quaich is steeped in ancient lore and legends, from the ancient Highlanders to Celtic Druids. Honor your history, heritage, and future with this symbolic unity ceremony! (Photo: SarahKateDorman / iStock)



When is the Quaich Ceremony performed during a wedding? 


The Quaich Wedding toast typically takes place near the end of the marriage ceremony, after the marriage license is signed and before the officiant pronounces the couple married.This means that you’ll sign your marriage license during your wedding ceremony after exchanging your vows, then drink from the quaich cup, and finally, be pronounced newlyweds by the officiant. 


You don’t have to follow this exact order, but we recommend it as a way to keep everyone engaged throughout the ritual, then ending your wedding ceremony with the familiar first kiss and cheers that most guests will expect. After that, it’s off to the party as usual!


  • Here’s a look at that Quaich Wedding Toast order: 


  • Processional
  • Invocation
  • Declaration of Intent
  • Vows & Rings 
  • Signing the Marriage License
  • Quaich Ceremony
  • Pronouncement & Introduction
  • Recessional


Related: A Simple Handfasting Ceremony Script



Close up of a man carrying the wedding quaich during a Scottish wedding

Friends and family members can participate your the quaich wedding ceremony: ask a loved one to prepare the quaich and make a traditional Scottish wedding toast before passing you the cup. See an example of what to say below. (Photo:  zoerae28 / Adobe Stock)



What to Say During a Quaich Wedding Toast Ceremony 


Now let’s take a closer look at how to incorporate a Quaich into your wedding. Below are two examples of what a wedding officiant might say when officiating a Quaich Wedding Ceremony. As we mentioned above, this rituals takes place after the exchange of vows and signing of the marriage license, and before the pronouncement of marriage. (But the exact order is up to you, this is just a suggestion!)


To personalize this part of the ceremony, your wedding officiant can add a few words about why you’ve included a Scottish wedding tradition (for example to honor your family’s heritage), an additional reading or blessing, or details from your love story. 


  • Quaich Ceremony Wording Example One


To prepare: While you and the couple are signing the marriage license at a small side table (along with any witnesses), two friends will pour the beverage of choice into the quaich. They’ll hand the quaich to the wedding officiant, or to one of the newlyweds, when it’s time for the toast. 



“(Partner 1) and (Partner 2) would now like to share a moment to toast the start of their new life together by drinking from the Quaich. The Quaich has two handles, symbolizing two halves of a perfect whole. 


This ancient Scottish tradition seals the bond between you, joining you in lasting love and friendship as you begin this new adventure in marriage.”


(A friend passes the cup to the newlyweds, who take turns drinking from the quaich. When the second partner has finished, they’ll pass the cup back to the friend.)



“The bond is sealed! It is my great honor to now pronounce you married. You may kiss!”



  • Quaich Ceremony Wording Example Two


To prepare: A friend will join you up front as you sign the marriage license, standing next to the quaich and bottle, ready to toast the couple when it’s time. The officiant will lift the quaich first during their introduction, then pass the quaich to the friend to fill with the couple’s beverage of choice.



“With the paperwork signed, (Partner 1) and (Partner 2) will now take a moment to toast the start of their new life together. 


The cup I’m holding is called a Quaich. It’s a traditional Scottish drinking cup which has been used since ancient times in celebrations of love, family, and friendship. Drinking from this cup seals the bond they’ve made today, as a symbol of two families and two lives joined as one, with the promise of much joy and laughter to come.”


(Friend or loved one fills the quaich with the beverage of choice, holds it up, and says a toast. )


Friend / Family Member

“Strike hands with me, the glasses brim,
The dew is on the heather.
For love is good and life is long,
And two are best together.

Bless the union of these two,
Eager for marriage, eager for love.
May they begin life together,
Live that life together
And come to the end together.”

(A traditional Scottish toast, via Argyll and Bute Council, Scotland)


(The friend passes the quaich to the first of the newlyweds. The newlywed drinks, then passes it to their partner to drink. After the second newlywed drinks, they’ll pass the cup back to the friend.)



“The bond is sealed! It is my great honor to now pronounce you married. You may kiss!”



Close up of a decorative silver wedding quaich and a tartan ribbon for handfasting

Add a traditional Celtic handfasting to your quaich ceremony for a traditional Scottish wedding. (Photo:  zoerae28 / Adobe Stock)



More Scottish Wedding Ideas & Traditions




Ask a Friend to Officiate Your Wedding with help from AMM

Good things happen when friends and relatives help out at the wedding ceremony! Having a friend officiate your wedding is a great way to ensure the wedding day is as intimate and personal as it can be. When a loved one officiates, every moment means more. 

Ask a friend or family member to officiate your wedding with free online ordination through American Marriage Ministries (AMM). 


Why AMM? American Marriage Ministries is an inclusive nondenominational internet church that ordains and trains ministers to officiate marriage ceremonies. We are a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit church, and help people from all backgrounds and beliefs become ordained ministers for weddings. Our online ordination is free, accessible, and never expires.


Officiating weddings is an incredible honor, and a great way to show your love and support for the people getting married. As a wedding officiant, you will help to create memorable ceremonies and memories that last a lifetime.

AMM Ministers can legally officiate weddings in every state* (it's much harder in Virginia, where we're looking into our options). After getting ordained with AMM, you might need to register your ordination with your local county clerk’s office. Click the link above to get started! 



Bride and groom pose with bridesmaids during a scottish wedding outdoors

Become an ordained minister online with American Marriage Ministries and officiate wedding for friends and relatives. (Photo: SometimesNever/ / Adobe Stock)



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Jessica Levey
Jessica Levey

Lead Staff Writer & Illustrator

Jessica loves exploring the history and magic of ritual, the connections between people and places, and sharing true stories about love and commitment. She's an advocate for marriage equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and individuality, and is an ordained Minister with AMM. When she’s not writing or illustrating for AMM, she enjoys city hikes, fantasy novels, comics, and traveling.

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