Check out these 12 articles tagged with Wedding Ceremony Planning. The American Weddings Blog is your source for officiant tips, ceremony planning, and more.
1413 DAYS AGO | 4.3.2021
The endurance of group weddings is telling about what matters most to modern-day couples, and the challenges they face.
1523 DAYS AGO | 12.14.2020
How to write, edit, & revise a wedding ceremony script until it shines, using suggestions from real AMM Ministers & Wedding Officiants. Because performing a ...
1543 DAYS AGO | 11.24.2020
Learn how wedding officiants & couples help wedding photographers get a perfect first kiss photo. Step one, center yourself!
1659 DAYS AGO | 7.31.2020
While no specific words are legally required in a wedding ceremony, couples still must make their Declaration of Intent and the officiant must make the Prono...
1815 DAYS AGO | 2.26.2020
AMM's list of Officiant Do's and Don'ts for first time wedding officiants, and what to pack in your Officiant Wedding Emergency Kit before you head to your f...
1848 DAYS AGO | 1.24.2020
Choosing your officiant wisely and working with them closely throughout the duration of your planning is the key to a successful wedding ceremony.
Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.
1858 DAYS AGO | 1.14.2020
American Marriage Ministries' most popular and best selling wedding officiant resources
1884 DAYS AGO | 12.19.2019
Have you considered celebrating your wedding in a warehouse space? More couples than ever are choosing these great spaces.
1941 DAYS AGO | 10.23.2019
How to determine your rates and what to charge for your professional officiant services
1948 DAYS AGO | 10.16.2019
Are first-time wedding officiants taking jobs away from professionals? Online ordination presents both threats and opportunities for professional wedding off...
2027 DAYS AGO | 7.29.2019
Getting an early start on ceremony planning is the best way to eliminate stress from your wedding day.
2278 DAYS AGO | 11.20.2018
Put some thought into the look and feel of your wedding so that you and your wedding planner have a shared vision for the cermony.
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