Check out these 21 articles tagged with Utah. The American Weddings Blog is your source for officiant tips, ceremony planning, and more.
947 DAYS AGO | 2.15.2022
AMM Minister Feature with wedding officiant and Pagan Priest Leandra Southwinds. Leandra left her Mormon upbringing to pursue Priesthood and now advocates fo...
1210 DAYS AGO | 5.28.2021
Lawmakers voted down a bill that would have allowed couples to perform their own weddings in self solemnizing ceremonies. Plus a look at where self uniting m...
1217 DAYS AGO | 5.21.2021
Israeli couples married through Utah County’s online marriage portal face legal challenges at home, as Israel’s Interior Ministry bans virtual weddings in ad...
1252 DAYS AGO | 4.16.2021
Utah se acaba de convertir en el primer estado en el país en legitimar una boda virtual vía Zoom entre una pareja que vive no solo en diferentes estados, sin...
1281 DAYS AGO | 3.18.2021
Perform a remote, online wedding in Utah, or apply for & sign the marriage license digitally! Utah County's fully online system for weddings is the first of ...
1403 DAYS AGO | 11.16.2020
Utah is the first state to allow virtual international Zoom weddings for couples living in different countries, and different states, as COVID-19 travel rest...
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