30 "Same Sex Marriage" Category Articles

Close up of two men holding hands with wedding rings, symbolizing marriage equality and same-sex marriage rights

60 DAYS AGO | 12.13.2024

These States Will Feel it First if Obergefell is Overturned

Will Obergefell v. Hodges be overturned? Here’s what could happen in states that banned same sex marriage before the 2015 Supreme Court decision.

Gay couple hold hands and smile on the wedding day

95 DAYS AGO | 11.8.2024

Good News! Voters in Three States Pass Marriage Equality Protections

Voters pass amendments to protect marriage equality for LGBTQ+ couples in Hawaii, California, and Colorado. Good news for marriage rights this 2024 election ...

Illustration of two women in 1800s style clothing reading love letters and smiling together.

110 DAYS AGO | 10.24.2024

Marry Your Gal Pal! Let’s Bring Back ‘Boston Marriage’

Will modern women bring back Boston Marriages as Gen Z’s embrace of platonic marriage grows? Plus a look at women’s same-sex relationships in the 1800s!

Close up of two grooms showing off their beautiful wedding rings

146 DAYS AGO | 9.18.2024

Same-Sex Marriage Bans On The Ballot In California & Hawaii

Statewide ballots in California and Hawaii would remove same-sex marriage bans from their state constitutions. (Prop 3 / marriage equality)

Two grooms hug outdoors on the wedding day in Virginia

225 DAYS AGO | 7.1.2024

New Virginia Marriage Equality Law Goes Into Effect Today

New Virginia marriage law protects same-sex, LGBTQ+, and interracial couples. See how the change impacts AMM Ministers and wedding officiants in Virginia.

Ohio Bill Aims to Repeal Same-Sex Marriage Ban & Protect Interracial Marriage

438 DAYS AGO | 12.1.2023

Ohio Bill Aims to Repeal Same-Sex Marriage Ban & Protect Interracial Marriage

Learn about efforts in Ohio to repeal an outdated same-sex marriage ban and codify protections for interracial marriage at the state level, ensuring continui...

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More Same Sex Marriage Articles

Ex-clerk Kim Davis ordered to pay $100,000 to same-sex couple for violating their constitutional right to marry

515 DAYS AGO | 9.15.2023

Ex-clerk Kim Davis ordered to pay $100,000 to same-sex couple for violating t...

Good news! Ex-county clerk Kim Davis has been ordered to pay $100,000 in damages for refusing to issue a marriage license to same-sex partners David Ermold a...

In Support of the "Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act of 2023”

568 DAYS AGO | 7.24.2023

In Support of the "Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act of 2023”

Learn more about H.R. 4602, and how this legislation would help to protect marriage equality for LGBTQ+ couples at the federal level. The ‘Amend the Code for...

Celebrating 8 Years of Marriage Equality for Same-Sex Couples in the US!

596 DAYS AGO | 6.26.2023

Celebrating 8 Years of Marriage Equality for Same-Sex Couples in the US!

Happy Marriage Equality Day! Celebrating 8 years of marriage equality: On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v Hodges that same-sex couples...

Matelotage : Gay Marriage Among Pirates or Just a Business Partnership?

707 DAYS AGO | 3.7.2023

Matelotage : Gay Marriage Among Pirates or Just a Business Partnership?

Learn about matelotage, which many believe to be an early form of gay marriage honored among pirates of the 1700s and 1800s. These legal civil unions bound t...

Same-sex marriage is under attack in Iowa

712 DAYS AGO | 3.2.2023

Same-sex marriage is under attack in Iowa

Iowa legislators introduced a joint resolution this week that proposes a state ban on same-sex marriage by amending the Iowa Constitution. Learn about House ...

North Texas LGBTQ+ Wedding Vendors & Allies Gather for ‘Sip and See’ This Weekend

729 DAYS AGO | 2.13.2023

North Texas LGBTQ+ Wedding Vendors & Allies Gather for ‘Sip and See’ This Wee...

Free ‘sip and see’ wedding planning event for same-sex and other LGBTQ couples in the Dallas Fort Worth area will bring together local LGBTQ+ wedding vendors...

A woman kisses her girlfriend on the cheek

763 DAYS AGO | 1.10.2023

Indiana lawmakers introduce bill to protect same-sex marriage in 2023

New legislation would repeal Indiana's defunct same-sex marriage ban and expressly protect same-sex marriage rights in the state. Read the proposed amendment...

Proposed legislation in Virginia and Texas would protect same-sex marriage in 2023

798 DAYS AGO | 12.6.2022

Proposed legislation in Virginia and Texas would protect same-sex marriage in...

Lawmakers in Virginia and Texas propose new legislation in 2023 to protect LGBTQ+ couples and families by repealing same-sex marriage bans from the states’ c...

When was same-sex marriage legalized in the U.S.? Is it legal in all 50 states?

819 DAYS AGO | 11.15.2022

When was same-sex marriage legalized in the U.S.? Is it legal in all 50 states?

Learn about the Supreme Court Obergefell v Hodges ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in the U.S., the history of marriage equality in all 50 states, and...


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