Check out these 134 articles tagged with Marriage Laws. The American Weddings Blog is your source for officiant tips, ceremony planning, and more.
1349 DAYS AGO | 4.6.2021
An update from American Marriage Ministries on the fight against Tennessee's discriminatory anti-online ordination law SB 1377 / HB 0213. With information on...
1363 DAYS AGO | 3.23.2021
Six states are considering raising the minimum age for marriage, in what seems to be increased attention to laws regulating child marriage in the US.
1368 DAYS AGO | 3.18.2021
Perform a remote, online wedding in Utah, or apply for & sign the marriage license digitally! Utah County's fully online system for weddings is the first of ...
1374 DAYS AGO | 3.12.2021
West Virginia wedding officiants can now register online! In early 2021, WV updated its minister registration process to be fully online. Learn how to regist...
1395 DAYS AGO | 2.19.2021
Want to get married fast? Find out if your state has a marriage waiting period to avoid unexpected wedding ceremony delays, especially during Covid!
1419 DAYS AGO | 1.26.2021
Maryland is considering changes to the designations used on marriage licenses, by introducing gender neutral language for same-sex couples. 2021 HB 449
Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.
1453 DAYS AGO | 12.23.2020
Proposed changes to the SC marriage license application waiting period would allow couples to elope or marry in short notice wedding ceremonies. SC S.B. 123 ...
1529 DAYS AGO | 10.8.2020
Read how Washington State's new October 2020 social distancing rules will affect wedding planning, ceremonies, and receptions. Find out how to plan a safe, s...
1531 DAYS AGO | 10.6.2020
The American Marriage Ministry Government Registration Guarantee ensures that your Ordination Credentials will be recognized and accepted, or we will issue a...
1634 DAYS AGO | 6.25.2020
We reflect on the powerful experience of going to Tennessee one year ago to offer ministers in-person ordination ahead of the state's anti-online ordination ...
1774 DAYS AGO | 2.6.2020
Tennessee Republicans are once again attacking marriage equality, this time arguing that same-sex marriage is "indecent" and unconstitutional.
1985 DAYS AGO | 7.10.2019
Online church on developments regarding Tennessee law that barred ministers ordained online from solemnizing marriage in the state
2021 DAYS AGO | 6.4.2019
2064 DAYS AGO | 4.22.2019
Hawaii's new marriage laws allows couples to choose any middle or last name
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