Check out over 80 Religion And Rituals related articles in the AMM Weddings Blog. Get inspired with creative wedding ideas, script writing tips, and wedding advice.
1153 DAYS AGO | 10.21.2021
Considering a red wedding dress? Learn the meaning behind this bold, exciting, fashionable ceremony statement, with modern inspiration from ancient myths and...
1161 DAYS AGO | 10.13.2021
A ‘wiccaning’ is the deeply joyful ritual celebration of welcoming a new Pagan into a spiritual community, with a promise and blessing to protect them agains...
1163 DAYS AGO | 10.11.2021
The ancient magic of Norse runes is used in Viking weddings and other Pagan weddings and handfastings as blessing and protection. Add these runes from the El...
1167 DAYS AGO | 10.7.2021
Learn about Viking wedding traditions, including wedding swords, blot rituals, Norse runes and spell casting, handfasting, cleansing rituals, what to wear, h...
1169 DAYS AGO | 10.5.2021
The Mormon Church opposes same-sex marriage, but a rising number of LGBT + members, including vocal Millennial and Gen Z members, could change that. A summar...
1170 DAYS AGO | 10.4.2021
Add a wine blending unity ritual to your wedding ceremony with inspiration from this personalized script, from AMM Minister Max Dovala. This script was used ...
Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.
1174 DAYS AGO | 9.30.2021
Combine the magic of the Celtic Year and a Day handfasting ritual with your sequel wedding or second ceremony! With links to wedding ceremony scripts, Pagan ...
1181 DAYS AGO | 9.23.2021
Include one of these 14 Italian wedding traditions and superstitions in your marriage ceremony or reception! From warding off the evil eye and other supersti...
1215 DAYS AGO | 8.20.2021
Delaware’s Groome Church leaves United Methodist Church over the denomination’s discrimination toward LGBTQ+ individuals, and UMC’s ban of same-sex marriage ...
1217 DAYS AGO | 8.18.2021
Learn about the symbolism and meaning of the black umbrella in Hmong weddings, the siv ceeb, mej koob, and other interesting details about the traditional ma...
1223 DAYS AGO | 8.12.2021
Learn about the symbolism of the chuppah, the traditional Jewish wedding canopy, and its place within modern Jewish marriage ceremonies.
1226 DAYS AGO | 8.9.2021
An illustrated guide to the Javanese Siraman Ceremony of Central Java, Indonesia. Learn about this traditional custom involving flower water, bathing, and sp...
1236 DAYS AGO | 7.30.2021
Learn about baptism, including how to baptize someone in water, its meaning in Christianity, answers to common questions, who can perform baptism, and exampl...
1243 DAYS AGO | 7.23.2021
Spiritual baths and ritual bathing have been used by cultures and faiths throughout history, including Hindus, Christians, and Pagans. Learn to prepare and p...
1253 DAYS AGO | 7.13.2021
LGBTQ+ activist group Love Prevails departs the United Methodist Church in an open letter to the UMC, followed by the retirement of influential pastor Rev. A...
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