Who can Solemnize Marriage in Puerto Rico

The law(s) below are the relevant statutes relating to who can solemnize marriage and officiant registration in Puerto Rico (where applicable).

List of All 42 Puerto Rico Marriage Laws

Below you can read through our curated list of all Puerto Rico laws related to marriage, weddings, officiants, and marriage licenses. If it is in any way marriage related, you will find it here.

§ Article 41. Validity of the marriage Book I : Ch Vi : Sec Iii : Article 41

Article 41.-Validity of the marriage The marriage is valid, if it is valid in the State where it is contracted, where either of the spouses has their domicile at the time of the marriage or where they establish their marital domicile. The marriage is void and will not be recognized if it was contracted in another State that is incompatible with the public order of Puerto Rico. (Translated) <<< >>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 41.-Validez del matrimonio. El matrimonio es válido si lo es en el Estado donde se contrae, en donde cualquiera de los cónyuges tiene su domicilio al celebrarse el matrimonio o en donde establecen su domicilio conyugal. El matrimonio es nulo y no se reconocerá el matrimonio contraído en otro Estado, que sea incompatible con el orden público de Puerto Rico.

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§ Article 378 - Matrimonial capacityBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec I : Article 378

Article 378 - Matrimonial capacity. The person who: (a) has legal age; (b) has the discernment to consent to the union and be bound to fulfill the duties that it entails; and (c) is not prevented by law from joining the other party in marriage. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 378.-Capacidad matrimonial. Tiene capacidad para contraer matrimonio la persona que: (a) es mayor de edad; (b) tiene discernimiento para consentir la unión y obligarse a cumplir los deberes que conlleva; y (c) no está impedida por la ley a unirse en matrimonio al otro contrayente.

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§ Article 45 - Marriage nullity and divorceBook I : Ch Vi : Sec Iii : Article 45

Article 45. Marriage nullity and divorce. The nullity of marriage, divorce and its effects are determined in accordance with the law of the State in which it is decreed. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 45.-Nulidad matrimonial y divorcio. La nulidad del matrimonio, el divorcio y sus efectos se determinan a conformidad con la ley del Estado en que se decreta.

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§ Article 397 - Proof of the marriage celebrated outside of Puerto RicoBook 2: Title Iii: Chapter Ii: Section I: Article 397

Article 397 - Proof of the marriage celebrated outside of Puerto Rico. Marriage celebrated in any state or territory of the United States or in a foreign country must be proven by presenting certified records from the official registry or, in its absence, by any admissible means of evidence. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 397.-Prueba del matrimonio celebrado fuera de Puerto Rico. El matrimonio celebrado en cualquier estado o territorio de Estados Unidos o en un país extranjero debe probarse mediante la presentación de las constancias certificadas del registro oficial o, en su ausencia, por cualquier medio de prueba admisible.

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§ Article 379 - Consent modalitiesBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec I : Article 379

Article 379 - Consent modalities. If the consent of either spouse has been subordinated to a condition, term or mode, these are considered not valid. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 379.-Modalidades del consentimiento. Si el consentimiento de cualquiera de los cónyuges ha sido subordinado a condición, plazo o modo, estos se tienen por no puestos.

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§ Article 97 - Age of majority (Legal Age)Book I : Ch Vi : Sec Ii : Article 97

Article 97 - Age of majority (Legal Age). The age of majority is when the person turns twenty-one (21) years old. Since then, it has full capacity to carry out all civil acts by itself, as long as it is not within the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by this Code. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 97.-Mayoría de edad. Toda persona adviene a la mayoría de edad cuando cumple veintiún (21) años. Desde entonces tiene plena capacidad para realizar por sí misma todos los actos civiles, mientras no se encuentre dentro de las restricciones y prohibiciones que impone este Código.

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§ Article 396 - Proof of marriageBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch Ii : Sec I : Article 396

Article 396 - Proof of marriage. The celebration of the marriage is proven with the certified copy of the marriage certificate that is filed in the Demographic Registry Office. If this has disappeared or there is no proof of the registration, any suitable evidence on the fact of the celebration of the marriage is admissible. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 396.-Prueba del matrimonio. La celebración del matrimonio se prueba con la copia certificada del certificado de matrimonio que consta en el Registro Demográfico. Si esta ha desaparecido o no aparece constancia de la inscripción, es admisible cualquier prueba idónea sobre el hecho de la celebración del matrimonio.

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§ Article 383 - Time to formalize a new marriageBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec I : Article 383

Article 383 - Time to formalize a new marriage. If the marriage bond is dissolved for any reason, the former spouses are able to formalize a new marriage. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 383.-Tiempo para formalizar nuevo matrimonio. Disuelto el vínculo matrimonial por cualquier causa, los antes cónyuges, quedan en aptitud de formalizar nuevo matrimonio.

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§ Article 390 - Taking the oathBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Ii : Article 390

Article 390 - Taking the oath. The contracting parties must swear and sign the declaration described in the previous article before the person authorized to celebrate the marriage, who is also empowered to take said oath. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 390.-Toma del juramento. Los contrayentes deben jurar y firmar la declaración que describe el artículo anterior ante la persona autorizada para celebrar el matrimonio, quien queda también facultada para tomarles dicho juramento.

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§ Article 395 - Beginning of civil effectsBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Iii : Article 395

Article 395 - Beginning of civil effects. The marriage produces civil effects from its celebration. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 395.-Comienzo de los efectos civiles. El matrimonio produce efectos civiles desde su celebración.

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§ Article 389 - Content of the affidavitBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Ii : Article 389

Article 389 - Content of the affidavit. The affidavit must contain: (a) the name and surname or surnames, sex, age, place of birth, marital status, profession, domicile and residential address of each one of the contracting parties; (b) the name, surname or surnames and place of birth of their respective parents; (c) the degree of consanguinity, if any, between the contracting parties; (d) the statement that there is no legal impediment to marry each other; (e) if there was a previous marriage of either or both parties: the name and surname or surnames of the former spouse; the form of dissolution of the marriage bond; if it was due to death, the date and place of death of the spouse; if it was by decree of nullity or divorce, the date and the court that issued the sentence; (f) the names, surname or surnames, age and residential address of each of the children of any of the parties; (g) the date, time and place of the celebration of the marriage; (h) the name and title of the marriage officiant; (i) the name and residential address of the two witnesses to the act; (j) the economic regime selected by the contracting parties to govern the patrimonial matters of the marriage; and (k) information related to any medical condition or surgical intervention that, if the other party knew, would not consent to the marriage. If any of the contracting parties is a minor who has reached the age of eighteen (18), the declaration document required by this Code will include the written consent of the persons who exercise parental authority or guardianship over him. All information contained in this affidavit is confidential, and may not be disclosed for purposes other than the celebration of the marriage or its dissolution. The person who, for reasons of his profession, knows the information contained in this Affidavit is obliged to maintain its confidentiality and may be subject to legal, criminal and civil liability, for the disclosure of any information that may cause harm to persons to whom referred to in this article. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 389.-Contenido de la declaración jurada. La declaración jurada requerida en esta sección debe contener: (a) el nombre y el apellido o apellidos, el sexo, la edad, el lugar de nacimiento, el estado civil, la profesión o el oficio, el domicilio y la dirección residencial de cada uno de los contrayentes; (b) el nombre, el apellido o apellidos y el lugar de nacimiento de sus respectivos progenitores; (c) el grado de consanguinidad, si lo hay, entre los contrayentes; (d) la manifestación de que no existe impedimento legal para contraer matrimonio entre sí; (e) si hubo algún matrimonio previo de alguno o de ambos contrayentes: el nombre y el apellido o apellidos del excónyuge; la forma de disolución del vínculo matrimonial; si fue por muerte, la fecha y el lugar de fallecimiento del cónyuge; si fue por decreto de nulidad o de divorcio la fecha y el tribunal que dictó la sentencia; (f) los nombres, el apellido o apellidos, la edad y la dirección residencial de cada uno de los hijos de cualquiera de los contrayentes; (g) la fecha, la hora y el lugar de la celebración del matrimonio; (h) el nombre y el carácter del celebrante; (i) el nombre y la dirección residencial de los dos testigos del acto; (j) el régimen económico seleccionado por los contrayentes para regir los asuntos patrimoniales del matrimonio; y (k) la información relacionada con cualquier condición médica o intervención quirúrgica que, de conocerla el otro contrayente, no daría su consentimiento para el matrimonio. Si alguno de los contrayentes es un menor que ha cumplido la edad de dieciocho (18) años, el documento de la declaración que requiere este Código, incluirá el consentimiento escrito de las personas que ejercen sobre él la patria potestad o la tutela. Toda la información contenida en esta declaración jurada es confidencial, y no puede ser divulgada para propósitos distintos de la celebración del matrimonio o su disolución. La persona que por motivos de su oficio conozca la información contenida en esta declaración jurada está obligada a mantener su confidencialidad y puede quedar sujeta a responsabilidad legal, tanto penal como civil, por la divulgación de cualquier información que pueda causar daño a las personas a las que se refiere este artículo.

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§ Article 398 - Equality of the spousesBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch Iii : Sec I : Article 398

Article 398 - Equality of the spouses. Spouses have the same rights and obligations in marriage. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 398.-Igualdad de los cónyuges. Los cónyuges tienen los mismos derechos y obligaciones en el matrimonio.

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§ Article 391 - Waiver of some formalitiesBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Ii : Article 391

Article 391 - Waiver of some formalities. It is not necessary to meet the medical examination and affidavit requirements to obtain a marriage license if one or both parties are in imminent danger of death. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 391.-Dispensa de algunas formalidades. No es necesario cumplir con los requisitos de los exámenes médicos y de la declaración jurada para obtener la licencia matrimonial, si uno o ambos contrayentes están en peligro de muerte inminente.

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§ Article 399 - Obligations between spousesBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch Iii : Sec I : Article 399

Article 399 - Obligations between spouses. The spouses are obliged to live together, to keep respect and fidelity, to protect and help each other in proportion to their respective personal and economic capacities. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 399.-Obligaciones entre los cónyuges. Los cónyuges están obligados a vivir juntos, a guardarse respeto y fidelidad, a protegerse y a socorrerse mutuamente en proporción a sus respectivas capacidades personales y económicas.

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§ Article 404 - Legitimated to exercise the nullity actionBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch Iv : Sec I : Article 404

Article 404 - Legitimated to exercise the nullity action. The following may file an action for annulment: (a) either of the spouses; (b) any person with a legitimate interest in the nullity of the bond; and (c) the public prosecutor's office. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 404.-Legitimados para ejercer la acción de nulidad. Pueden instar la acción de nulidad: (a) cualquiera de los cónyuges; (b) cualquier persona con interés legítimo en la nulidad del vínculo; y (c) el ministerio público.

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§ Article 405 - Imprescriptibility of the actionBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch Iv : Sec I : Article 405

Article 405 - Imprescriptibility of the action. The action to declare the nullity of the marriage is imprescriptible. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 405. -Imprescriptibilidad de la acción. La acción para declarar la nulidad del matrimonio es imprescriptible.

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§ 1162Marriage License; Issuance

REPEALED: There can be no marriage if the contracting parties have not previously obtained a marriage license, which the contracting parties have provided themselves with a marriage license which shall be issued, at the request of either of the parties by the registrar of the district in which either of the contracting parties resides. Said license shall be delivered by the contracting parties before the ceremony, to the priest, minister, or magistrate who is to perform the same. No fee shall be collected for the issuance of the said license. If one or both parties are not residents of Puerto Rico, said license shall be issued by the registrar of the district in which the marriage is to be held. In the event that the marriage is to be held in articulo mortis, the official authorizing it may issue the license. When applying for a marriage license, the contracting parties shall be provided a summary of the Premarital Counseling Course drafted by the Department of the Family. If the contracting parties present evidence of having completed such type of course, it shall be thus noted in the license issued by the Registrar. [Repealed]

Apr. 22, 1931, No. 24, p. 228, § 23; July 18, 1935, No. 27, p. 160, § 1, eff. 90 days after July 18, 1935; June 16, 2011, No. 92, § 4.

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§ 1168Annotations Of Decrees Of Divorce Or Annulments Of Marriages By Secretary Of Health

REPEALED: (a) The Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico is hereby authorized to annotate, as he may deem convenient, in the originals of marriage certificates and transcriptions thereof filed in the Civil Registry or in the Vital Statistics Registry, the decrees of divorce or annulments of marriages rendered by the Court of First Instance of Puerto Rico, by the courts of the United States and by foreign courts with competent jurisdiction. When the divorce or annulment of marriage of persons whose marriage has been contracted in Puerto Rico is decreed outside of Puerto Rico, same shall be annotated in the Vital Statistics Registry on request of the interested party and upon previous presentation to the keeper of the Register of the decree, resolution or order duly certified and legalized. (b) It shall be the duty of the Secretary of every Part of the Court of First Instance which renders a decree of divorce or of annulment of marriage to send to the Secretary of Health, free of cost, a certified and duly legalized copy of the decree, resolution or order rendered in each case, within the term of ten (10) days from and after the date on which said decree, resolution or order is final and enforceable. Said certified copy of the decree, resolution or order shall be accompanied by the information required by the Secretary of Health on the form provided for the purpose by the Office of Court Administration. (c) The Secretary of Health shall use the information obtained in said decrees, resolutions or orders for statistical purposes of divorce and annulment of marriages, and to establish a divorce and annulment of marriages registry similar to the other registries kept by the Office of the Vital Statistics Registry. (d) By petition of any interested party, the Secretary of Health or the person authorized by him/her shall issue a certified copy of the decree of divorce or nullity appearing in the divorce or annulment registry of the Civil Registry, upon prior payment of the sum in Internal Revenue stamps for each certificate issued, established pursuant to the regulations adopted for that purpose by the Secretary of Health under the provisions of § 1071a of this title. Half of said sum shall be cancelled on the certificate issued and the other half shall remain attached to the petition. Certified copies may be issued, free of charge, under the same conditions and for the same purposes as certified copies of birth, marriage and death certificates are issued. The copy of the decree of divorce or nullity certified by the Secretary of Health or his/her representative shall constitute prima facie evidence before every court of justice of the facts therein contained. In case the decree of divorce or nullity does not appear registered or filed, a negative certificate shall be issued in the same manner as negative certificates are issued for births, marriages and deaths. [Repealed]

Mar. 2, 1971, No. 4, p. 11, §§ 1—4; Aug. 9, 1998, No. 220, § 6.

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§ Article 382 - Appointment of a special guardianBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec I : Article 382

Article 382 - Appointment of a special guardian. If the minor who has reached eighteen (18) years of age is not subject to parental authority or guardianship, the court will appoint him, from among his closest relatives, a special guardian for the same purpose. In the absence of relatives, the court will appoint a guardian to supply their consent to the marriage. The appointment shall be recorded in the marriage license and in the court's book of sentences. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 382.-Nombramiento de tutor especial. Si el contrayente menor de edad que ha cumplido dieciocho (18) años no está sujeto a la patria potestad o a tutela, el tribunal le nombrará, de entre sus parientes más cercanos, un tutor especial para ese mismo propósito. En caso de no existir parientes, el tribunal nombrará un tutor para suplir su consentimiento al matrimonio. El nombramiento se hará constar en la licencia matrimonial y en el libro de sentencias del tribunal.

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§ Article 380 - Restrictions to contract a marriageBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec I : Article 380

Article 380 - Restrictions to contract a marriage. The following cannot get married: (a) people who are united by a marriage bond; (b) people who have not reached eighteen (18) years of age; (c) ascendants and descendants by consanguinity or adoption; (d) collateral relatives by consanguinity or adoption up to the third degree; (e) the ascendants and descendants by affinity in the straight line, if from the marriage that created the affinity children were born who have blood ties with both spouses; and (f) people convicted, in any participation, of the intentional death of the spouse of any of them. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 380.-Impedimentos para contraer matrimonio. No pueden contraer matrimonio: (a) las personas que están unidas por un vínculo matrimonial; (b) las personas que no han cumplido dieciocho (18) años de edad; (c) los ascendientes y los descendientes por consanguinidad o por adopción; (d) los parientes colaterales por consanguinidad o por adopción hasta el tercer grado; (e) los ascendientes y los descendientes por afinidad en la línea recta, si del matrimonio que creó la afinidad nacieron hijos que tienen lazos consanguíneos con ambos contrayentes; y (f) las personas convictas, en cualquier participación, de la muerte dolosa del cónyuge de cualquiera de ellas.

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§ Article 381 - Marriage of a minor Book 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec I : Article 381

Article 381 - Marriage of a minor. To marry, the minor who has reached the age of eighteen (18) needs the authorization of the persons who exercise parental authority or guardianship over him. If they refuse to consent to the marriage, the court may authorize it after holding a hearing to find out the reasons for the refusal and determine if the minor has discernment to understand the nature of the marriage and the obligations that it entails. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 381.-Matrimonio del menor de edad. Para contraer matrimonio, el menor que ha cumplido los dieciocho (18) años necesita la autorización de las personas que ejercen sobre él la patria potestad o la tutela. Si estas se niegan a consentir al matrimonio, el tribunal puede autorizarlo luego de celebrar una vista para conocer las causas de la negativa y determinar si el menor tiene discernimiento para entender la naturaleza del matrimonio y las obligaciones que conlleva.

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§ Article 387 - Proof of the identity of the contracting partyBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Ii : Article 387

Article 387 - Proof of the identity of the contracting party. Before issuing the medical certificate, the physician conducting the examinations must be satisfied that the applicant is the same person who will marry. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 387.-Prueba de la identidad del contrayente. Antes de expedir el certificado médico, el facultativo que realice los exámenes debe estar convencido de que el solicitante es la misma persona que contraerá matrimonio.

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§ Article 42 - Non-patrimonial effects of the marriageBook I : Ch Vi : Sec Iii : Article 42

Article 42: Non-patrimonial effects of the marriage. The non-economic effects of the marriage, if it exists, are those attributed to it by the law of the State in which both parties had their last common domicile. If they did not have a common domicile, the applicable law is the one of the State where the marriage took place. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 42.-Efectos no patrimoniales del matrimonio. Los efectos que no son económicos del matrimonio, si subsiste, son aquellos que le atribuye la ley del Estado en que ambas partes tuvieron su último domicilio común. Si no tuvieron un domicilio común, la ley aplicable es la del Estado donde se celebró el matrimonio.

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§ Article 43 - Patrimonial effects of the marriage and the change of the marital domicileBook I : Ch Vi : Sec Iii : Article 43

Article 43.-Patrimonial effects of the marriage and the change of the marital domicile If there is an agreement between the parties, the economic effects of the marriage are determined by the rules of the State selected by both parties. If there is no agreement, the effect is determined by the regulations of the State where they had their first marital domicile. If the parties establish a joint domicile in another State, for a period of five (5) years or more, as long as the rights of third parties are not impaired, the economic regime will be the one of that last State, unless they agree on something different. The court may make the adjustments it deems appropriate if the change in the matrimonial regime was not expressly consented to by the parties, having the effect of depriving one of them of benefits that it would have had under the previous regime. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 43.-Efectos patrimoniales del matrimonio y el cambio del domicilio conyugal. Si hay acuerdo entre las partes, los efectos económicos del matrimonio se determinan por las normas del Estado seleccionado por ambas partes. De no haber acuerdo, el efecto se determina por las normas del Estado donde tuvieron su primer domicilio conyugal. Si las partes establecen un domicilio en conjunto en otro Estado, por un plazo de cinco (5) años o más, siempre y cuando no se perjudiquen derechos de terceros, el régimen económico será el de ese último Estado, salvo que acuerden algo distinto. El tribunal puede hacer los ajustes que estime convenientes si el cambio en el régimen matrimonial no fue expresamente consentido por las parte, teniendo el efecto de privar a una de ellas de beneficios que hubiese tenido conforme al régimen anterior.

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§ Article 377 - Requirements to contract a marriageBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec I : Article 377

Article 377 - Requirements to contract a marriage. The necessary requirements to contract a marriage are: (a) legal capacity of the contracting parties; (b) express consent of the contracting parties; and (c) authorization and execution of a marriage contract, observing the forms and solemnities prescribed by law. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 377.-Requisitos para contraer matrimonio. Los requisitos necesarios para contraer matrimonio son: (a) capacidad legal de los contrayentes; (b) consentimiento expreso de las partes contrayentes; y (c) autorización y celebración de un contrato matrimonial, observando las formas y solemnidades prescritas por la ley.

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§ Article 44 - Marriage capitulationsBook I : Ch Vi : Sec Iii : Article 44

Article 44. Marriage capitulations The content of the capitulations in which there is stipulated, modified or substituted the economic regime of marriage, must be in accordance with the law of the conjugal domicile. If there is no conjugal domicile: (a) the law of the domicile of either party applies as long as it is not contrary to the rules of the domicile of the other party; (b) when there is a conflict between the law of the domicile of both parties,applies the law of the State in which the marriage took place. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 44.-Capitulaciones matrimoniales. El contenido de las capitulaciones en las que se estipula, modifica o sustituye el régimen económico del matrimonio, deben ser conforme con la ley del domicilio conyugal. De no existir un domicilio conyugal: (a) se aplica la ley del domicilio de cualquiera de las partes siempre y cuando no sea contraria a las normas del domicilio de la otra parte; (b) cuando hay conflicto entre la ley del domicilio de una y otra parte, se aplica la ley del Estado en que se celebró el matrimonio.

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§ Article 46 - Validity of matrimonial agreements or civil unions analogous to marriageBook I : Ch Vi : Sec Iii : Article 46

Article 46 - Validity of matrimonial agreements or civil unions analogous to marriage. The agreements between persons who are not domiciled in Puerto Rico at the time of the agreement had the validity attributed to them by the laws of the State in which they were made. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 46.-Validez de acuerdos matrimoniales o uniones civiles análogas al matrimonio. Los acuerdos de convivencia tienen, entre personas que no están domiciliadas en Puerto Rico en el momento del acuerdo, la validez que les atribuyen las leyes del Estado en el que se celebraron.

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§ Article 385 - Required medical examsBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Ii: Article 385

Article 385 - Required medical exams. Each contracting party is obliged to undergo medical examinations to determine the existence of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HIV and any other sexually transmitted disease determined by the Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 385.-Exámenes médicos requeridos. Cada contrayente está obligado a realizarse exámenes médicos para determinar la existencia de Sífilis, Gonorrea, Clamidia, el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) y cualquier otra enfermedad de transmisión sexual que determine el Secretario de Salud.

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§ Article 376 - Constitution of marriageBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec I : Article 376

Marriage is a civil institution that proceeds from a civil contract under which two natural persons mutually oblige themselves to be spouses, and to fulfill the one towards the other the duties that the law imposes on them. It is valid only when contracted and solemnized in accordance with the provisions of law, and it may be dissolved before the death of either spouse only in the cases expressly provided for in this title. Any natural person has the right to marry with full legal equality. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 376.-Constitución del matrimonio. El matrimonio es una institución civil que procede de un contrato civil en virtud del cual dos personas naturales se obligan mutuamente a ser cónyuges, y a cumplir la una para con la otra los deberes que la ley les impone. Será válido solamente cuando se celebra y solemniza con arreglo a las prescripciones de aquella y solo puede anularse o disolverse antes de la muerte de cualquiera de los cónyuges, por los fundamentos expresamente previstos en este Código. Las personas naturales tienen derecho a contraer matrimonio con plena igualdad jurídica.

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§ Article 406 - Annullable marriageBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch Iv : Sec I : Article 406

Article 406.-Annullable marriage The marriage contracted by: (a) the minor between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty-one (21) years old, if does not mediate the express permission of the guardians called by law to give it; (b) the guardian with his ward, as long as the guardian has not rendered the accounts final of the guardianship or has been released from office; (c) the contracting party who, at the time of the marriage, has his or her consent mistakenly vitiated by the identity of the person with whom they married. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 406.-Matrimonio anulable. Es anulable el matrimonio contraído por: (a) el menor entre los dieciocho (18) años y los veintiún (21) años, si no media el permiso expreso de las personas llamadas por ley a darlo; (b) el tutor con su tutelado, mientras el primero no haya rendido las cuentas finales de la tutela ni haya sido liberado del cargo; (c) el contrayente que, en el momento de celebrarse el matrimonio, tiene su consentimiento viciado por error en la identidad de la persona con quien contrae matrimonio.

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§ Article 384 - Requirements to get marriedBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Ii : Article 384

Article 384 - Requirements to get married To join in marriage, the parties must: (a) undergo the medical examinations required by law; (b) sign an affidavit that attests to their ability to marry, which is contained in the marriage certificate provided by the Demographic Registry; (c) obtain the marriage license required by law; and (d) formalize the marriage contract before an authorized person, observing the forms and solemnities prescribed by law. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 384.-Requisitos de forma del matrimonio. Para unirse en matrimonio, los contrayentes tienen que: (a) someterse a los exámenes médicos que exige la ley; (b) suscribir una declaración jurada que dé fe de su capacidad para contraer matrimonio, que está contenida en el certificado de matrimonio que provee el Registro Demográfico conforme a lo dispuesto en esta sección; (c) obtener la licencia matrimonial que exige la ley; y (d) formalizar el contrato matrimonial ante una persona autorizada, observando las formas y solemnidades prescritas por la ley.

New Civil Code Nov. 2020

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§ Article 386 - Responsibility to report on the results of medical examinationsBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Ii : Article 386

Article 386 - Responsibility to report on the results of medical examinations. Each contracting party is obliged to inform the other of the results of the medical examinations. The concealment of information that compromises the physical and emotional integrity of the other party constitutes a vice of consent. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 386.-Deber de informar sobre resultado de exámenes médicos. Cada contrayente está obligado a informar al otro el resultado de los exámenes médicos realizados en ocasión de la celebración del matrimonio. La ocultación deliberada y consciente de información que comprometa la integridad física y emocional del otro contrayente constituye un vicio del consentimiento.

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§ Article 388 - Scope of the medical certificateBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Ii : Article 388

Article 388 - Scope of the medical certificate. The medical certificate must be submitted to the Demographic Registry Office within ten (10) days from its issuance, to obtain the marriage license. This medical certificate will be filed in the Demographic Registry Office and may not be used to deny the marriage license or prevent its celebration. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 388.-Alcance del certificado médico. El certificado médico debe presentarse en el Registro Demográfico dentro del plazo de diez (10) días contados a partir de su expedición, para la obtención de la licencia matrimonial. Dicho certificado médico se archivará en el Registro Demográfico y no podrá utilizarse para negar la licencia de matrimonio o impedir su celebración.

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§ Article 392 - Persons who can authorize and celebrate the marriageBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Iii : Article 392

Article 392 - Persons who can authorize and celebrate the marriage. They people can authorize the marriage: (a) the representatives of any religion who are accredited by their congregation for it; (b) notaries admitted to the exercise of their profession in Puerto Rico; (c) the judges of the General Court of Justice of Puerto Rico; (d) the judges and magistrates of the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico; and (e) the judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. It will be the judge's obligation to authorize the marriage rites free of cost. When the marriage is authorized outside the municipality in which the judge exercises his office or outside the hours in which he renders his official duties, he may collect the fee agreed with the interested parties. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 392.-Personas que pueden autorizar y celebrar el matrimonio. Pueden autorizar el matrimonio: (a) los representantes de cualquier religión que estén acreditados por su congregación para ello; (b) los notarios admitidos al ejercicio de su profesión en Puerto Rico; (c) los jueces del Tribunal General de Justicia de Puerto Rico; (d) los jueces y magistrados del Tribunal de Distrito de Estados Unidos para el Distrito de Puerto Rico; y (e) los jueces del Tribunal de Apelaciones de Estados Unidos para el Primer Circuito. Será obligación del juez autorizar los ritos matrimoniales libres de costos. Cuando el matrimonio se autorice fuera del municipio en que el juez ejerce su cargo o fuera de las horas en que rinde sus labores oficiales, este podrá cobrar el honorario que acuerde con las partes interesadas.

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§ Article 394 - Marriage registrationBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Iii : Article 394

Article 394 - Marriage registration. After authorizing the marriage, the officiant, within the term established by law, will send or present the marriage license and the marriage certificate to the Demographic Registry Office, which will receive it and qualify it in a timely manner. Failure to send or present the marriage license and the marriage certificate before the Demographic Registry Office does not invalidate the marriage, but entails civil liability of the officiant. The employee of the Demographic Registry Office who flatly refuses to receive the marriage license and the marriage certificate presented or sent, also incurs civil responsibility. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 394.-Inscripción del matrimonio. Luego de autorizar el matrimonio, el celebrante, dentro del plazo establecido en la ley, enviará o presentará la licencia matrimonial y el acta del matrimonio ante el Registro Demográfico, que la recibirá y oportunamente la calificará. El incumplimiento del envío o la presentación de la licencia matrimonial y del acta de matrimonio ante el Registro Demográfico no invalida el matrimonio, pero conlleva responsabilidad civil del celebrante. También incurre en responsabilidad civil el funcionario del Registro Demográfico que se niegue de plano a recibir la licencia matrimonial y el acta de matrimonio presentada o enviada.

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§ Article 393 - Verification of the matrimonial capacity of the witnessesBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch I : Sec Iii : Article 393

Article 393 - Verification of the matrimonial capacity of the witnesses. The celebrant must examine the affidavit signed by the contracting parties to verify compliance with the requirements required by this title. Then he will sign it together with the contracting parties and the two witnesses of the act to formalize the celebration of the marriage. However, if you know or suspect that the parties are prevented by law from marrying, you cannot authorize the union. If the marriage is celebrated before a notary, the relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity can act as witnesses of the contracting parties. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 393.-Constatación de la capacidad matrimonial de los contrayentes testigos. El celebrante debe examinar la declaración jurada suscrita por los contrayentes para constatar el cumplimiento con los requisitos que exige este título. Luego la firmará junto a los contrayentes y a los dos testigos del acto para formalizar la celebración del matrimonio. Sin embargo, si conoce o sospecha que los contrayentes están impedidos por la ley para casarse, no puede autorizar la unión. En el matrimonio celebrado ante notario, pueden actuar como testigos los parientes de los contrayentes dentro del cuarto grado de consanguinidad o segundo de afinidad.

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§ Article 403 - Null marriageBook 2 : Title Iii: Ch Iv : Sec I : Article 403

Article 403 - Null marriage. The marriage is void if: (a) there has been no consent on the part of either party; (b) it has been held in contravention of any of the impediments indicated by the Code; or (c) the formalities required for its incorporation have not been complied with. (Translated) <<<>>>> (Original Spanish) Artículo 403.-Matrimonio nulo. El matrimonio es nulo si: (a) no ha habido consentimiento de parte de cualquiera de los contrayentes; (b) se ha celebrado en contravención de alguno de los impedimentos señalados por el Código; o (c) no se han cumplido las formalidades requeridas para su constitución.

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§ 1161Record Of Marriage Where Celebrated

REPEALED: Every marriage contracted in Puerto Rico in accordance with Section II, Chapter I, Title VI, of the Civil Code, shall be recorded in the Registry of Vital Statistics of the district in which the marriage is celebrated.

Apr. 22, 1931, No. 24, p. 228, § 22, eff. 90 days after Apr. 22, 1931.

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§ 1164Transcription Of Marriage Certificate

REPEALED: Upon the receipt of said documents, the Keeper of the Register shall make a transcription of the marriage certificate in the book kept for such purpose in his office, and he shall send the original documents to the Department of Health of Puerto Rico, as hereinafter provided.

Apr. 22, 1931, No. 24, p. 228, § 25, eff. 90 days after Apr. 22, 1931.

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§ 1166Original Marriage Documents To Secretary Of Health

REPEALED: The originals of the marriage licenses, of the affidavits given by the contracting parties, of the marriage certificates, and of any other documents which may have been necessary to present for its celebration, shall be forwarded to the Department of Health by the keeper of the Register not later than the fifth (5th) day of the month following that in which they were received to be filed and kept. The Secretary of Health shall see to it that they are carefully examined and, in case any of them should appear to be incomplete or defective, he shall require the additional information necessary to have a complete and satisfactory record.

Apr. 22, 1931, No. 24, p. 228, § 27, eff. 90 days after Apr. 22, 1931.

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§ 1165Information For Marriage Documents

REPEALED: To facilitate compliance with §§ 1161—1164 of this title, it shall be required that the marriage license, as well as the sworn statement to be presented by the contracting parties and the marriage certificate, contain, at least, the following details: (1) The place, hour, day, month and year in which the marriage took place. (2) The name and character of the officer or minister of the gospel who performed the marriage ceremony. (3) The given names, surnames, age, race, civil status, place of birth, profession or trade, and domicile of the contracting parties. (4) Given names, surnames and place of birth of the parents. (5) Given names, surnames, occupation, and residence of the witnesses. (6) The circumstance, if such is the case, that the marriage was performed in articulo mortis. (7) In the case of minors, the circumstance that the consent required by law has been obtained. (8) The given names and surnames of the deceased spouse or spouses, and the date and place of death, in case one or both of the contracting parties are widowed. (9) The given names and surnames of the previous spouse or spouses, and the date and court in which divorce was granted, in case one or both of the contracting parties are divorced. (10) The name, last names, age and address of all the children had by the contracting parties prior to the marriage to be held.

Apr. 22, 1931, No. 24, p. 228, § 26; May 12, 1943, No. 117, p. 344, § 1; Sept. 2, 2000, No. 326, § 1.

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§ 1163Delivery Of Marriage License, Affidavit, And Certificate To Keeper Of Register

REPEALED: Every person with legal authority before whom a marriage has been celebrated shall be obliged to deliver, within ten (10) days after such celebration, to the keeper of the Register of the district in which said ceremony took place, the marriage license and the affidavit presented by the contracting parties in accordance with the provisions of law, together with the marriage certificate, which shall state the date and the place where the marriage was performed, and shall contain the signatures of the officiating person, of the contracting parties and of the witnesses to the act.

Apr. 22, 1931, No. 24, p. 228, § 24, eff. 90 days after Apr. 22, 1931.

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