69 "Advocacy" Category Articles Page 5

American Marriage Ministries just ordained our 700,000th minister today!

1725 DAYS AGO | 5.26.2020

American Marriage Ministries just ordained our 700,000th minister today!

American Marriage Ministries just ordained minister number 700,000 as more Americans get ordained online to officiate weddings for friends and family during ...

Close up photo shows a man in military fatigues holding a white USPS Priority Mail box full of gifts and personal mementos, there are red and white stripes of the American flag behind him

1733 DAYS AGO | 5.18.2020

Attempts to gut the United States Postal Service will destroy small businesse...

The USPS is a lifeline for small businesses. Letting this institution fail is an attack on small enterprise by wall street crooks that are hell bent on makin...

Two grooms kiss during an outdoor wedding ceremony, they look happy and in love

1835 DAYS AGO | 2.6.2020

Tennessee Lawmakers move to strip same-sex couples of marriage equality (again)

Tennessee Republicans are once again attacking marriage equality, this time arguing that same-sex marriage is "indecent" and unconstitutional.

A photo taken during AMM's in person ordination tour in Tennessee, shows a line of people at a desk where AMM staff are completing the ordination process.

1918 DAYS AGO | 11.15.2019

How Online Ordination Facilitates Marriage Equality in Rural America

Online ordination allows non traditional couples to find ministers that wont discriminate against them but some lawmakers are trying to change that

An old timey illustration of 'Uncle Sam' wearing a blue suit and a white top hat pointing toward the viewer, as if to say, "I want you to... Get ordained online!"

2000 DAYS AGO | 8.25.2019

America Needs You to Get Ordained Online!

Get ordained online with AMM to serve your community & practice your faith on your own terms. Become an ordained minister & learn about officiating a wedding!

Tennessee and AMM: What Lies Ahead?

2046 DAYS AGO | 7.10.2019

Tennessee and AMM: What Lies Ahead?

Online church on developments regarding Tennessee law that barred ministers ordained online from solemnizing marriage in the state

Asked to Officiate a Wedding?

Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.

More Advocacy Articles

Happy Birthday to Us: AMM Turns 10!

2052 DAYS AGO | 7.4.2019

Happy Birthday to Us: AMM Turns 10!

July 4th is most famous for...

Want to Get Involved? Here’s how…

2171 DAYS AGO | 3.7.2019

Want to Get Involved? Here’s how…

Check out our "Get Involved" page to find out how you can help AMM promote marriage equality and preserve the environment.

Why are Municipal Governments Cancelling Courthouse Weddings?

2176 DAYS AGO | 3.2.2019

Why are Municipal Governments Cancelling Courthouse Weddings?

Courthouses across the US have stopped offering courthouse weddings in response to the Supreme Court decision on same-sex weddings. AMM went to Gainesville G...


couples marriage laws professional officiants audio article how to lgbtq

Become a Wedding Officiant with Our Free Online Ordination!