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12 Christian Wedding Readings That Aren’t Bible Verses

Published Tuesday, Dec. 10th, 2024

Close up photo of a bride holding a book with pink and white roses wedding bouquet on top symbolizing beautiful Christian wedding poems and readings
Christian wedding poems and lyrical hymns for your ceremony! (Photo: fotostorm / iStock)

Tired of the same old Bible verses at weddings? Check out these timeless Christian poems in the public domain


A simple and meaningful way to personalize your Christian wedding ceremony is to include a special reading before you exchange marriage vows or as part of a final blessing from the wedding officiant, before they pronounce you married. 


The perfect wedding reading helps put your feelings into words, sets the tone for your ceremony, and captures the depth of your love for each other. The beautiful readings below also emphasize the power of your faith and shine light on the importance of God’s love at the center of your marriage.


Many Christian wedding readings are taken from The Bible, and if wedding scriptures are what you’re looking for, we have those too: 



But if you’re looking for creative Christian readings for weddings that aren’t the usual Bible verses about marriage, consider the meaningful poems and excerpts below. They still mention faith or God, but with the beautiful, lyrical language of love poems!


These special readings are all in the public domain, which means that they can be safely shared online on your wedding website, or printed on invitations, announcements, or wedding favors. They’ve been enjoyed by couples and families like yours at religious weddings for many loving years. 


This selection of 12 readings are only a few of the thousands of wonderful works out there – use them as inspiration to help you find the perfect poet, the perfect hymn or poem, or to write your own thoughts on the meaning of love and marriage.


When to include a reading during a Christian wedding ceremony? 


Include these readings in your wedding ceremony script right before you exchange marriage vows or as a final blessing from the officiant, add them to your wedding invitations or save the dates, print them on wedding favors for your guests, or inscribe them on your wedding welcome board for guests to read as they enter. 



Wedding officiant performs ceremony for bride and groom outdoors under a beautiful flower wedding arch
Christian readings for weddings that are more than just Bible verses! The wedding poems and hymns below are timeless, lovely, and not too long. Add them to your ceremony script during the invocation, right before the exchange of vows or rings, or as part of a final blessing before the wedding pronouncement. (Photo: Delmaine Donson / iStock)



12 Unique Readings for a Christian Wedding (That Aren’t Bible Verses)


1. Excerpt from the poem “The Children of the Lord’s Supper” by Esaias Tegner (Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)


"Love is the root of creation; God's essence; worlds without number
Lie in his bosom like children; he made them for this purpose only.
Only to love and to be loved again, he breathed forth his spirit
Into the slumbering dust, and upright standing, it laid its
Hand on its heart, and felt it was warm with a flame out of heaven.
Quench, oh quench not that flame! It is the breath of your being.
Love is life..."


This excerpt from Esaias Tegner’s poem (translated by Longfellow) brings to mind beautiful images of marital love and trust, and the unending warmth of God’s protection and care. Add it to your ceremony script as a final blessing from the officiant, as part of the invocation and charge to the couple, or before the vow exchange. These words are a reminder that love is the deeper purpose of life, to give and receive love is to follow God’s example, and that marriage is a place of comfort – seek comfort and joy in each other’s love and God’s love as you walk through life together.




2. “Love” by Sir Walter Scott


"In peace, Love tunes the shepherd’s reed;
In war, he mounts the warrior’s steed;
In halls, in gay attire is seen;
In hamlets, dances on the green.
Love rules the court, the camp, the grove,
And men below and saints above;
For love is heaven, and heaven is love."


This poem written by Sir Walter Scott is an eloquent reminder that marriage may have its ups and downs, its ‘for better or for worse’ moments, but that love is up to the challenge! Love helps you make it through the difficult days, and adds depth and meaning to the joyful days. Add it to your officiant script as part of the wedding invocation, or as a final blessing right before the pronouncement of marriage. Let it serve as a reminder that love is at the center of your union, and at the center of your faith! 



Close up of a bride reading from a handwritten poem in a booklet on the wedding day

When choosing readings for Christian weddings, consider the tone and 'feel' of the ceremony. For example, is the wedding traditional or modern? Is it lighthearted or formal? Is it an interfaith ceremony, slightly religious, spiritual, or very devout? The answers to these questions will help you choose the best reading from this list for your ceremony!  (Photo: AscentXmedia / iStock)



3. Excerpt from "The Lay of the Last Minstrel," Canto 5, XIII, by Sir Walter Scott


"True love's the gift which God has given
To man alone beneath the heaven:
It is not fantasy's hot fire,
        Whose wishes, soon as granted, fly;
It liveth not in fierce desire,
        With dead desire it doth not die;
It is the secret sympathy,
The silver link, the silken tie,
Which heart to heart, and mind to mind
In body and in soul can bind."


More lovely lines of love from Sir Walter Scott! This short poem explores the lasting nature of true love, which doesn’t burn fast and fizzle out like infatuation or lust. Instead, true love is deeper than simple desire –  it’s a spiritual bond that’s gifted by God, joining two hearts, two minds, and two souls. Talk about soulmates! Include this poem in your wedding ceremony script as a reminder that your love is blessed by God and your marriage is built to last. 



4. “Love's Apotheosis” by Paul Laurence Dunbar


 "Love me. I care not what the circling years
        To me may do.
  If, but in spite of time and tears,
        You prove but true.

  Love me--albeit grief shall dim mine eyes,
        And tears bedew,
  I shall not e'en complain, for then my skies
        Shall still be blue.

  Love me, and though the winter snow shall pile,
        And leave me chill,
  Thy passion's warmth shall make for me, meanwhile,
        A sun-kissed hill.


And when the days have lengthened into years,
        And I grow old,
  Oh, spite of pains and griefs and cares and fears,
        Grow thou not cold.

  Then hand and hand we shall pass up the hill,
        I say not down;
  That twain go up, of love, who 've loved their fill,--
        To gain love's crown.

  Love me, and let my life take up thine own,
        As sun the dew.
  Come, sit, my queen, for in my heart a throne
        Awaits for you!"

This beautiful poem written by Paul Laurence Dunbar, one of the first African-American writers to become internationally known for his work, is the perfect ode to long term love – and all the changes that happen between two people over the years. Although you will face inevitable challenges and grow older, your love will never grow cold. Keep your love for each other close and celebrate each day’s simple blessings together!




5. Excerpt from the hymn “The Forgiving One” by Edward Denny


"Oh ! give us hearts to love like thee,
Like thee, Lord, to grieve

Far more for others' sins, than all

The wrongs that we receive.
One with thyself, may every eye

In us, thy brethren, see

That gentleness and grace that springs
Prom union, Lord, with thee."


This excerpt from a hymn written by Edward Denny shines with the spirit of forgiveness that is so essential to a lasting marriage. Add it to your wedding script as a final blessing from the officiant (right before the wedding pronouncement) or before the wedding vow exchange as a reminder to cultivate faith, forgiveness, gentleness, and grace in your marriage.



A minister oversees a wedding ceremony, the groom reads from a printed paper to the bride

Looking for a sweetly God-centered wedding reading? Christian authors and poets like those on this list are a great starting point; they often explored themes of love, faith, and marriage in their works, using beautiful lyrical language that resonates with readers from any generation. (Photo: jacoblund / iStock)



6. “Love,” written by an unknown author


“Love is not made of broken whispers ; no ! 
Nor of the blushing cheek, whose answering glow
Tells that the ear has heard the accents low. 
Love is not made of tears, nor yet of smiles. 
Of quivering lips, or of enticing wiles : 
Love is not tempted ; he himself beguiles.
This is Love's language, but this is not Love.
If we know aught of Love, how shall we dare 
To say that this is Love, when well aware 
That these are common things, and Love is rare? 
As separate streams may, blending, ever roll 
In course united, so, of soul to soul,
Love is the best union of the whole. 
As molten metals mingle ; as a chord
Swells in sweet harmony ; when Love is Lord,
Two hearts are one, as letters form a word. 
One heart, one mind, one soul, and one desire,
A kindred fancy, and a sister fire 
Of thought and passion ; these can Love inspire.
This makes a heaven of earth ; 
for this is Love.”


This poem has been reprinted in part and in full for a couple centuries (including an article in the Sydney Evening News from 1875). Although its author is unknown, its sentiment is timeless – that love is abundant, and like the word of God transcends the daily ups and downs of life to make earthly life a reflection of heaven’s joys. 



7. “There's a Wideness in God's Mercy” by Frederick William Faber


“There's a wideness in God's mercy
Like the wideness of the sea;
There's a kindness in His justice,
Which is more than liberty.


There is welcome for the sinner,
And more graces for the good;
There is mercy with the Saviour;
There is healing in His blood.


For the love of God is broader
Than the measure of man's mind,
And the heart of the Eternal
Is most wonderfully kind.


If our love were but more simple,
We should rest upon God’s word,
And our lives would be illumined
By the presence of our Lord."


Variation on the last verse: 


"If our love were but more simple,
We should take Him at His word;
And our lives would be all sunshine
In the sweetness of our Lord.”


This famous Christian hymn by Frederick William Faber is a reminder to be faithful, forgiving, kind, open-minded, and loving – perhaps the most important ingredients for a long and happy marriage! And it’s a reminder that a simple and broad love (a love that’s unconditional and freely given) can bring people closer together and closer to God. These are beautiful sentiments to carry with you into marriage and include in your wedding script. (Several variations of this hymn have been recorded; this is one of the most common versions.)



8. Excerpt from “A Birthday” by Christina Rossetti


“My heart is like a singing bird
Whose nest is in a water’d shoot;
My heart is like an apple-tree
Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;
My heart is like a rainbow shell
That paddles in a halcyon sea;
My heart is gladder than all these
Because my love is come to me.”


This excerpt from the very-devout Christina Rossetti conjures up the colorful abundance and overwhelming joy that comes with finally finding ‘your person’ – someone to build a life with and to love with all your heart. This excerpt (or the full poem) would work well in the wedding invocation, or as part of an officiant’s blessing during a handfasting ceremony. 




A close up of a wedding officiant reading during an outdoor wedding ceremony

Personalize your ceremony with a reading! Christian wedding ceremony scripts can be personalize with a special poem or hymn that highlights how you feel about marriage -- and the many happy years ahead! A reading can also remind you of important virtues to cultivate in marriage, such as forgiveness, compassion, gentleness, and understanding. Talk to your wedding officiant about adding a special reading to your ceremony. (Photo: madisonwi / iStock)



9. Excerpt from “On the Trinity” by Saint Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus) 


“Embrace the love of God, and by love embrace God. That is love itself, which associates together all good angels and all the servants of God by the bond of sanctity, and joins together us and them mutually with ourselves, and joins us subordinately to Himself. In proportion, therefore, as we are healed from the swelling of pride, in such proportion are we more filled with love; and with what is he full, who is full of love, except with God?”


This excerpt is from Book 8, Chapter 8 of The Fifteen Books by Saint Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus) and makes a beautiful short reading before an exchange of vows or rings. It says that the act of love is twofold – first, the embrace of God's love through faith, and second, to love others as a demonstration of God’s will and word. It says that through love you are bound to each other, to yourself, and to your faith, and that the less prideful you are the more room there will be in your heart for love. To be full of love is to be filled with God’s light! This is a powerful sentiment to bring with you into the start of your marriage.



10. “Sonnets from the Portuguese 43: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning


“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.”


This memorable poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning has been recited at weddings for a long time, and for good reason! Include these sweet lines in your own wedding ceremony as a reminder to love purely, passionately, and unendingly. 



11. Excerpt from “Mighty to Save" (The King of Glory Standeth) by Charitie Lees Smith 


"At times with sudden glory, 
  He speaks and all is done ; 
Without one stroke of battle 
  The victory is won. 
While we with joy beholding 
  Can scarce believe it true 
That e'en our Kingly Jesus 
  Can thus form hearts anew."


This is a verse from a popular hymn written by Charitie Lees Smith (Bancroft, Parkinson, DeCheney). The simple reading speaks to the way God can quiet the heart when it’s filled with anger or upset, as if ‘remaking’ the heart with His light and filling it with joy and glory. In marriage, there will be times when you argue and disagree, days or even months when you are uncertain, afraid, or unhappy. This reading is a reminder to turn toward God and faith in those times of doubt, and to find comfort and joy in Him and in each other. 



A bride holding a colorful wedding bouquet hugs the groom outside after the wedding

These Christian wedding poems can be added to a simple wedding script to make the ceremony special and personal to you! (Photo: A stockphoto / iStock)



12. Excerpt from “Paradise Lost: Book 4” by John Milton

“With thee conversing I forget all time,
All seasons and thir change, all please alike.
Sweet is the breath of morn, her rising sweet,
With charm of earliest Birds; pleasant the Sun
When first on this delightful Land he spreads
His orient Beams, on herb, tree, fruit, and flour,
Glistring with dew; fragrant the fertil earth
After soft showers; and sweet the coming on
Of grateful Eevning milde, then silent Night
With this her solemn Bird and this fair Moon,
And these the Gemms of Heav'n, her starrie train:
But neither breath of Morn when she ascends
With charm of earliest Birds, nor rising Sun
On this delightful land, nor herb, fruit, floure,
Glistring with dew, nor fragrance after showers,
Nor grateful Eevning mild, nor silent Night
With this her solemn Bird, nor walk by Moon,
Or glittering Starr-light without thee is sweet.”


This excerpt is a conversation between Adam and Eve taken from Paradise Lost by John Milton. In the excerpt, Eve tells Adam that she’s so in love with him that she loses track of time when they’re together, and that all of the beauties in the world – the sweetness of sunrise and the stars of heaven – can only truly be appreciated when they are together. Talk about romance! And a sweet reminder of the covenant that bound these two in the first marriage.


Keep in mind that this excerpt is written in very old-fashioned language. We know this might make it intimidating to read during a wedding ceremony, and it might not fit the tone of a modern wedding. To help you personalize your ceremony, we’ve also included a ‘plain language’ adaptation of the poem below. 


Here is a ‘plain language’ adaptation of the poem in modern language (paraphrased by us here at AMM): 


When we’re together I lose all track of time, 
And every season is filled with joy. 
When dawn breaks,
The breath of morning is sweet and filled with birdsong. 
The sunrise is pleasant, 
As sunlight spreads across the beauties of this land, 
Across grass and trees, glittering with dew, 
The fresh smell of earth after it rains. 
When evening comes, 
The air is mild and sweet. 
As night falls, the world is safe and silent, 
Birds sleep still and quiet under the light of the Moon, 
And stars fill the sky like the jeweled gown of Heaven. 
But all of this earthly beauty, 
The sweet breath of morning, sunrise, 
Even the mild evening and silent star-filled night, 
All this earthly beauty is only truly sweet, 
Because you are here with me to share it. 


Need a Christian Wedding Ceremony Script to use on the big day? 


Choose from over 20 Christian Wedding Ceremony Scripts in AMM's Script Library.



Ask a Loved One to Officiate Your Wedding Ceremony! 

Good things happen when friends and relatives help out at the wedding ceremony! Having a friend officiate your wedding or elopement is a great way to ensure the wedding day is as intimate and personal as it can be. When a loved one officiates, every moment means more! 

Ask a friend or family member to officiate your wedding with free online ordination through American Marriage Ministries (AMM). 


Why AMM? American Marriage Ministries is an inclusive nondenominational internet church that ordains and trains ministers to officiate marriage ceremonies. We are a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit church, and help people from all backgrounds and beliefs become ordained ministers for weddings. Our online ordination is free, accessible, and never expires.


Officiating weddings is an incredible honor, and a great way to show your love and support for the people getting married. As a wedding officiant, you will help to create memorable ceremonies and memories that last a lifetime.

AMM Ministers can legally officiate weddings in every state* (it's much harder in Virginia, where we're looking into our options). After getting ordained with AMM, you might need to register your ordination with your local county clerk’s office. Click the link above to get started! 



A bride reads her wedding vows to the groom in front of the wedding officiant during an outdoor wedding ceremony

Become an ordained minister online with American Marriage Ministries and officiate wedding for friends and relatives. (Photo cropped: Biserka Stojanovic / iStock)



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Jessica Levey
Jessica Levey

Lead Staff Writer & Illustrator

Jessica loves exploring the history and magic of ritual, the connections between people and places, and sharing true stories about love and commitment. She's an advocate for marriage equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and individuality, and is an ordained Minister with AMM. When she’s not writing or illustrating for AMM, she enjoys city hikes, fantasy novels, comics, and traveling.

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