Stay up to date with the latest wedding ceremony trends, script writing inspiration, tips and advice for first-time officiants, and news that matters to couples and wedding ministers.
Stay up to date with the latest wedding ceremony trends, script writing inspiration, tips and advice for first-time officiants, and news that matters to couples and wedding ministers.
Published Monday, Oct. 30th, 2023
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The Cord of Three Strands Ceremony is popular Christian wedding ritual that symbolizes a couple's promise to keep their faith and love of God at the center of their marriage. During the ritual, the couple braids three strands into a single cord to represent God, the groom, and the bride being joined as one. Traditionally, a cord of three strands ceremony is performed with one purple, one gold, and one white cord, but you can use any colors you wish as long as your intention is the same. This meaningful ritual is also called a 'God's Knot' ceremony, ‘Unity Braid,’ and ‘Marriage Braid.'
Related: Browse Christian Wedding Ceremony Scripts in Our Library
This ceremony is inspired by the Bible quote, "And if someone overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken," which means that there is strength in unity, and a union with God is strongest of all. When three strands are woven together, symbolizing a husband, a wife, and God, this creates a very strong bond: two is stronger than one, and three (bringing God into the union) is best of all.
The Cord of Three Strands ceremony usually comes after the exchange of vows and wedding rings. To begin the ritual, your wedding officiant will talk about religious meaning of the ceremony and say a few words about its personal importance to you as a couple. They'll let you know when it's time to start the braid, and they might read scripture from the Bible as you work together to perform the ritual.
You and your partner will work together to braid three strands into a single cord (the Cord of Three Strands): one partner will hold a small metal ring or board with three attached strands; the second partner will braid the strands together, symbolising the union of God and the couple marrying. You can also take turns braiding if you prefer.
After the braid has been made, the wedding officiant might guide you and your wedding guests in a short prayer, before making the official pronouncement of marriage.
Below we’ve included a sample ceremony script for wedding officiants to use. You can use this example as-is, or modify it to suit your preferences.
Ritual Symbolism & Meaning: Christian marriage ritual representing the union of God, groom, and wife in the sacred covenant of marriage.
Purple Cord: Symbolizes God, God’s love and guidance, and God’s place at the center of the marriage.
Gold Cord: Symbolizes the Groom; his faith, love, and life
White Cord: Symbolizes the Bride; her faith, love, and life
(Note: Any colors of cord can be used in this ritual. Purple, gold, and white are common choices, but many couples choose three white cords, or other colors to match their wedding's theme or attire. Some cords may be brightly colored, and some Christian LGBTQ+ couples may choose to use multi-colored cords symbolizing unity.)
When to include the Cord of Three Strands: This unity ceremony comes after the vows and ring exchange.
Examples of different ways to arrange and display your braided cords during your wedding:
Photos & examples above are produced by Etsy sellers (left to right): Cades and Birch; Unity Braids; and Bee and Bunny Designs
Sample Wedding Officiant Script
See the full length wedding ceremony script here:
Note: This script can be easily modified for same-gender and same-sex Christian couples, such as two wives or two husbands joining together in marriage. Add your favorite piece of scripture, include music or choral singing, or change any of the wording below to make this ceremony your own!
The marriage braid ceremony follows the couple’s exchange of wedding vows and rings. Read more about the Order of a Wedding Ceremony here.
__________ and __________ will now perform the Cord of Three Strands Ceremony, symbolizing the joining of man, woman, and God in lasting marriage.
Why three strands? As Ecclesiastes tells us, two are stronger than one, made stronger still by Christ’s love:
“Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up. Also, if two lie down together, they can keep warm; but how can one person alone keep warm? And if someone overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.”
(The couple begins to tie the braid)
__________ and __________, you’ve made your vows and promises to each other. As you bind these strands, remember to lift each other up, support each other, and keep God at the center of your marriage. Let His Love be the example that unites you each day, as you learn to be good and true with each other.
Ephesians 4:1-3 asks of us, “I urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
This braid symbolizes that bond. Your love is stronger when you love God first. Keep this cord in your home to remind you of the foundation God brings to your lives, first as individuals, and now united as husband and wife.
“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ,” as the Bible commands. _________, love _________ just as Christ loved the church. Ephesians tells us that Christ gave himself up for her, for the Church, to make her holy. Give yourself up to _________ and your marriage fully, honor her, and honor this covenant. And _________, love _________ with a gentle heart. Let him lead your family well as he strives to walk closely with Christ.
Now, let’s all take a moment to pray, in celebration of the joy and love that God has put into these two hearts, and for the happy life that lies ahead of them.
(Quiet moment of prayer)
The marriage ceremony continues with a final blessing from the wedding officiant, followed by The Pronouncement.
Simple Christian wedding ceremony script with an original feet washing unity ceremony and Bible reading from John 13. Read the full script here.
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