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Most Recent AMM Articles

Montana lawmakers might abolish common law marriage in 2023

667 DAYS AGO | 4.11.2023

Montana lawmakers might abolish common law marriage in 2023

Learn about Senate Bill 488, which would end recognition of common law marriage in Montana if signed into law. The measure was passed by the state Senate in ...

The Anonymous Officiant: “In Sickness… And In Health”

668 DAYS AGO | 4.10.2023

The Anonymous Officiant: “In Sickness… And In Health”

The Anonymous Officiant #4 : This couple put their vows to love each other 'in sickness and in health' to the test before the wedding ceremony was even over!...

Un hombre oficia una ceremonia de boda en un tren de Amtrak mientras los invitados miran.

670 DAYS AGO | 4.8.2023

10 Lugares Únicos e Inusuales para Casarse en EE.UU.

¿Está buscando un lugar único para celebrar su boda? Déjese inspirar por esta lista de 10 lugares inusuales y únicos para casarse, que incluye bodas en un ce...

Can a Wedding Officiant Also be a Witness on a Marriage License?

671 DAYS AGO | 4.7.2023

Can a Wedding Officiant Also be a Witness on a Marriage License?

Do you need a witness to get married and what happens if you forget to bring one? Can a wedding officiant sign the marriage license as a witness? We answer t...

SC Lawmaker introduces bill that ‘ignores’ same-sex marriage, adds gendered language to marriage licenses

672 DAYS AGO | 4.6.2023

SC Lawmaker introduces bill that ‘ignores’ same-sex marriage, adds gendered l...

Learn about legislation introduced in South Carolina that would add the gendered terms 'bride' and 'groom' to the state's 'license and certificate of marriag...

West Virginia Updates Age Requirements to Marry, Bans Marriage for Children Under 16

672 DAYS AGO | 4.6.2023

West Virginia Updates Age Requirements to Marry, Bans Marriage for Children U...

Learn about the recent changes to West Virginia's minimum age requirements for marriage, effective June 2023. Children under the age of 16 years old are no l...

New script! Universal Love, Life, and Light Wedding Ceremony Script

673 DAYS AGO | 4.5.2023

New script! Universal Love, Life, and Light Wedding Ceremony Script

New wedding ceremony script! This powerful marriage ceremony celebrates the absolute abundance of love, and the universal love, universal light, and universa...

Drag Queens Belong at Weddings! Protect LGBTQ+ Ministers & Wedding Performers

674 DAYS AGO | 4.4.2023

Drag Queens Belong at Weddings! Protect LGBTQ+ Ministers & Wedding Performers

Proposed drag bans like the one in Tennessee impact LGBTQ+ weddings, ministers and wedding officiants, and the entire queer community. Drag performers belong...

Asked to Officiate a Secret Wedding? Keep These 3 Things in Mind…

675 DAYS AGO | 4.3.2023

Asked to Officiate a Secret Wedding? Keep These 3 Things in Mind…

Three tips for wedding officiants asked to officiate a secret wedding or elopement ceremony, including confirming your couple's identity and the details on t...

Asked to Officiate a Wedding?

Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.

More Recent Articles

Amigos y familiares observan cómo los novios se declaran casados ​​durante una hermosa ceremonia de boda al aire libre. A los recién casados ​​​​se une un oficiante de bodas, detrás de ellos hay un arco nupcial decorativo y árboles del bosque.

678 DAYS AGO | 3.31.2023

¿Quién oficia una boda si no va a un Juzgado o a una Iglesia?

¿Va a casarse, pero no está seguro de quién puede oficiar su boda si no es en el juzgado o en una Iglesia? ¿Quién oficia una boda si es en casa, en un parque...

How to Get Ordained Online & Officiate a Friend’s Wedding Ceremony

679 DAYS AGO | 3.30.2023

How to Get Ordained Online & Officiate a Friend’s Wedding Ceremony

Asked to officiate a friend's wedding ceremony? Learn how to get ordained online and officiate a wedding for friends or relatives, including ordination, mini...

Honoring Clela Rorex: Gay Rights Hero Issued First Same-Sex Marriage Licenses in Colorado

680 DAYS AGO | 3.29.2023

Honoring Clela Rorex: Gay Rights Hero Issued First Same-Sex Marriage Licenses...

Learn about Clela Rorex, the Boulder County Clerk who became a hero to the LGBTQ+ community and their allies when she issued a marriage license to a gay coup...

Are Marriage Licenses Public Records? (And Where Can You Marry in Secret?)

681 DAYS AGO | 3.28.2023

Are Marriage Licenses Public Records? (And Where Can You Marry in Secret?)

Learn how marriage licenses become public records in the city or county where you marry, why some couples want a private wedding, and how to keep your marria...

The Anonymous Officiant: Substitute Mom for the Wedding Day

682 DAYS AGO | 3.27.2023

The Anonymous Officiant: Substitute Mom for the Wedding Day

The Anonymous Officiant #3 : This groom started to cry moment's before the wedding ceremony because he missed his mother, but a sweet gesture by a quick thin...

Marketing Your Wedding Officiant Business With an Online Portfolio: Highlights from AMM Talks

685 DAYS AGO | 3.24.2023

Marketing Your Wedding Officiant Business With an Online Portfolio: Highlight...

Learn the value of a great online portfolio and digital presence when marketing your wedding officiant business! These 6 business and marketing tips from Off...

The Average Age of Marriage in the U.S. Just Went Down for the First Time in Years… Can You Guess Why?

686 DAYS AGO | 3.23.2023

The Average Age of Marriage in the U.S. Just Went Down for the First Time in ...

Is the average age of marriage in the U.S. going up or down? Learn about recent trends that affect how old most men and women are when they get married, and ...

Wedding regrets: Should a wedding officiant return the marriage license if the couple changes their mind after the ceremony?

687 DAYS AGO | 3.22.2023

Wedding regrets: Should a wedding officiant return the marriage license if th...

The ultimate wedding regret! Learn what to do if a couple changes their minds about being married after the wedding ceremony, and what your legal responsibil...

Were You Told You Can’t Officiate a Wedding in North Carolina Because You Were Ordained Online? Read This!

688 DAYS AGO | 3.21.2023

Were You Told You Can’t Officiate a Wedding in North Carolina Because You Wer...

Have you been told by a clerk or registrar that you can’t officiate a North Carolina wedding because you were ordained online? We want to hear from you! Here...


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