9 "Eco Friendly Weddings" Category Articles

These compostable wedding rings gave us a fun ceremony idea…

838 DAYS AGO | 9.28.2022

These compostable wedding rings gave us a fun ceremony idea…

We love eco-friendly weddings and vow renewal ceremonies! So naturally, we were inspired by news of a unique line of compostable rings created by environment...

Bride and groom pose with friends and family during an outdoor ceremony with trees and sunshine. An eco friendly wedding!

998 DAYS AGO | 4.21.2022

7 Eco Friendly Wedding Ideas Inspired by Earth Day

Get married in an environmentally friendly wedding ceremony! Show your love for each other and the planet to combat climate change with these 5 eco consciou...

Trees, a magical forest view to inspire a wedding

1354 DAYS AGO | 4.30.2021

How to Add a Tree Planting Ceremony to Your Wedding

Celebrate your bond with a tree planting ceremony! This unique unity ritual can be adapted to any theme or location, even indoor ceremonies, by using housepl...

AMM is Carbon Neutral and Proud

1362 DAYS AGO | 4.22.2021

AMM is Carbon Neutral and Proud

American Marriage Ministries remains carbon neutral as we head into a new year of weddings and opportunity. Protecting our environment is essential, and clim...

Illustration of a wedding officiant performing a wedding ceremony, reading from an open book with the officiant script inside. Behind her is an illustrated design of flowers on a green background representing nature

1362 DAYS AGO | 4.22.2021

Eco-Friendly Wedding Officiants -- How to Keep Weddings Green From Behind the...

Eco-friendly weddings aren’t just for Earth Day! Wedding officiants can help keep ceremonies green every day, with these behind the scenes business and cerem...

Plan and Officiate a Spring Equinox Wedding with Community Flower Ceremony

1410 DAYS AGO | 3.5.2021

Plan and Officiate a Spring Equinox Wedding with Community Flower Ceremony

Love is in the air! Celebrate with a Spring Equinox wedding that’s brimming with colorful flowers and loving friends.

Asked to Officiate a Wedding?

Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.

More Eco Friendly Weddings Articles

Why You Should Elope (an Illustrated Guide)

1601 DAYS AGO | 8.26.2020

Why You Should Elope (an Illustrated Guide)

Looking for reasons to elope? These eloping ideas will inspire you! Plan a fun, eco friendly alternative to a traditional wedding. An illustrated elopement g...

Why being carbon-neutral is still a priority for American Marriage Ministries in 2020

1644 DAYS AGO | 7.14.2020

Why being carbon-neutral is still a priority for American Marriage Ministries...

American Marriage Ministries continues its carbon free pledge and partnership with because climate change remains a critical challenge that we...

Bride holds a flower bouquet up playfully, covering her face from the camera, while the groom turns to look at her and smile. They are standing outdoors in their wedding clothes in front of some trees, perhaps in a park

2110 DAYS AGO | 4.5.2019

Attn Couples: Have You Considered an Eco-Friendly Wedding?

Having an eco-friendly wedding is easier than you think. We've got tips that will make it easy to have a carbon neutral wedding.


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