4 "Amm In The News" Category Articles

Newly ordained AMM Ministers pose with ceremonial certificates at the in person ordination event by American Marriage Ministries in Nashville TN

1661 DAYS AGO | 6.25.2020

AMM’s In-person Ordination Tour in Tennessee: A Look Back – and Forward

We reflect on the powerful experience of going to Tennessee one year ago to offer ministers in-person ordination ahead of the state's anti-online ordination ...

Screenshot from a news broadcast showing AMM Minister and wedding officiant Sean Kelly marrying his dad Harold and new step mom Lorrie in an outdoor socially distanced wedding while his grandma watches from inside

1722 DAYS AGO | 4.25.2020

Online ordained minister performs heartwarming socially distant wedding cerem...

Online ordained minister performs a socially distant wedding ceremony at nursing home during the Coronavirus pandemic

A black and white photo shows Pope Leo XII smiling at the camera in his clergy robes

1822 DAYS AGO | 1.16.2020

A Catholic Ordination Controversy Underscores the Importance of Online Ordina...

A controversy over Catholic ordinations shows why online ordination available to all is so important in order to guarantee marriage equality.

AMM in the News: A “Licensed to Wed!” helps a couple create an inspired family-centric destination wedding in Florida

2131 DAYS AGO | 3.13.2019

AMM in the News: A “Licensed to Wed!” helps a couple create an inspired famil...

American Marriage Ministries was features in the Cascade Pioneer in an article about online ordination and destination weddings.


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Become a Wedding Officiant with Our Free Online Ordination!