Articles by Lewis King
Check out these 119 articles written by Lewis King, at American Marriage Ministries. The AMM Blog Covers wedding trends for officiants, and more!
Check out these 119 articles written by Lewis King, at American Marriage Ministries. The AMM Blog Covers wedding trends for officiants, and more!
Check out these 119 articles written by Lewis King, at American Marriage Ministries. The AMM Blog Covers wedding trends for officiants, and more!
1799 DAYS AGO | 3.10.2020
If someone has asked you to officiate their wedding, it's because they recognize your ability to help them tell their story and create a memorable experience.
1812 DAYS AGO | 2.26.2020
AMM's list of Officiant Do's and Don'ts for first time wedding officiants, and what to pack in your Officiant Wedding Emergency Kit before you head to your f...
1813 DAYS AGO | 2.25.2020
If you are planning to have your wedding in a cemetery, these tips will help you create an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life (and d...
1825 DAYS AGO | 2.13.2020
Without the ceremony, your wedding is just an expensive party. Learn how to start you wedding celebration right by creating a powerful ceremony.
1826 DAYS AGO | 2.12.2020
What does it mean to get certified to marry someone. Learn about state requirements to perform marriage, and what you need to do.
1832 DAYS AGO | 2.6.2020
Ordination or Government Minister License, learn the difference and what steps do you need to take to legally officiate weddings in your state.
1832 DAYS AGO | 2.6.2020
Tennessee Republicans are once again attacking marriage equality, this time arguing that same-sex marriage is "indecent" and unconstitutional.
1834 DAYS AGO | 2.4.2020
Wondering where to start your search for a wedding officiant? From Google to Friends and Family, finding the right match requires an understanding of the cer...
1841 DAYS AGO | 1.28.2020
You may already know the perfect wedding officiant without realizing it! Learn how to find a wedding officiant & tips for choosing the best person to officiate
1853 DAYS AGO | 1.16.2020
A controversy over Catholic ordinations shows why online ordination available to all is so important in order to guarantee marriage equality.
1863 DAYS AGO | 1.6.2020
How do you get ordained online? Find out how millions of Americans are gaining legal status as "ministers" to officiate weddings.
1863 DAYS AGO | 1.6.2020
Discover where to get ordained online! Learn where and how to get ordained online with ease. Explore popular places and find the best option for you, based o...
Become a Wedding Officiant with Our Free Online Ordination!