Check out these 6 articles tagged with Washington Dc. The American Weddings Blog is your source for officiant tips, ceremony planning, and more.
400 DAYS AGO | 2.7.2024
Attention Wedding Officiants in the DMV: Meet the speakers for our March 13th, 2024 officiant training and networking seminar! This fun one-day event feature...
504 DAYS AGO | 10.26.2023
¿Puede usted todavía obtener una licencia de matrimonio durante un cierre del gobierno? ¿Pueden los ministros de AMM oficiar una ceremonia de boda durante un...
505 DAYS AGO | 10.25.2023
Learn how much it costs to become an ordained minister online in Washington D.C., whether you’ll pay more for minister registration to officiate a wedding, a...
513 DAYS AGO | 10.17.2023
Can you still get a marriage license during a government shutdown? Can AMM Ministers still officiate a wedding ceremony during a federal shutdown? We cover e...
527 DAYS AGO | 10.3.2023
American Marriage Ministries (AMM) interviews the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) about upcoming legislation to establish marriage equal...
1408 DAYS AGO | 5.5.2021
A new executive order in DC bans dancing at indoor and outdoor wedding receptions, while raising capacity and loosening other COVID-19 related restrictions a...
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