Check out these 9 articles tagged with Technology. The American Weddings Blog is your source for officiant tips, ceremony planning, and more.
1659 DAYS AGO | 6.29.2020
COVID-19 is pushing more and more religious functions online, such as the Jewish Universalist Online Synagogue, which ordained 162 Rabbis and Cantors over t...
1698 DAYS AGO | 5.21.2020
The pros and cons of having a virtual wedding ceremony
1708 DAYS AGO | 5.11.2020
Some states are now allowing couples to get married online. California, New York, Illinois and other states have passed emergency measurers allowing couples ...
1720 DAYS AGO | 4.29.2020
What virtual wedding ceremonies are and why it's important to understand how they pertain to marriage laws during the Coronavirus pandemic
1729 DAYS AGO | 4.20.2020
Step-by-step action plan for couples who want to get married during government shutdowns amidst the Coronavirus pandemic
1749 DAYS AGO | 3.31.2020
Experts explain why most online (Skype, Zoom, FaceTime) coronavirus wedding ceremonies won’t be considered legal by the courts
Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.
1760 DAYS AGO | 3.20.2020
Officiants ask if they can perform a virtual wedding ceremony via Skype due to Coronavirus wedding cancellations and postponements - and we answer why, typic...
1818 DAYS AGO | 1.22.2020
New Jersey’s marriage by proxy laws will now authorize persons serving overseas in military to be married or enter into civil union by video conference or ot...
2135 DAYS AGO | 3.11.2019
What kind of microphone should you use for your wedding ceremony? That all depends on the kind of event, how many guests, and what sort of space you choose.
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