4 "Professional Wedding Officiant" Category Articles

Close up view of a man and woman placing their hands on a Holy Bible during a wedding ceremony. The Bible and the table top are white.

1420 DAYS AGO | 3.30.2021

An Officiant’s Guide to Covenant Marriages

Covenant marriage is a legally distinct type of marriage that wedding officiants should know about. Read our advice on performing a covenant marriage ceremon...

Covid Testing Before Your Wedding -- What’s the Best Strategy to Avoid Last Minute Cancellations?

1454 DAYS AGO | 2.24.2021

Covid Testing Before Your Wedding -- What’s the Best Strategy to Avoid Last M...

Wondering when or if you should get a COVID test before your wedding? See what state officials, wedding professionals, and other experts have to say.

How ‘Covid Safety Coordinators’ can help save a struggling wedding industry

1455 DAYS AGO | 2.23.2021

How ‘Covid Safety Coordinators’ can help save a struggling wedding industry

Wedding restrictions loosen in Rhode Island after wedding professionals create a new role: the Covid Safety Officer, Coordinator, or Specialist. By working w...

A New Take on Wedding Expos -- Go Small or Go Virtual?

1461 DAYS AGO | 2.17.2021

A New Take on Wedding Expos -- Go Small or Go Virtual?

Want to attend a wedding fashion show from your living room? Now you can! Wedding expos and shows get small and go virtual, with more options to choose from ...


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