Check out these 9 articles tagged with Preparation. The American Weddings Blog is your source for officiant tips, ceremony planning, and more.
1569 DAYS AGO | 9.29.2020
There are several ways officiants can prepare for fall & winter indoor weddings during the pandemic to make seasonal ceremonies safe, fun, and memorable.
1668 DAYS AGO | 6.22.2020
Just got ordained? Fear not! Here are some popular and frequently asked questions from first time wedding officiants
1765 DAYS AGO | 3.17.2020
How to help yourself and others in the role of wedding officiant in the midst of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis
1785 DAYS AGO | 2.26.2020
AMM's list of Officiant Do's and Don'ts for first time wedding officiants, and what to pack in your Officiant Wedding Emergency Kit before you head to your f...
1797 DAYS AGO | 2.14.2020
American Marriage Ministries' glossary of frequently used terms that every ordained minister needs to know
1818 DAYS AGO | 1.24.2020
From writing, traveling, handling logistics and important documents, and meeting with the couple, wedding officiants go above and beyond to create the perfec...
Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.
2179 DAYS AGO | 1.28.2019
The best way to decide who will write your wedding ceremony is to meet early and talk about what kind of feeling and vibe you want to create.
2193 DAYS AGO | 1.14.2019
These simple steps will help you perform a wedding ceremony with confidence, try this three minute practice to overcome your fear of public speaking.
2196 DAYS AGO | 1.11.2019
Before getting married, couples and their officiant need to follow these steps in order to get their marriage license.
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